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Posts posted by kennw

  1. Why does the govt not seem to recognize the time bomb we are sitting on. The delta version is so much more transmissible. According to latest reports from Sydney Australia a 1 second contact is all it takes with this variant. Australia has very strict country entry and exit rules, the latest outbreak apparently caused by an airport transfer driver ferrying an aircrew then passing on the delta version. And here they are proposing to open up to tourists at a time when few here a vaccinated and those that are, with a vaccine with low performance against latest covid versions. Expect to see even more deadly versions to appear before our slow vaccine rollout is able to jab the majority of the population.    

    • Like 1
  2. 13 hours ago, The Cipher said:


    I agree with this. Expecting embassies to provide vaccinations is dumb, but vaccine distribution locally should be nationality-agnostic and based on need.


    The most vulnerable should be prioritized with the rollout moving down the chain of vulnerability until the population is vaccinated.

    Agree, it is the racial discrimination that we object to. 

    • Like 2
  3. 10 hours ago, poskat said:

    ah, the zero tolerance to covid cases wall begins to crack


    about time that the government realizes that they need to learn how to live with covid and that lockdowns/business closures wont cut it

    Sorry mate many people DONT live with covid, 50 today. I would be more understanding if the OPEN policy were coming from a government that was prepared to be the last in the vaccination queue. But no! they are already fully vaccinated so who are they talking about when they say some risks have to be taken?   

    • Like 2
  4. On 6/17/2021 at 3:11 PM, worgeordie said:

    I have a friend , whose wife was just popping out to 7-11 down the road, thought she did not need to wear a helmet as was only 5 mins away, and fate struck, well a pick up truck, she

    had head injuries ,and 2 years later she is still been taken care of in a care home, which is costing my friend a lot of money every month, so you should always wear a helmet, EVEN if you are just popping out around the corner,


    regards worgeordie 

    Would like to support your post, I know of a lady mid 20's still single, just going to the market, short trip no helmet, dog ran in front of her motorbike, she fell on her face and severed facial nerves, now has severely, permanently distorted face on left hand side. Ladies if you read this think about it. 

    • Confused 1
  5. 9 hours ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

    I was shocked to see how OZ NZ managed the pandemic...they simply locked the countries...not so democratic at all...

    Take your pick mate huge numbers of covid and deaths or some short term dicipline and get paid by the govt to stay home. And if you are from USA please dont preach  democracy at the same time voting rights are being denied. 

  6. 13 hours ago, doctormann said:

    It's all a bit illogical, especially as extending for marriage from an O-A does not require the insurance.  For those of us who got our original O-A years ago - 2004 in my case - the insurance for retirement extensions has, effectively, been applied retroactively.  Very unfair in my view but their rules so we have to comply as best we can.

    I agree with your point but unfortunately your argument that it has been applied retroactively is not correct because the extension is a yearly extension. IE it is not a "look back"

    Those who drafted the law have been careful to avoid any legality to retroactivity. That means any thing related to the extension renewal can be changed at their whim. This would include the money aspects. But most countries include the same legal provisions so that they can achieve anything they want

  7. 16 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    If we wait until the Thailand and world is 100% safe, I'm pretty sure Thailand will be in the grip of the next Chinese  pandemic and flapping about again.


    Open up 100%, Wash hands, wear a mask and protect the old and infirm.





    Please read the details of what the Doc said, his fear is that the latest variant of the virus will get into Thailand before we have a substantial percentage of the population vaccinated, and this will delay even further the economic recovery.

  8. 2 hours ago, Dialemco said:

    The truth is there is a world shortage of vaccines. Owing low infection rates last year it was not realised the importance of the vaccines being the only way out of the Pandemic and reluctance to pay huge cost but the Government is now ordering as many vaccines that become available but has to join the waiting list.  


    You are missing the point, the Government is being asked to tell the truth about supply so proper planning can be made and the public know where they stand

    • Like 1
  9. 8 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Lofty plans, it will be very hard sell to the people of this country, Thais are very proud people and guarded of their home-land to all of a sudden do all that, just see what draconian measures are they putting in place just to come to Phuket, so now all of a sudden allowed to own land, no work permits, what's next? easy Thai citizenship now?... 

    Unfortunately these are not plans, they are pie in the sky wishes. Now IF they had said we have conducted several extensive studies that indicate up to one million potential investors and similar wealthy others would be willing to settle in Thailand given the incentives such as .......................................................................................................  Then maybe we would listen with interest. But that is not currently the Thai at the moment.  

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