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Posts posted by Torkmada

  1. Getting into power does not mean you fire anyone who might appose you and then replace them with your own people. That is corruption and nepotism. A good politician works with the civil servants in place.

    Unless of course the civil servant is actively working against the elected government of the day - then you sack his arse.

    Should a football manager be stuck with the same roster of players he inherits from the previous manager?

  2. The Shinawatra mantra":

    "I deny the allegation"

    What she should do is when uncomfortable facts are presented to her is mirror the 1 principle supporter TVF members and simply say they are not facts. Or when presented with evidence denounce it and then ask for an overwhelming burden of proof right down to names and histories of the people, family statements (heay Haggis)…ohh and my favorite when one link shows the proof denounce that, call it fake and demand a link to 2 other sources. (heay Fab4)

    Facts - The PTP's greatest enemy.

    When the facts are presented, denounce them, deny them or call them fake facts.

    Well that's rich coming from a poster who on supplying one link proving the "truth" or so he said, it led to a blank google page and then not supplying a link claiming this mythical "2 other sources demand" but really because not just one but all sources did not back up his claim.

    Come up with the facts djjamie and you won't be called out. Facts such as your "fact" regarding the beating up and shooting of the Army Colonel do not stand up to any scrutiny whether you call them facts or not. Don't embarrass yourself any further,

    denounce some facts and finish with condescension is your signature move...

    At least I know your reply was not by a "pretend" Fab4...

    It was by the real supporter of no principles of democracy (apart from elections) the infamous Fab4.

    Can you name the principles of democracy by the way or do you blindly follow the PTP narrative and have a "belief" that they are right?

    Come on...

    <EDIT> Name one other principle and I will show you how the PTP abused it.

    Name one scheme the PTP implemented and I will show you how they failed...

    I dare you Fab4……I dare you.

    List your 15 principles.





    Lets see what you got that makes a coup acceptable

  3. All the reds are so full of crap today, they are frantic now that it has come to judgement day. Let's hope the judges put the good of the country first and remove ALL the PTP clowns ! This time tomorrow those of us with some common sense who are not idiotic brainwashed red sheeple will hopefully be raising our glasses and hoping for a Shin free future. The champagne is on ice waiting for noon clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

    Far from being frantic, they are fully prepared for the inevitable corrupt ruling about to be made.

    They have not sat idly by since the slaughter of 2010.

    They are organised and ready to defend democracy.

    Only the greatest of fools could believe this saga ends tomorrow.

    The corrupt verdict signals nothing more than half time.

    The Red Army is about to enter the arena and the rout is about to commence.

    Shock and Awe is coming to BKK!

    That glass of wine you are about to consume will not be done in a celebratory fashion toasting a successful coup but in your own morbid sorrow at the end of apartheid and fascism in Thailand.

    • Like 1
  4. I hope that Yinluck is not removed. I doubt if the people of Thailand will stand by and watch another elected government fall to the Bangkok elite.

    What a shame to see another criminal fall.

    Of course if she is found guilty with the evidence being beyond a reasonable doubt is beside the point.

    Evidence is beside the point. Agenda is paramount to the result right...

    Facts…Forget them

    Beliefs - Like a cult, never forget them

    Your post is incomprehensible.

    If you meant to say the courts are crooked and Yingluck is innocent - then you are correct

    • Like 1
  5. I was waiting for the Khaosod intimidation and threat of a 'mass' red rally.

    So what are they going to do about it when they get there?.... Pick their noses??

    100,000 my ar-se... Be lucky if they can get 2000 and they will be sent packing if they so much as fart out of line. We all remember 2010 and it won't be repeated, well..... not without a lot of bloodshed anyway.

    They want to die for Thaksin..... come ahead.

    This has got to be the most ridiculous post I've read on TVF.

    Only the most wilfully ignorant, misinformed or intellectually inadequate could believe as you've written.

    Whatever the level of Red Support, it far exceeds 2,000 and as for what they are going to do when they get here - truly shutdown Bangkok.

    That means all the big elite run business left open by the PDRC (Dusit Thani etc.) are in for an awful lot of economic pain.

    They don't want to die for Thaksin.

    They don't want to die at all.

    They just won't live under unelected military backed dictatorships anymore.

    So they will do what they must to defend democracy.

    • Like 2
  6. To the naysayers of the road map, what's the alternative? This government is going down for sure. And then the hired red thugs of Thaksin comes out and we're on the road to civil war. Rather then dismissing the plan outright, the fools in power should try to come to some sort of compromise.

    Hold elections and respect the result.

    Why should democracy compromise with tyrants?

    It's all rather simple really.

  7. This really deserves a bravo. Yingluck's lawyers - not to mention Yingluck herself, Chalerm, Surapong, CAPO, and the UDD - have more than crossed the line into contempt of court - in some cases many times over. It's about time the law put its foot down, and it has. Bullies only succeed when they intimidate. When they don't - they fail.

    Open defiance of such a corrupted institution is correct and noble.

    The actions of the 2006 coup appointed judicial officials has rendered the courts null and void.

    The US has stated such, both privately and publicly, which is why the judges have not been able to remove Yingluck from office.

    All avenues for the yellows to usurp power are now firmly closed - justice and democracy has won the day.

    Look at how pathetic it has all become.

    Suthep and Abhisit in a public spat and the NACC reduced to filing frivolous charges against a no name lawyer.

    Time to pack up the 5 or 6 remaining tents in Lumpini and go home.

    Only embarrassment remains for the failed coup mongers.

    In the not too distant future a fully elected senate will see the end of all these anti-democratic military/elite appointed officials and true independence will be returned to the courts.

    The court is corrupt and dear Yingluck is not corrupt cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Yes, you've hit the nail on the head.

    Glad to see your learning things and leaving your ignorance behind.

    Well Done!

  8. This really deserves a bravo. Yingluck's lawyers - not to mention Yingluck herself, Chalerm, Surapong, CAPO, and the UDD - have more than crossed the line into contempt of court - in some cases many times over. It's about time the law put its foot down, and it has. Bullies only succeed when they intimidate. When they don't - they fail.

    Open defiance of such a corrupted institution is correct and noble.

    The actions of the 2006 coup appointed judicial officials has rendered the courts null and void.

    The US has stated such, both privately and publicly, which is why the judges have not been able to remove Yingluck from office.

    All avenues for the yellows to usurp power are now firmly closed - justice and democracy has won the day.

    Look at how pathetic it has all become.

    Suthep and Abhisit in a public spat and the NACC reduced to filing frivolous charges against a no name lawyer.

    Time to pack up the 5 or 6 remaining tents in Lumpini and go home.

    Only embarrassment remains for the failed coup mongers.

    In the not too distant future a fully elected senate will see the end of all these anti-democratic military/elite appointed officials and true independence will be returned to the courts.

    In the not too distant future a fully elected senate will see the end of all these anti-democratic military/elite appointed officials

    ...and then you Red Shirt sycophants will have the Democratic Republic of Thailand that you have been fighting for...!! And I will have moved elsewhere...!!

    Looks like a win, win situation then.

    Very good

  9. And that ladies and gentlemen is step one completed in the end game strategy being played out, and the PTP are too stupid to even notice it.

    Threaten to boycott and disrupt under the current situation, then play ' good cop bad cop ' where Abhisit recommends a compromise and promises to do his best to negotiate between the PDRC and the EC/Opposition.... Gets the military to start the show by coming out and saying that Abhisit has a very good compromise on the table and that their talks were very agreeable and successful.... That is the primer.


    Now just complete the next few steps and it will be a good job done, and one that should not lead to a civil war.

    That is the difference between the two camps.... one side has intelligence the other side relies on brute force and intimidation.

    The difference between the two camps is that one has the backing of the majority and the other does not.

  10. what is this nonsense about 10 hardcore ?

    Opposition to any government is healthy, don't you agree ??

    Posters on TVF criticize any wrong doings by the elected government and these are discussed at length at times.

    Whatever has gone on after the illegalities came out of government, is another matter whether it be Suthep OR army OR Dems. To my mind of thinking.

    The rights and wrongs of these-election farces - demonstrations etc., are because of the prior problem with government management.

    The hardcore I talk about are the ones that came on the scene to defend a dysfunctional government at all costs blaming anyone that they can.

    My main observation is near all of you people near NEVER post on any other topics. This is not normal on TVF, it has crept in to my mind to cause problems than being honest about the elected government.

    Had you posters I mentioned mixed with the other 99% it would look a bit different. your choice but looks a bit odd to me. NOT your love of a party, that is your choice, but the style of most of the attack--same stance. Denial all the way.

    Suppose this will be attacked with my YELLOW views, that would be crazy as I will go for anyone flouting the law, yes including the persons you hate.

    REASONABLE and LEGAL opposition to any government is healthy.

    The crap currently going on in Thailand is neither of the above

    • Like 1
  11. Has Suthep gone political mad ?

    Or is this a good cop bad cop situations, where the two are working together behind the scenes.

    Lets take a closer look

    Abhisit now looks like the good guy in all of this, Yingluck is the idiot hanging onto power by her teeth and will not let go

    She can not defeat Suthep, so agree with Abhisit as she thinks he can not defeat Suthep

    all the time this is part of the plan

    Abhisit talk to Suthep when all of thailand are looking for a saviour

    Suthep agrees with Abhisit

    Abhisit become a Statesman and the true hero for Thailand

    and at the election will walk into power with a massive majority

    Maybe this is all a dream, or a well planed operation

    It has been done before in many situation and worked

    So is this the trap that will get rid of the Sinawats for good

    just an opinion, at the end of the 10 days we will have the answer

    Its got to be better the the other plan

    Suthep has gone mad with power and will lead Thailand in to Civil war against the Red shirt Leader who wants the same thing

    You're clutching at straws.

    It's over man.

    Give it up and accept the lunatics have failed

    Any more posts like this and you'll end up in a padded cell

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