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Everything posted by Jerno

  1. Police: what to do, what to do? Hmmm....charge driver with interrupting noodle meal? Excessive noise from the crash? (Pass us the brown envelope and we'll call it a day.)
  2. Criminals will cause trouble. (Duh!) Damage to society. Who talks this simplistically other than 8 year olds. Sheesh!
  3. Flip flop, flippity flopflop. What else is new?
  4. Unbelievable. Provoked into murdering an unarmed man, because of an argument. What's wrong with these retards that can't refrain from violence.
  5. Yes, we should have the right to choose. Religions, politicians, or "Society" should not dictate one's personal situation and choice. Far too many people getting involved in other people's private businesses. Dr. assisted departure makes it safer and better than suicide.
  6. Why not try Western style traffic law enforcement.
  7. Buy a tripod? Useful each year.
  8. Somebody taught the boy to use the gun. How wise was the adult who did that? What possible benefit to either boy or the adult in such teaching? Utter stupidity all around
  9. Don't forget the Thai Central Bank. They likely are buying Baht selling foreign reserves to increase demand for Baht, thus driving up the "price" of Baht on world financial markets.
  10. RIP. But really....running away on the tracks from a train instead of simply stepping aside? Stupidity causing your own death. Sad but stupid.
  11. Wonder if he's still sick of winning too much. Ha ha!
  12. What fine print issue? You buy Insurance and should read and understand the Coverage and exclusions. Basic and straightforward due diligence by the purchaser. Obviously the guy did not do this.
  13. Very interested what the parents of the boy will say. How the H does a 6 year old take a gun from home to school and knows how to shoot it.
  14. Lock doors after friends leave? Duh.
  15. No driver. No ones at fault. Blame the brakes failing by themselves. And how does a truck slide down a hill, as opposed to simply rolling down?
  16. They're saying anything to appease potential Chinese tourists.
  17. Thailand was one of the last countries in the world to abandon masks and forced isolation (even for zero symptom Positives), and now they are invincible to Covid when it's rampant in China? Flop flop Flip flop as usual. Sheesh!
  18. No, new lithium batteries are expensive, so to keep price down...no battery! Very poor business practice, but not surprised TIT.
  19. Convenient that the director is now dead, unable to defend the Producers or Paramount.
  20. Yes it seems. But they need to be careful that they don't get onto the USA currency manipulation watch list (again).
  21. Brown envelopes. That's why.
  22. Cosmetic fluff. Won't change a damn thing.
  23. Brake no work. No my fault. Farang fault for being here at same time me. Have only 4 drink, no ploblem.
  24. Immature, self-important men who want public attention. Have nothing to offer society that would legitimately to boost their self esteem, so they do whatever to get attention. Sad.
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