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Everything posted by kennw

  1. Yes, as you note "joke of the week", "a fully functioning democracy" that got there by totally un-democratic means. Cheers to the Iceland guy who called one of the offenders out.
  2. By law the taxis are supposed to use the meter.
  3. NO, the taxi driver agreed, he said OK. And well done to the poster there should be more of this. The authorities dont act and what a terrible impact these taxi drivers on the other good people of Thailand.
  4. Similar situation I forget to do the 90 day for about 10 days late. Went to CW reported in, 2hr wait then Baht 2000 fine and stamp in my PP. All fine and dandy then, after all what is the 90 day all about? $$$$$$$$$
  5. How can they tax savings because tax would have been previously paid when the savings were earned?
  6. Correct, its actually illegal to on-sell electricity which is what apartments do. Their rate is the MEA/PEA rate about 4.7 b/kWh then they bill tennant at 9 to 10 B/kWh. Hand written receipts, so the difference is undisclosed income so no tax payable. A practice MFP should take on as one of their policies to stop. Its usually the lower income people that have to rent apartments.
  7. Should quote to the family the Indian system where the girls family pays the groom to be. Maybe can break even. 555555
  8. Got nothing to do with a person using his influence and $$$$$$$ to avoid hi conviction terms. JAIL
  9. Am I wrong but it appears that the motor bike ran the red light (see in the back ground) and head injury ? was she wearing a crash helmet? Tragic
  10. So will the police be doing the investigation, the story they come up with should be interesting.
  11. Another intersection Sukhumvit and Na Na is an accident waiting to happen because the vehicle Red/ Green lights are often out of sequence with the pedestrian crossing walk/dont walk signs. Appears that police in the police box at the intersection override the safe sequence.
  12. Maybe he knew he was dead man walking
  13. Please someone tell him that there is already a bridge connecting Nong Khai to Vientiene its called the Friendship bridge.
  14. Throwing good beer away , they deserve to be whipped.
  15. Obviously pushed by China that desperately wants to connect its Hi Speed link through Laos to the Thai system and ports
  16. A 20MW station thats just a toy, and knowing Thailand's maintenance records and attention to detail and safety a very bad move
  17. Forget the overload distraction, what if the vehicle truck or pick up was transporting dope, much higher value and better able to afford the ticket
  18. My calc suggests .08% at 20,000km/yr
  19. Yes currently only 16% of electricity in Thailand produced from re-newable sources so EV's will just increase the use of oil gas.
  20. Then why repeat folly, try something new.
  21. You mean just like the setting price for lottery tickets at B80, we all know how well that is going. TIT
  22. Most of the taxis are not owned by the drivers they just rent by the day. Let the real owners meet the cost, they reap the profit.
  23. "Shut up Mike I'm the only one allowed to spread lies" "I won" 5555555
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