Desperate, or what! Indeed killing defenseless civilians, including women and children, can be demoralizing. Except for evil Putin, that is. Freezing millions to death in Ukraine, and Putin serenaded by symphonies in Kremlin. Pathetic .
No such thing as glass that is sound proof. Multi-pane glass and perhaps thicker glass can dampen sound. Much depends on loudness out outside sound. Solid baffles can absorb sound significantly, glass cannot.
NOW they do inspections. Surely someone knew such wiring had deteriorated over the past dozen years. Such poor safety in electrical in Thailand. They need to pursue Electrical 4.0, not other unnecessary military <deleted>.
Asserting your own status? How is that done exactly? And what status is that? Retiree? Husband of Thai wife? Or do you go with "Do you know who I am back in my home country?"
63 thousand projects? Ya right. Over the next 50 years perhaps. This whopper tops anything from Donald Trump and it takes a big one to top good old Trumpy. 555!
Yes, it does not arouse you. Sure, we believe you. As much as we believe this fantasy story of yours. Seek out a psychiatrist my need help.
Idiot. Sure! Give a stranger your iPhone and leave them alone with it. And make sure your mobile banking App has auto-passwords so anyone using your phone can access your bank accounts automatically. Double Idiot.
Any idiot who thought this guy was a finance wizard and crypto genius is retarded and deserve to lose their money. What is his credentials? Nada. The jerk didn't have a CFO....utter incompetence! He deserves jail time for malfeasance and defrauding investors.