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Posts posted by Rigby40

  1. 13 minutes ago, Jingthing said:


    Since it is now out in the open, my POV is that there should be a national law protecting the civil rights of transgender people to exist comfortably in public around their toilet gender choices. I know that isn't going to happen anytime soon, but given the trend of bigot laws to harass transgender people, that's the only humane long term solution.



    Yes yes, it's always just 'bigoted laws' and never legitimate concern from the rest of us who have a differing viewpoint. 

    We get it, if we don't toe the line of liberals we're automatically bigots and shouldn't be taken seriously in the least.

    Blah blah blah yadda yadda and so forth.

  2. On 3/13/2017 at 9:15 AM, darksidedog said:

    I believe if you scratch your head a little and get the cogs turning, you may well be able to figure this conundrum out for yourself.

    Merkel may look a bit like Miss Piggy admittedly, but she is a smart cookie.

    Yes, allowing nearly 1 million third world migrants to come in and terrorize, sexually assault and commit acts of violence against the native population is the epitome of a smart cookie. 

    Nice going there.

  3. 13 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    Scorning the 'push back' against the hetero-normative patriarchy while telling transgender people what to do, what they need and where to pee.


    Very droll.


    Well at least we now see your definition of push back. Trite manufactured talking points divorced from the experiences and needs of actual LGBT people and the stinging equivalent of being struck by wet lettuce.


    If words do not define you, what does? Your attempts at trying to claim nuance among the Right is craven and completely reinforces my point about words. You may think that you can cherry pick, like the best Champagne-fed enfant terrible but concepts such as reactionary and chauvinism are not open to nuance.


    You mansplain Thailand to me as a long term documented permanent resident. You mansplain transgender to me as a member of the LGBT community and now you mansplain diabetes to me as a sufferer due to hereditary causes. Just how much shame do you wish to engender in people who are not you and do not wish to be you?

    My original response to you was removed so heres an extremely simplified version.


    Pushback is voting for policy and supporting those who's values align with our own. Simple.


    ACTIONS define us. It seems that these days especially on university campuses and dozens of left leaning youtube channels nobody is taught the difference between actions and words hence why many students would think something so bizare as words are the same thing as violence. So i understand why you would think words define us instead of actions.


    Mansplaining is just another term to try to delegitimize concerns and arguments of men that don't toe the line of the liberal agenda. Try again, it doesn't work in the real world.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Decadent? Oh, pleeze, dude.

    You're both wildly off topic AND off base at the same time.

    The AMA has (correctly) classified obesity as a disease.


    Diabetics be proud of your amputations! Don't try to prevent disease, that's an archaic way of thinking popularized by an oppressive patriarchal hetero normative society lmao

    Let's do everything we can to prevent peoples feelings from being hurt, forget about actually helping them get better. Pfft.

  5. 7 hours ago, 7by7 said:


    From reading many posts in other parts of this forum, Thais could be very justified in saying "Much better if Farang just go to nice Farang countrys (sic) where they can do as they please and just let us get on just the way we used to and stop complaining all the time."

    Their country, their rules. We would hurt for a while, lick our wounds and get on with our lives. We wouldn't riot in the streets and burn down their property like petulant little children with no respect for the host country or concept of personal responsibility.

  6. 3 hours ago, Grouse said:

    On this forum, insinuating that "transgender people are mentally ill", is a hanging offence. I do not wish to go there 

    So what you're essentially saying is that any truths that hurt peoples feelings aren't allowed here? Why am I not surprised? 

    These people need legitimate help with their disorders. But in an increasingly decadent society that sweeps health issues related to obesity under the rug and promotes 'body positivity' rather than good eating habits/health, I can see why you would react in such a way.

  7. 45 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    That's the typical alt-right / trumpist answer to anything about the LGBTQ civil rights movement. We don't throw you off buildings so be grateful. Reminds me of white bigots arguing that slaves were happy, got free room and board.

    I don't know who you think you're fooling with such odious far right wing rhetoric. Not getting thrown off buildings is definitely a big plus, but it's not the same thing as having full civil rights. 

    Like I said, when they start taking away basic human rights then come complain and we'll be right there with you.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    You don't get it. 

    The bigot laws are about forcing all transgender people, regardless of their level of passing, to use the gender toilet of their birth.

    Think this through and maybe you'll begin to get how disruptive and oppressive that is to transgender people to the point where they do indeed feel that the bigots and their bigot laws are telling them not to even exist in public society. 

    To paraphrase one transgendered lady " We've been using the bathroom with you for hundreds of years!" 

    Theyve been fine this far, they haven't disappeared off the face of the earth from having to use one bathroom or the other.

    Wake me up when they start throwing them off cliffs and killing them the way they do in Pakistan and other Islamic countries :sleep:

  9. 1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

    I have no idea what you're trying to say with that post but it was certainly inflammatory. 

    In other words, most people understand what true kkk or Nazism is, at least in a very basic sense and that the only people who freak out at the alt-right movement are people who don't know what the real KKK or Nazis stood for.

    The alt-right isn't all about creating a 'white country for white people' movement. From what I understand Richard Spencer muddied the waters there a bit and I would agree that is not the correct way to go about dealing with our issues. The alt-right is comprised of liberals, conservatives, libertarians with a variety of beliefs from what I understand. I'm not really all that interested in it tbh

  10. 4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Such bigoted rhetoric. 

    This isn't about a man in a dress.

    It's about transgender women and also transgender men and their civil rights in public society. 

    If you don't see the difference between those two, then any kind of further discussion is impossible. 

    When laws are put into place not allowing them to use ANY bathrooms, come complain to us. In fact I will be there with you demanding that they be given their basic human rights back.

  11. 11 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    A shred of compassion you show. Surprise surprise. It's the transgender people that are in a difficult position here if they don't pass and of course many don't. They may cause some kind of public reaction whatever choice they make. So it should be up to them to make these choices for themselves. The individuals need to balance these concerns for themselves, perhaps every time. Will my choice disturb other people or will my choice result in being violent assaulted by bigots?  Not a matter for the law what choice they make. 

    Again, mental patients running the asylum. Its less of an issue for a man in a dress to go into the mens restroom than for a man in a dress to go into the ladies room.

    Never change for the world they tell each other all the while DEMANDING the world change for them. Funny that.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    It does not. I don't believe you. The way you used CUCK is the big reveal. That's pure alt right. 

    Of course you are free to use it and others are free to get where you're coming from using it.


    Next ... 

    Haha ok bud, I can't force you to believe me, believe what you want.

    It just seems kinda stupid that someone would try to hide it posting anonymously on the internet.

  13. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    Dude, please.

    We're not stupid, so suggest you OWN IT rather than playacting that you didn't do it.

    When you combine the alt-right marker word CUCK in the context that you did with trump worship, you indicate without any doubt, that you are advancing the rhetoric of the ALT RIGHT political movement.

    If you don't want to telegraph that, then don't use the term CUCK in the context that you did. Simple, really.

    Again, we're not stupid here.




    On the other hand, the ALT RIGHT movement is so disgusting and so against decent American values that I would understand not wanting to be associated with it. It is indeed very similar to be associated with ALT RIGHT as it would be to be associated with the KKK, Nazis, etc.  


    Not saying of course that all trump supporters are alt-right identified but for people that do support trump they are supporting a so called president that has as his top adviser BANNON, an important iconic leader of the alt-right movement. 

    Read my last post to Tawan Dok.. that should help clear some stuff up for you.

  14. 1 hour ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    Your fatigue is your own business. I have no interest in this. You are posting on a topic that literally reports that a majority of Americans oppose bathroom bills and you make the absurd claims that I am speaking from an ill-informed place and that "most" who agree with these bills are from the political center.


    Just on the basis of logic, your post is nonsensical and entirely inconsistent with the OP.


    Your words identify where you sit on the political continuum and it is nowhere near the center. The absurd neologisms of the Alt Right that you throw around reinforce this. Pretty simple concept really. You use these words, then people define you. If you wish to identify with the KKK and neo-nazis then that is again your business. Cucked is absolutely a term employed by the Alt Right.


    I have no idea what your reference to visiting Thailand has to do with the issue. If you are offering this as some kind of 'but I have black friends' kind of defense, then you are clearly mansplaining to someone who lives here and has done so for several decades.


    If you are so ignorant to keep using the word tranny after all these threads and all the information about transgender people, then you have zero business in defining anyone or telling someone what to do. Pal.

    Go back and read what I wrote so you can understand better why I was calling you ill informed because you missed it the first pass.

    You can say I identify as this or that, it's no matter to me as nothing I can say will convince you otherwise. I don't identify with the alt-right, nothing against them really but they hold some values that I don't. 

    And the words you use don't necessarily identify where you sit politically, that's complete and utter BS. Conservatives borrow from leftist terminology ALL THE TIME to make their points. Well, i guess you know better, they're really closeted liberals :cheesy:

    About my being in Thailand, you accused me of hating or being afraid of trannies. Why would I spend so much time here if I did hate them or feared them? Wouldn't i be better off spending my time elsewhere? 

    Mansplaining? Lol You guys are truly becoming a parody of yourselves :)

    I'll use whatever words I want. Don't like it? Too bad, go suck on a lemmon.

  15. 1 hour ago, DM07 said:

    You quite literally let the mental patient the asylum: his name is Donald Trump!

    Hmm, something tells me you have no idea why Trump won.

    Trump is a reflection of most, not all, of the values that his constituency holds. You're essentially calling half of the voting population mental patients. 

    Don't act like the tiny minority of transgender/trendgenders even compares to the amount of people who voted for and support Donald J Trump.

    Seeing that the transgendered are in fact at some level mentally ill(we should help them not give in to their delusions), this is quite literally a case of the mental patients running the asylum!!

  16. 13 minutes ago, Grouse said:

    Hilarious! You really don't understand prioritisation do you! As I say America lost respect over the last 45 years and has now become embarrassing. You talk about letting metal patients run the asylum? Have you had an irony bypass??

    That's funny we've been getting plenty of praise people all around the world especially as of late. Perhaps try stepping outside of your echo chambers and little bubble? Just a thought.

  17. 1 minute ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    Care to rephrase this without the fringe right idiom? You do realize that pseudo-intellectualism is merely a pose right You may think that such fashionable alt right terms are neologisms but to the rest of the world they are cult-speak.


    What do you fear from trans people to result in such stupid ignorance?

    Lol your 'alt-right', 'fringe-right' and 'far-right' categorizing of such terms and concerns are getting extremely tiresome. Im surprised you didn't throw in something about the KKK or Nazis in there so kudos to you for that. 

    You people are highly uniformed or more correctly stated ill-informed. There are people all across the political spectrum that use those terms and folk across the political spectrum who are against such policies, though I would say most of that lies in the center to center-right.

    I don't fear trans people. I don't have a problem with them, I do have a problem with a tiny fraction of people demonizing everyone else for not playing along with their delusions.

    I spend a lot of time in Thailand for crying out loud. That's quite a place for someone to frequent who 'hates' trannies. 

    Back to the drawing board pal.

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