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Posts posted by Rigby40

  1. I'm sick and tired of elitist celebrities telling us how to vote or how to feel. Virtue signaling doesn't change the world no matter how good it might make you feel. Most of these people are out of touch with the little man it's not even funny. Well, I take that back, when they have a meltdown because they can't fathom the idea that some people might not think they way they do, it's pretty darn funny :partytime2:

  2. 19 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    Wow.  This just in from Trump.  What a nut.  Absolutely terrible.






    He needs to be stopped.

    I really hope he cuts down on federal funding for UC Berkeley and any other school doesn't boot the student THUGS off campus that take part in these riots. Enough is enough. If they're going to continue to allow people to squelch conversations and suppress free-speech then I'm happy to see him do this and so are the rest of us 'plebs'.

  3. 1 hour ago, SoiBiker said:


    You don't really know much about Marxism, do you?

    I sure know how it relates to what's being taught in universities these days. And to be more specific, I mean "cultural Marxism". Everyone of these people screaming RACIST!!! at the top of their lungs seems to have come from universities where you're taught cultural relativism, how to be a victim and to never acknowledge the personal responsibility of others so long as they're not white. It's gross.

    There are some shitty cultures out there, get over it. I'm not saying that of Thai culture, as I happen to be one of those who enjoys the country but bad cultures do exist. I know, shocking right?

  4. 2 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

    I see.  I hope you can see the double standards going on here then.  This thread is just raciest and pointless... only serving to make fun of and degrade Thai people by farangs. 

    Oh god, here we go again. Another Westerner who thinks criticizing culture of people that aren't white, is racist.

    Well you're either a Westerner or someone else heavily indoctrinated by Marxist nonsense in university.


  5. Hi,


    I tried posting this in another part of the forum but it might have been the wrong place.

    I'm looking for someone who's really savvy with a range of goods in Bangkok such as silks, thai massage oils, teas, saa paper etc... and where to find the best deals. Someone with connections to wholesalers is a big plus.

    Let me know what you would charge for such services. I'm fairly familiar with Bangkok but I need someone who knows the markets and wholesalers really well. 


    Please PM me or leave your contact details below. 



  6. Hi all,


    I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this, apologies if it should have been posted elsewhere. I'm looking for someone who's really savvy with a range of goods in Bangkok such as silks, thai massage oils, teas, saa paper etc... and where to find the best deals. Someone with connections to wholesalers is a big plus.

    Let me know what you would charge for such services. I'm fairly familiar with Bangkok but I need someone who knows the markets and wholesalers really well. 


    Please PM me or leave your contact details below. 



  7. 9 hours ago, impulse said:

    I ratted myself out one time on my way back from China through LAX.  I had 50 fishing rods in a hard side golf club caddy, and figured there was no way to call them "personal".  I actually gave them out as gifts when I visited customers, which I figured was kind of commercial.  So I ticked the box...


    The nice customs guy kidded me about creating more paperwork for him, and told me they don't really care unless the value goes above $2,000.


    I have no clue what the real policy is.  I only know what happened to me.

    Thanks for sharing your experience, I'll keep this in mind. 

  8. 29 minutes ago, Langsuan Man said:


    I hope that this is not a money making opportunity because the postage will eat you alive and your possible profits 



    The postage can't be that much can it?


    I saw this on another post and it seems reasonable to me or am I missing something?

    "From Chiang Rai to California by Thai Post, air mail, up to 20 Kg = 3,600thb…."

    I'd only be shipping half that much.

  9. 6 minutes ago, oldcarguy said:

    I also go thru LAX ,  if they inspect you , well you are screwed !


    there is no way they are going to believe they are for personal use or gifts when you have 100 of one item !


    The chances of them putting you thru secondary inspection is low ,  but it has happened to me a few times,


    ohh and weigh your empty suitcases , you will be amazed how heavy they are empty !


    Good luck


    Thanks for the response.

    Would anyone then suggest I instead send a few 2-3kg packages back home to significantly reduce the amount I bring back with me on the plane? If I go this route, would I run into the same issue sending out from Thailand or receiving in the US? 

  10. Hey all,


    It's been a while since I've posted here but I've always been given helpful answers. 

    I couldn't find a clear answer to this concern that I have, try as I may.

    I would like to bring back around 10 various small items in bulk in my two pieces of luggage(both of which I have a 50lb/22.7kg allowance, so 100lb in total of various products). For example: 1 suitcase is filled with 50 small wooden figures, 100 small bottles of massage oil, 100 cleansing face masks, 40 handmade necklaces etc... Is this going to be an issue leaving the Airport in Bkk or is it more of an issue when I arrive in the US(LAX)? There's a possibility that I might cut off a bit of the weight to stay under the $800 exempt allowance at customs but I'm more worried about them giving me problems if they realize it's for resale. None of this will be counterfeit goods.

    On a related issue, how can they determine if I have less or more than $800 in goods if none of the products have a price tag in USD and very few even in Thai baht?


    Your time and help is much appreciated!

  11. Hi all,

    I need a Gopro camera for a day or two, the GoPro Hero+ Black would work just fine as long as it does not have the infinity focus issue, so it would need to be a newer make or a older modified for infinity focus unit. Does anybody know of any reputable rental services where I can get one? Or does anyone here have one they would be willing to rent out? Don't know if this should go in the classifieds or not!

    Anywho, I just need a simple setup, a couple batteries and the headband thing so I can wear it on my head and pan n' tilt it. And maybe one of those long monopod things so I can extend it out a few feet.

    Thanks for any leads you might have!


  12. I thought there was supposed to be more severe consequences for overstays of any amount recently? I don't mind staying over night at the airport, that's what I did a couple days ago but I don't think I can check in, go through immigration and wait for my flight at the gate because i believe they are all closed, at least all the check in counters were closed around 11pm and didn't open until 4am

  13. Hi,

    So it looks like a miscalculation was made on my next flight out of Thailand. Just got back into Thailand yesterday from same day in and out trip to get my 2nd entry of a three entry tourist visa. Anywho, this new visa will run out on the 25th of October and my trip is at 6am on the 26th! Leaving from Don Mueang airport.

    Is there anyway to avoid paying for the 30 day extension? I just need about 6 hours not 30 days! So 1900 baht for an extra 6 hours would really suck. Anybody else been in this situation before?

    I don't want to overstay the 6 hours because I could risk not being able to come back into Thailand, which I need to because all of my gear is here and i'm not planning to go home until the end of this year.

    I guess if worse comes to worse i'll just pay the 1900 baht for the extension because if I was to book my flight one day before it would have been a more expensive flight basically costing an extra 1700-1900 baht anyway.

    Thanks all!


  14. ok because a few weeks ago i read that even with a multientry tourist visa people would still not be guaranteed to get in. But this is my first tourist visa and I've only been to Thailand two times before, staying 2 weeks my first trip and two weeks my second, earlier this year. 

    And I don't want to risk not being able to come back in because I have a few pets that I need to take care of. My gf will be back around the beginning of Sept so I would hate for me to be stuck in Malaysia or have to go back home while my pets don't have any food for a few days until my gf gets back! 

  15. Hi all,


         I am set to leave to Malaysia for a day or two so that I can re-enter thailand on my 2nd(of 3) Tourist visas. Someone(another tourist) had told me that I would need to get a re-entry permit or else I could risk losing my tourist visas all together and possibly not being allowed back in or just ending up with a 30 day visa exempt stamp. I just want to see if this has been anyone else's experience and not just another rumor. Ideally I would like to go to Malaysia and be back in Thailand the next day or same day if at all possible but I don't know if this will be an issue if I don't get a re-entry permit. Thanks in advanced for any insight! 

  16. Hello,

    Sadly, we just lost one of our dwarf bunnies. We took the little guy from some very poor conditions and was hoping to provide a better environment for him but less than 2 weeks after, he has passed away. Seems he was taken away too early from his mother and sent to market.

    Not quite ready for another one but is there a reputable breeder in Bangkok who raises rabbits in a healthy environment? Looking for someone with "western" standards of caring for their rabbits. Hope I'm not shooting too high here..

    Thanks for any leads.

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