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Posts posted by Rigby40

  1. Well, I tried getting a 4G card with True but apparently they need a work permit from me and it was to be a year thing. And it was also only going to be about 4gb a month of 4G which is too little.

    Didn't feel like anyone spoke English at dtac

    So I ended up going with AIS, the 21mbps air card. 9gb a month for 699.

    Funny thing is though, the upload speed is much faster than 'surfing' speed.

    Unfortunately to cut down on cost and speed, i now have to compress my videos even further but it's at least much better than what I have at my apartment.

    @Langsuan Man, I was using a router at my old apartment in Taiwan so maybe that's why I was having such super fast speeds. And I do use an FTP client but it still doesn't help as much as I'd like.

  2. Hi all,

    So, I upload quite a few videos(200 - 500mb each) every week. Well I did until I got to Bangkok, Thailand. Right now the internet I have at my apartment takes me about 8 hours-ish per video, and usually fails to even fully upload, so far no success.

    Are there any options for this kind of use? I already went to True and AIS, but they told me that even their 21mbps 3g air cards would be too slow for me. I was also offered a year contract deal using a router, but it was still too slow at 1-3mbps and plus I won't be here that long.

    Any hotspots that people use to upload videos? I don't mind going somewhere once a week, pay for a drink or something to upload all my videos as long as it's fast enough, that's what I did before in a different country.

    Thanks for any help you can give

  3. One more quick question I forgot to ask.

    Regarding post #2.

    "If you do fly and plan to enter visa exempt, be prepared to show the airline proof of travel exiting Thailand within 30 days. Vientienne and Savanakhet, Laos are popular, apply in morning and return the next afternoon to pick up your passport."

    Would this mean that if I arrived with my tourist visa, I wouldn't have to worry about showing the airline proof of travel exiting Thailand after 60 days? Or should I buy a ticket that I can get a refund on just to be safe? I plan to extend it twice, so I would assume if needed, I could purchase an onward ticket a few days before the last extension expires.

    Thanks again.

  4. Hi Beechguy,

    Thanks for the info, much appreciated. I will look up their phone numbers and give them a call tomorrow. If I can have it taken care of in less than two weeks then that would be an option.

    I could use some clarification for that last bit though, regarding Laos. So I can apply, specifically, for a 60 day Thai Tourist visa there and pick it up within a day or two? If so that would work as well. I'm assuming should I need to stay in Thailand longer than expected I should be able to go to Laos every 60 days or so to repeat the same process?

    Thanks again for your help.

  5. Hello,

    I'm an American citizen, I need to get to Thailand soon. Due to my circumstances I don't have time to send out my passport for a tourist visa and wait 2-4 weeks to get it back. So I'm posting here to see if anyone has had a similar experience or an answer to my question.

    Could I go to thailand(30 day visa exempt) and then before my 30 days are up, go to Malaysia or Cambodia, any neighboring country to apply for a tourist visa back into thailand? I need to stay in thailand for a few months but right now I don't have the time to get the tourist visa before hand.

    If you have done this before, which country did you go to? And how long did it take?

    If anyone has any other suggestions as well that would be highly appreciated.

    Sorry if the post seems a bit rushed, I have very poor internet access right now. Let me know if you need any other information.

    Thanks a lot

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