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Posts posted by Rigby40

  1. 51 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

     Ah yes, the usual calumny.


    "Anyone who says that the vast majority of Muslims are not terrorist and do not support the terrorists and condemn the terrorists is an apologist for the terrorists."


    During The Troubles I said the same about the majority of Irish; despite a delayed train being all that stopped me from being in The Horse and Groom in Guildford with my friends when the bomb went off. So I guess by your standards that also makes me an apologist for the IRA!

    Nobody here is saying all muslims are terrorists so you're way off with that post. The problem is that leftists won't even admit there's a problem within Islam which clearly there is.

  2. 53 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    Get over yourself Mr Proud to be American - you have got to be having a laugh. Before rabbiting on look into your own backyard as to the mishandled ideological policies of various US Administrations  which are some of the major contributors for current instability and threats.

    Surely you're smart enough to realize the difference between the actions of individuals and those of corrupt governments.

    You're barking up the wrong tree, I don't support much of the foreign policy and involvement of the government. There are a lot of people I'd like to see being tried for war crimes over the last 15 years and Killary Clinton is high up on that list.

    And anyway, Islam has been terrorizing the world for hundreds of years now. You're a fool IF you think violent Islam is a new phenomenon.

    By the way, did you used to live in Hanoi? I remember encountering a drunk Australian who got rather angry because I wouldn't take the blame for all the evil things my government has done. Must have been really frustrating for him not being able to give me a guilt trip.

  3. 40 minutes ago, 348GTS said:


    At what point will people wake up and stop blaming individuals and start tacking the real problem which is the ideolgy, and accept that it is fundamentally incompatible with western society and treat it with the same contempt that people now show communism, national socialism, fascism and other failed oppressive political ideologies, the only difference being that Islam has been disguised as a religion in order to justify it's motives and avoid criticism.

    I would argue that religion has little to do with why so many people give Islam a pass.

    The reason why the left and Islam are in bed together is because 1.) Islam plays the victim card very well(and therefore fit into their little oppression pyramid perfectly) and 2.) they are as anti-West / anti-Christian as the leftists. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" and all that.

    The funny thing is that once Islam dominates these weakened, leftist cesspools they will be cast aside and legitimately oppressed as we're starting to see.  

    Christianity is a religion and you see how they're treated by the left so I really don't think religion has anything to do with it.

  4. 1 hour ago, thai3 said:

    Hate teaching is very common in Islamic faith Schools, has to be really as they teach Islamic values.!


    10 minutes ago, thai3 said:

    Jewish children are not taught that Christians and Muslims are Monkeys and pigs, Muslims are taught that Christians and Jews are monkeys and pigs and that they are the worst of people while Muslims are the best of people.It's not other faith Schools that are causing division hate and terrorism, Islamic Schools are.

    What you're seeing here is a pretty common tactic used by those who don't want to specifically call out the problems in Islam. They tend to either defend it entirely or lump all three religions together so as to avoid any discomfort of actually admitting the problems with Islam.

  5. 19 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    Your words:


    "letting trendgender people use any bathroom they want willy-nilly" Post 139

    "I don't have a problem with them, I do have a problem with a tiny fraction of people demonizing everyone else for not playing along with their delusions" Post 149

    "Seeing that the transgendered are in fact at some level mentally ill" Post 163


    Referring to transgender people as mentally ill. Denying them access to public facilities. Your denials exposed as false by your own words. It it looks like Alt Right, if it walks like Alt Right and if it quacks like Alt Right, then the label is pretty accurate. You seem to be just a one trick pony with your diversion into identify politics and now trying to whitewash your previous comments about trans people. You may continue this intellectual self abuse and try to bait others until you get your 14 day holiday. I will not be baited further with such transparent dishonesty.

    Nothing about those quotes suggest that I 'deny' their existance . I do think to a degree there is something wrong mentally with them. I don't believe forcing everyone else to play along with their gender issues is the correct way to go about this. I think they legitimate my need help. How you can misconstrue that for 'denying their existance' or a hatred is way beyond me. 


    I see you're still confused about the fact that they have access to public facilities. What planet are you living on?


    The views I have are shared amongst most conservatives. The fact that you keep calling me 'alt right' just goes to show how out of touch you are. 

    The left thinks everyone who isn't in line with the liberal agenda are Nazis or Kkk members, so it only follows for you to get this wrong as well. Many of the values I hold are pretty traditional conservative values aside from some liberal values I kept from the last few years but you wouldn't even know most of the values I hold as you haven't enquired, all you've done is call me alt right based off of one or two positions. Typical.

  6. 4 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    Your continuing protestations of incredulity fools no-one. Will you ever take a break from telling me what I do and do not know, what I can and cannot do to address the tppic of this thread. Your last half dozen posts have been essentially about me. As much as I enjoy talking about me, I think your obsession and fantasies over me might not be healthy.


    What justification does an independent conservative provide for denying the existence of trans people, attempting to define trans people by gender identified at birth and refusing to allow transpeople the dignity of accessing public facilities.


    Demonstrate that my assessment that the fringe right is identified by selfishness, intolerance of diversity and a fetish for enforcing conformity to a mythical white supremacist construct. That you continue to use the jargon of the alt right absolutely defines you.

    Denying the existence of trans people? Who's under the impression that they don't exist? I assure you they do indeed exist so I'm not sure where you get this silly notion from. 

    They already have access to public facilities, nobody has taken that right away. You sound very confused about that fact.


    Well, it's good to know we agree about something, that being the mythical white supremacist construct. Awesome.


    Who are you to put a label on me and try to fit me into your little box of identities. Please, for the love of god, stop cucksplaining to me!

  7. 14 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    No such thing as an independent conservative. Unless you're schizoid. Your words continue to define you as fringe. More mansplaining telling us what we don't get, how foolish we are making ourselves etc etc.


    Too embarrassed to own your margins? With the daily and endless chaos and incompetence from your fellow travelers in the WH, I guess that is understandable.


    Independent Conservative. Balls! At least liberals can define their political philosophy. You fringe Right can only define your beliefs through the lens of opposing diversity, intolerance and selfishness. As the OP informs us, thankfully you lot are in the minority. 

    I'm having a hard time not believing that you're just trolling at this point as anyone with an ounce of political knowledge or interest understands what an independent conservative is. Wow.

  8. On 3/20/2017 at 8:55 AM, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    So you wear a T-Shirt. You go girl!


    And your T-Shirt explains your politics how? Words. There ya go.


    Four posts mansplaining liberals to a liberal. You really must have fretted over these all weekend but still came up with nothing. Keep fighting the good fight. Plenty of T-Shirts to be worn.

    Well, I was temporarily banned from posting anything for 3 days :) Otherwise I would have replied sooner.


    No, my voting and support for policy or legislation is an action that has real world consequences. Wearing a shirt states how I feel one way or the other but says nothing about my actions, which define me. I could talk all day long and wear a hundred shirts but that doesn't mean squat so as long as I don't act on those opionions and views. You still don't get it. Sad.


    And please , enough with the cucksplaining. It's getting old.

  9. On 3/16/2017 at 7:47 PM, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    Where are all these liberal Trump supporters? They didn't come from Bernie's camp. They simply don't exist. You claim millions and offer to cite dozens. Fringe reactionaries with conspiracy theories and one trick ponies.


    They do not exist.


    The most boring thing in the world has now become being told why Trump won.


    Trump is the Tea Party's wet dream. Whatever his personal political beliefs may be and I do not believe anyone will ever truly know them because his beliefs are entirely self serving, his ability to implement his polities relies on the Legislature, who are Right Wing, many of them extremely so because of the gerrymandering that has infected politics for so long. You may want to rethink your position if you are seriously buying into the Cult of Trump as a Movement and a change in paradigm.


    Thank goodness with the election in the Netherlands and soon elsewhere we can finally shut out the Brexit/Trump noise and consign it to the dustbin of history. Poor fringe Right. Won't be able to slag off trans people, gays, African Americans or muslims any more.

    You guys really don't spend any time outside your bubbles do you?

    If you werent so afraid of being exposed to people who don't share the same opinions as you, then you would have learned that YES many people from Bernie's camp began supporting Trump. Not all or even a majority but a lot.

    Not only that, but many Obama voters voted Trump. Even the liberal idol Van Jones admits this.


    "You may want to rethink your position if you are seriously buying into the Cult of Trump as a Movement and a change in paradigm."

    I just want to share some advice with you, in all sincerity, even though you probably won't take it into consideration.

    I WAS one of those liberals who voted for Trump. I consider myself a conservative now. To be accurate, I transitioned into a conservative before my first vote for him in the primaries.

    And do you know why I'm an ex-liberal? It's exactly because of the same talking points you're making, the political correctness, the identity politics, the pushing of victimhood culture and most importantly  the demonization of those with different opinions.

    Now for the advice. If you want to bring people to your side you should consider toning it down a bit. Because you're driving people over to our side and will continue to do so if you continue to double-down.

    I doubt you will consider this but I just want to make you aware of the consequences that continuing with this trajectory will bring to your cause.

    It's like a Chinese finger trap. Keep doubling down, tensing up, struggling and make our side stronger as a result or calm down, loosen up and realize how well you really have it.

    I just watched a video the other week from another ex-liberal about how all these social justice channels they've slammed over the last year or two have all been dying or changing directions. 

    Seriously, continuing to double-down is only doing you more harm than good.

  10. On 3/16/2017 at 7:37 PM, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

    Go mansplain privilege and reverse racism to an African American. Please post a picture of you taking ACTION. Until you are put back where you belong.

    Once again, the left reveals who the true racists are.

    Assuming all blacks are violent? That's disgusting, you should be ashamed of yourself for posting that.

    I guess since there's only racism and that 'reverse racism' doesn't exist it would be like explaining how Santa Claus doesn't exist.

  11. On 3/16/2017 at 7:37 PM, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    You get in the face of someone and mansplain to them you will very quickly get a real world response. That's why the gutless will only do this on social media. They will only use words. Because such actions have consequences and such cowards are too vain to suffer a broken nose.

    Getting in the face of someone by itself would warrant a 'real world' response as you put it. It doesn't matter if you're expressing an opinion or going on about how your sports team is better than theirs or whatever.

    Sorry, but that was a poorly made point on your part.


    And again you assume things making you look a fool. I, along with millions of others have no problem expressing these opinions out loud and aren't worried about suffering a broken nose. I know you think everyone who doesn't agree with us are violent and ready to use violence at the drop of a dime, which is very telling on your part and says a lot about you, but most people aside from violent leftists don't use violence to settle political disagreements.

    I have been very vocal at work about my opinions when the subject was brought up. I also have also been very vocal outside of work, often wearing shirts that state exactly where I sit in regards to liberalism, socialism, feminism etc.. Aside from a few looks, name calling and what I can only assume were hurt feelings, there hasn't been an issue and I live in a very liberal city mind you. 

    You have no clue as to how vocal or expressive we are about our opinions so stop assuming things. Really, you're just making yourself look clueless.


  12. On 3/16/2017 at 7:37 PM, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    Your concerns being delegitimized by the reference to mansplaining?

    This is the last post I will make concerning 'mansplaining' as it's pointless to keep talking about something that doesn't have any real world merit or exist outside the minds of people who share your opinions.

    Here's a nice little video illustrating how seriously 'mansplaining' is taken in the real world.




  13. On 3/16/2017 at 7:37 PM, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

    Your concerns being delegitimized by the reference to mansplaining? If I am to have a limb amputated because of my hereditary diabetes or if I am not be denied access to equal treatment under the law for being gay or trans, then I do not need some blowhard puffing about what I should and should not be doing to conform to your sense of morality. You believe that you can blame me for needing to amputate a limb because you assume that I am not obeying your versions of dietary rules? Yo assume that you can deny me employment because I am a member of a minority that does not conform with the rules that your mommy and daddy told you about boys and girls? That is mansplaining. It does not delegitimate anything. It exposes the arrogance and selfish self interest of the patronizing pretensions of the low brow mind offended at uppity non conformists. The plaintive bleating of the old white straight nobodies about PC is affirmation that 'it' works entirely effectively in the real world.


    If you have type 2 diabetes then you're not going to find much sympathy on this end as it's largely preventable. On the other hand if you have type 1, then sorry as I know there's not much you can do about. You have my sympathies.


    I assume that I can deny you employment because you're of a minority group? How about not assuming that I would deny you empoloyment based on your sexual orientation? You make yourself look a fool when you assume things :)

    Aside from that youre really laying the victimhood thing on pretty hard. Don't you ever get tired of that? 

    Unlike like the left, who can only see through a lens of identity politics, I would hire someone based on MERIT not whether or not they are gay, straight, bi or tri or where they fit on their silly 'victomhood pyramid'.

  14. On 3/16/2017 at 7:37 PM, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    You are posting on social media primarily with the use of text. That means the here you are defined by your words. You define yourself as fringe right. Your interpretation of violence is your own. There is nothing in my post that remotely makes any connection to violence. Just your fake outrage against robust protest by those you believe are inferior to yourself. A threat is a statement of intent. No need to bunch your panties over that.


    You claim that actions define you. Nobody knows you. You post anonymously. You use words to convey your asinine thoughts on politics and society. Where are your actions? They are present here in the form of words. Not difficult for even people of a less than stellar education to understand.

    Firstly, I don't define myself as 'fringe right', that's just you trying to fit me into the little box that you and the rest of your types have come up with because you lack perspective and experience outside your bubble. I'm an independent conservative that shares many values with the tens of millions of other Americans that are against the liberal agenda.


    I see you're still having an issue discerning the difference between actions and words. This isn't even funny anymore, someone has clearly failed in teaching you, along with a couple other generations, the difference between actions and words.

  15. 10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Huge lie. We're talking aren't we? Playing the victim when you've got an ally in the white house that completely controls the government? It doesn't wash. 

    You obviously don't understand what playing the victim means. Simply stating a fact isn't playing the victim. It's not my website, they can run it the way they want to and censor whomever they want, I really don't care.

    I'm just saying on forums or platforms that lean left, we're used to it. Oh well.

  16. 4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Dude, back off.

    I didn't call you a bigot. I don't know you and don't care to know you.

    I said bigot laws and I stand by that. If a law is telling all transgender people that they are required by law to use the gender toilet of their birth certificate, then by definition such laws are designed to oppress transgender people and basically deny their existence and humanity. In the long run, such bigotry will not stand. But now under trump and the right wing extremism that it promotes, such bigotry will make gains.

    Dude? Did you just assume my gender?? Talk about oppression and bigotry.

    Every time someone makes the silly claim that Trump is "Extreme right wing" i literally laugh out loud involuntarily. I can't help it.

    You do understand that millions of disenfranchised liberals and independents support Trump right? I can name you dozens of liberal youtubers with huge followings off the top of my head that support at least some of Trump's policies, while still maintaining a liberal position.

    Ah you guys still don't get it. And that is why Trump won and why he or Pence will win again in 2020. Go ahead, keep painting him and his constituency as 'extreme right' but prepare to keep losing.

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