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Posts posted by Rigby40

  1. 12 minutes ago, Grouse said:

    It's a great comfort to know that our American cousins are concentrating on the most important issues. Flood the internet with porn, forget everything to do with the environment, crank up military spending by 10%, lose world respect...etc


    BUT make sure you use the correct lavatory!!!!!

    Why do we need the respect of cucked countries? 

    If in part we're losing respect from countries because we oppose letting the mental patients run the asylum, in this case letting trendgender people use any bathroom they want willy-nilly then there's something wrong with your countries, not ours.


  2. 11 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    Yes, that is the problem with some, they don't see the difference between beliefs and science. Religions are beliefs, man made climate change is accepted by the scientific community.

    Just because something is believed to be true by the scientific community doesn't make it so. 

    Continental drift, the heliocentric solar system, genetic inheritance and many other theories were contested long before they were proven true the same is true for theories proven false.

  3. Stefan Molyneux made a couple videos along with a couple well informed guests, to say the least, as to why man made climate change is totally bogus.

    I do find it quite entertaining though how mostly lefties, who hate religion(specifically Christianity), get triggered when people don't believe in their specific dogmatic beliefs. 

    Oh and to the one guy who said they have never met anyone who doesn't believe in man made climate change but also believes in legalized abortion, i'm one of those people who is skeptical of man made climate change and is pro choice. Step outside of your bubble once in a while, mate.

  4. 13 minutes ago, mrwebb8825 said:

    I'm continually amazed at just how many people are so willing to hand over everything they ever had or ever would have had just because Obama and the bleeding heart dems blew kisses at you.

    It's about time we stood up and said enough! Oh wait, we did when we sent the crooked Clintons packing and voted in someone with Americans in mind 1st and always.

    Remember, other countries in the Americas are allowed to put their country's interests first but not the US. We're supposed to just sit and take it. C'mon, you know better.

  5. 13 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

    At Swampy there's an unacommapanied baggage agent the far right side of th terminal when you enter.


    Details have been posted here before.

    Thanks. I did look for detailed experiences but most were a dead end and the other being around 10 years old and you know how often things change here. I might make a trip to the airport to find out for myself but i dont know if ill have time.

  6. Hey all,


    Has anyone here gone through the process of shipping 'unaccompanied baggage' back home? I would like to send some of my stuff back to the US a day or two before my flight and Ive read I can do this with any airline company on any day. If you could provide a detailed explanation of how you went about doing this it would be highly appreciated!!



  7. 7 minutes ago, amykat said:


    I BELIEVE what Trump SAYS is often a REFLECTION of what his supporters FEEL!!!  BELIEVE ME!!!  That is why we are here today and he WON!!  My statement was meant to tell you that regardless, you can't just do whatever you want.  That federal money is not in place to support "free speech" specifically and at schools and so it stands to reason that you can't take it away and punish indiscriminately students around the country, because you feel that you are supporting your version of "free speech" one day in a tantrum on Twitter and your supporters "feel good" about that!!


    We have laws in place and regulations and procedures and those must be followed.  People must be dealt with fairly. It you want to sue someone re "free speech" than you are free to do that various ways.


    Well we're going to have to agree to disagree. Free speech is the thread of society in this country and there are too many canaries in the coal mines of Europe for us to take these issues lightly. 


    Have a good one.

  8. 1 minute ago, RuamRudy said:

    I think that you are missing the point. How do you know that there are not republican agitators fomenting the aggro? I am not saying this as a partisan observer because I think it happens from both sides - they equally have an agenda to discredit the oppostition in the eyes of their own supporters. So those 100 videos that you have - maybe none, some or all are the result of republican agitators infiltrating the ranks of the protestors. The fact is that we little people are going to be hoodwinked no matter who is in power.

    hahaha that puts me in mind of some funny imagery. Trump supporters wearing bright colored hair, septum piercings and those obnoxious 'problem glasses'? Hmm.. I don't know if they could go through with it to be honest :cheesy:

  9. 3 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


    Regardless of which side of the fence you are sitting on, and regardless of which side one, the narrative is playing out exactly as it is meant to. If Hillary won, the republicans, with the support of democrat sponsored agitators,  would be behaving in exactly the same manner. Now you are seeing the blues behaving badly, egged on by red agents provocateur.


    "The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum." Noam Chomsky

    That's unlikely but it really had nothing to do with my post. 

    The violence, intimidation and bullying on campus towards conservatives / Trump supporters has been happening for a good year now.

  10. 35 minutes ago, amykat said:

    But experts say Trump's threat is an empty one, even in the face of Wednesday’s violence.

    “There is currently no federal law that would allow the federal government to deny funding to an institution of higher education because they prohibited someone from speaking on campus,” said Terry Hartle, senior vice president of the Washington, D.C-based American Council on Education (ACE), which represents college presidents.


    The government can withdraw federal funding, he said, but it's typically because of fraud or research misconduct. Even then, Hartle added, most research dollars are awarded — and withdrawn — through peer review. “So the ability of a president to sort of retaliate against a particular institution is pretty limited.”

    The question arises from time to time, he said — during the Vietnam War, House lawmakers considered denying federal aid to students who participated in campus protests. But Hartle said there’s “no authority to do that under current law — and I think developing a way to do that could be very problematic.”





    I don't know how many times we've been lied to by 'experts' about Trump or conservatives in general over the last year. And I'm not going to start trusting people / media outlets now who have been proven liars to give me the facts. 


    But for arguments sake let's say that is the case, private donations to these schools are going down. After the events at the University of Missouri, alumni donations went down in the tens of million of dollars, enrollment went down and they had to close down some dorms. That's not the only school to have lost funding or enrollment numbers because of these antics. 

    So as long as university continue on this trajectory, they will continue to lose money and Trump doesn't have to do a single thing about it himself. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Grouse said:

    This is VERY worrying 


    It explains many things


    How can this be stopped before something really terrible happens?


    Can the men in the white coats just take him away quietly?


    I have no time for Pense but he's an intellectual power house in comparison 

    Ah, I really miss those days of his campaign when he'd read those stories.

    Is there a video translated in German or Swedish yet? There should be.

  12. 1 hour ago, amykat said:


    The school took decisive action against the inappropriate actions of some of the people who took part in the protests. It was a small group overall.  The school has no blame in this at all. To threaten the funding is ridiculous and inappropriate and was without any investigation or consideration at all.  He isn't the parent and these aren't his teenage children who are misbehaving!!

    That's all fine and dandy. He was and should be ready to pull funds IF they didn't do anything about it, which I already said in another post.

    But this was happening all over campuses last year and a lot of them DIDN'T do anything to stop the protesters from threatening speakers and disrupting speeches. Depaul Univesity as one of many examples.

    Good on Trump for putting his foot down. If schools like Depaul want to keep this kind of behavior up they better start looking for funding elsewhere.

  13. 8 minutes ago, Opl said:

    It does not matter, I'm not fighting, I'm just wondering how the Greatest Nation on Earth can carry on, with an Electoral System that reverses the results of the votes, and an Electoral College that does not quite fullfill its mission as defined by Hamilton.  That's all!  I'm sorry for America to be now lead  finally by someone like S. Bannon. It's a paIn, really.

    Anyway I do not vote in the US, I'm just an interested bystander. Therefore, I've read a lot about ...

    With all due respect, don't be sorry for us, worry about your own country. 

    We have support from all over the world. I've met many people from different countries, not to mention all the 'e-support' over the last few months that were excited, supportive and optimistic about Donald J. Trump.

  14. 23 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    Are you aware of the actions Berkeley is taking against these violent protesters?  They will be booted off campus. 


    Freedom of speech only goes so far.  This guy was over the top.  I hope you agree with that.  Please research a bit about the speaker also.  He's a nut and spews hate and violence.  Like Trump, he brings it down upon himself.  Sometimes you really do reap what you sow.




    Not sure they could do much more about this.  So, why should their funding be cut? 

    Good , I hope they are. And I didn't say that they wouldn't do anything about it. IF they don't do anything about it then their funds should be cut.


    Freedom of speech has NO limits. All speech should be protected no matter how much you disagree with it because limiting freedom of speech is a slippery slope. Fortunately hate speech isn't recognized in the US.

    "First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist
    Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me
    And there was no one left To speak out for me"

    Familiar with that quote? I've heard hundreds of stories of Europeans over the last year or two getting thrown in jail or fined for simply stating an opinion that went contrary to the mainstream opinion.


    These violent rioters and protestors in general apparently don't understand the Streisand effect hahaha because if they did they'd realize they were doing more harm than good for their cause.


    And here we go again with the conflation of words and action. Speech can and NEVER will be violence. Why is that so hard to understand? I guess that's why so many people on the left think it's ok to hurt people for different opinions because they were never taught the difference between actions and words.


    Oh I don't need to research him. I started watching his speeches around a year now, about when I started transitioning from a liberal to a conservative for exactly the same kind of rational you're bringing to this conversation. 

    Once I realized Trump's opposition was arguing from emotion rather than facts and evidence, I started paying more attention to Milo : ) along with Stephan Molyneux, Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin, Anthony Brian Logan etc.. 

    Let this be a lesson to everyone who thinks violence or at the very least suppression of free speech is justified because of a differing opinion. You're just going to push people to the other side.


    "Like Trump, he brings it down upon himself.  Sometimes you really do reap what you sow."

    What a disgusting thing to say. Remember that next time when someone who you disagree with destroys your property or god forbid severely injures you in an attack. You brought it on yourself for believing something they didn't agree with right?

  15. 30 minutes ago, Credo said:

    Nice try, but you might want to find someone else to pick on.   She's done her part.   Her remarks were addressed to the President, not you and she's not telling you how to think.  She is better positioned than most to comment on the impact of the Executive Order and that's what she is commenting on.   

    Nice try on your part but first off if you actually read my comment you'd realize that I was talking about all celebrities, not just her.

    Or are you completely oblivious to the videos they have put out compelling us little people to vote a certain way?

    Secondly, Trump's policies are a reflection of most of his constituency so NO, it's not just directed at Trump.

    And I applaud her for going over to those countries to help the poor / displaced. I don't have a problem with that whatsoever.


    Try agin.

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