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Everything posted by kennw

  1. Do you take brown envelopes? Yes. OK you are in.
  2. Save your money. All the money grab hospitals will do is put you thru a series of expensive tests and then tell you its the inner ear and nothing they can do, (except go and spend your money)
  3. 5555 How many times has he said he has washed his hands completely. The man cant lie straight in bed.
  4. Looks like half a bottle of Singh to me.
  5. Great! now just follow thru with the jail term of the crim that has just returned, lets see you walk the walk, OH maybe thats not a good choice of words in the case in question. 55555
  6. But even so 80% of road deaths in Thailand are motor cyclists. Compare this with the stats from other countries where motor cyclists do mostly obey the road laws. I notice the comment above "for those who ride well" "for "those who obey the road laws" would be more meaningful.
  7. 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555
  8. No. Not just you.
  9. No respect for law and order has it's consequences, even for those who say they dont care.
  10. Insurance rates on EVs is higher because even the slightest damage to the battery module means replacement.
  11. Does this mean all will be covered under warranty or are they looking for a way out?
  12. What a lot of crap some people are going on with. The car was stationary. It was being charged at Level 3 station. what charge rate did he select?. Problem is Lithium battery, need to follow correct procedure. Just as you need to do when filling an ICE car.
  13. Probably wont need to extend his visa then.
  14. Yes you are dead right but what great fun it was.
  15. Yes you are in the minority, but for those who are not just do the calcs at 0.2kWh/km. You will find it is cheaper than for ICE. Diesel at 32B/l & 16km/l = 2B/km Petrol about 3.9 B/km
  16. I love the MG badge you post, just pi...ed off that the Chinese put it on their cars mine was on a MG "B"
  17. I think B300 a bit light, normal battery power use is 0.2kWh/km (Tessler) so do the calcs based on your power cost B/kWh. And no, I am not anti EV's but against the adds that claim "green" credentials for Thailand when only 16% of power here is from renewable sources. Those who charge from own solar are good but in the minority.
  18. Same as BMW.. Pull twice, safety measure.
  19. So solar panels, battery storage, $$$ but cheaper running cost?
  20. So then you would have a Level 2 charging facility, slower but much safer. But maybe the superior driving experience you mention means you stop more often for coffee or just do less stressful short trips
  21. If it was Level 3 charging station the minimum power supply required is three phase 450V. The station rectifies the AC input and supplies DC to the car. Level 2 stations home use, personal charging etc, use 240 V and is rectified to DC in car.
  22. It depend on how "smart" the charging station/car is. Level 3 stations should always be outside. They have the potential for DC rapid charge. (eg Tessler). Some cars though cannot accept high charging rates. The car fire in question, red plate, seems maybe the new owner did not read the manual (maybe it was in Chinese) 555
  23. If you buy an EV just to save running cost OK, if because you support environment issues in Thailand then forget it, only 16% of electricity here is from renewable sources, so EV's contribute to increased power demand and thus fossil fuel demand.
  24. Looks like a Level 3 charging station, the new owner maybe did not know the charging rate the vehicle could accept. Some EVs have in car setting also on the charging station. My guess the owner set the fastest (highest kW setting) thus shortest charging time, this along with the low (10%) battery level maybe exceeded the safe charging rate. To avoid battery problems car makers recommend recharge when down to 20% and the up to 80% thus effective 60% of "rated" battery capacity. I will stick with my Diesel car for a few more years, 1000km plus range.
  25. Short supply here in MB riders
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