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Posts posted by Torkmada

  1. saying the majority of the respondents wanted to see the election held at the earliest possible date or on July 20th

    The end is nigh for Suthep and his criminal band.

    They know they'll lose the election and they know they'll never again be able to prevent the government from serving a full term.

    Their goose is cooked and the people know it.

    Yingluck has won the day.

    Many of the leaders of the insurrections dating back to the PAD are in for the shock of their lives when they realise they are actually going to end up in jail this time.

    Not only that, but this bunch of crooks will not be able to prevent the PTP from passing the long needed amendments to the 2007 coup constitution - the final nail in the coffin of decades of military dictatorship in Thailand.

    It's a rout.

    Where do you get this strange information from...fortune teller maybe???

    It's just over man.

    It's plain to see for anyone without an agenda to push

    The minute the US sent the letter voicing their dissatisfaction the jig was up.

    Now it's all about face saving and avoiding jail

    Expect some sort of amnesty for all in the next year or two.

  2. Is the army really going to help CAPO just because that drunk colonel got beat up and had some bullet splinters put in his foot by PDRC guards?

    Or is Chalerm going to persuade the police to take the risk of doing it and face prosecution later?

    The army is self interested.

    They won't associate themselves with the losers of this conflict, so they'll ensure that the elections take place.

    Game Over

  3. Not good news for either Suthep -PDRC or Abhisit- Democrats. Suthep and Abhisit want to delay the elections. This suggests that the PTP position of having the elections without further delay has support with the population. An indirect indication of voting intentions.

    But under democracy voting PTP lost this round as they did not get over 50%

    PTP and their allies won 53% of the seats available in the recent senate elections. Given that they won 53% of the lower house seats (265/500) in the last full election (2011) - it is fair to say their support is holding steady and they would most likely romp home in the net election.

    If another election is ever held in Thailand, Suthep has lost all, his only hope is for the 2011 election to be the last one ever held in the LOS.

    Who really wants that?

    • Like 2
  4. Chalerm once again showing how he is a complete child.

    How dare he accuse the last grenades attack on the PDRC without evidence..... This guy has a lot of shortcomings in the pipeline and the time will come when he finds himself on the run from his pursuers.

    Does he think Thalsin is having a ball in exile or what?

    He is going the same way and so is Surapong and YL.

    The whole anti-PTP/Shinawatra movement is based on accusations without evidence.

    • Like 1
  5. The Spanish Inquisition was a failure, the yellows need to learn from it

    The Inquisition terrorised Europe for about 300 years. In what way is that a failure?

    Englands shedding of Catholicism saw it dominate the globe in an era when the once mighty Spaniards declined under the spell of religious nutters

    Look at how much political power the Churches of the world exercise now.

    Next to none.

    In the dark ages Kings and Emperors bowed down to Popes.

    Science and the excesses of the Inquisition put an end to the reign of terror.

    The Inquisition remained the darkest blot on the Churches record until the modern day pedophiles started running amok.

  6. This was meant to be over and done with in 3 days.

    So the way I see it all there celebrating is:

    3 days of moderate success (3 big marches topping out at about 180-200 thousand)


    177 days of utter failure

    The way I see it Malaysian Airlines have more to celebrate than this bunch of clowns

    • Like 2
  7. Thailands future will not be decided by a small clique of 90 year old dinosaurs.

    Thailand is no longer theirs, it now belongs to the people.

    These diaper wearing geriatrics days of murderous oppression and extravagant gluttony are over.

    The above poster has been a bad boy and obviously has read the banned books.

    Thailand has an interesting history if you can be bothered to look it up.

    Shakesperian is the only word that can describe the tragedy of Thailand since 1932.

    Fascinating reading indeed.

    • Like 2
  8. No academics required.

    There is no great mystery to be had here.

    The solution is self evident.

    Hold an election and respect the results.

    The true riddle these clowns are trying to solve is "How can an electoral minority hijack power for themselves whilst maintaining a facade of freedom and democracy?"

    The simple answer is they can't. Those days are over.

    So give in, you've lost

  9. Thailands future will not be decided by a small clique of 90 year old dinosaurs.

    Thailand is no longer theirs, it now belongs to the people.

    These diaper wearing geriatrics days of murderous oppression and extravagant gluttony are over.

    You don't know what is going to happen because nobody knows what will happen, get over yourself.

    Its OK for those of us who have the options to leave, for some of us it is complicated cause we have families/business here.

    The one certainty is that if things blow up Thai people will suffer. Thai families will lose members and friends

    About time some people realised that this is not a game and showed some responsibility.

    Of course the above does not apply to trolls

    It's pretty evident to all the days of coup after coup are over.

    180 days of yellow insurrection and treason and they have accomplished nothing.

    Thailand is now free.

  10. This guy wants to be a modern day Torquemada.

    You can longer force a people what to believe nor whom to love.

    Any law that tries to do so can only cause more harm than good.

    Only the evil can benefit as the good need no such law.

    The injustices required to enforce such a law will ultimately cause its downfall.

    Information can no longer be controlled nor suppressed.

    The truth will always come out.

    The Spanish Inquisition was a failure, the yellows need to learn from it

  11. What would the Shin's do without social media ?

    Social media is what has destroyed the elites hold over the nation.

    The people can no longer be treated as mushrooms (kept in the dark and fed bulls***)

    The information age means no more secrets.

    Biased media outlets such as The Nation are exposed for what they are - mouthpieces of the anti-democratic fascists.

    • Like 2
  12. Thailands future will not be decided by a small clique of 90 year old dinosaurs.

    Thailand is no longer theirs, it now belongs to the people.

    These diaper wearing geriatrics days of murderous oppression and extravagant gluttony are over.

    • Like 2
  13. "Democracy " is wonderful !

    Please explain that concept in Egypt, Zimbabwe and Iraq !

    Democracy is about more than voting !

    North Korea holds "elections" and the people vote !

    Democracy demands a reasonably well educated population that rejects power hungry , massively corrupt politicians who "buy" votes with promises that cannot be kept .

    Mentioning North Korea and democracy in the same statement shows your complete level of ignorance on the subject matter.

    Stop trying to dress up your bigotry and discrimination against the majority of Thais.

    They are not too dumb to vote, you only think they are because you're a prejudicial fascist anti-democratic small minded nothing.

  14. If the PTP and the red shirts get there way that is all an election will do show who has the most people behind them. Also no one will really know the true figures as no one will know how many where bought by all concerned and how many were placed due to intimidation from the red shirts. They have in no way tried to hide the fact that if they don't get there way there may well be blood. In fact some of them are arming up now for that.sad.png

    There are many Farongs on these boards who do not know any thing about Thailand they think just have a vote and every thing will be peachy keen. Not so it will still leave a divided Thailand. Unity is what they should be searching for. That includes Issan and the Southern provinces not just Issan. Which is where the red shirts want every thing to go.wai.gif

    Elections in Thailand are free and fair and the PTP's massive level of support is genuine. Surely if there is cheating occurring the best course of action is to hold an election, catch them red handed and get the yellow courts to annul the election - if things were done this way there'd be less opposition to an appointed government.

    So why aren't Suthep and the Dems wanting an election?

    Because they know the truth, they are as unpopular as soi dog excrement and the PTP doesn't need to cheat to blow them away in any election, so they don't.

    As for unity. For decades all the wealth of the land has been funnelled into Bangkok whilst the rural poor were forced to live in "sufficiency".

    Those days are over.

    The PDRC and the Democrats and those they represent are no more than spoiled brats who are throwing a tantrum because they don't want to share their toys with the other kids. When they grow up there'll be unity.

    • Like 2
  15. Despite the constant attempts to destroy the rice scheme by self interested saboteors what we have here is good government policy working as it should for the betterment of the nation and its citizens.

    Three cheers!

    The rice scheme is finished. My Thai father in law still hadn't been paid for his rice since last October as has the guy who rents my wifes paddy.

    Those farmers selling to the local rice mill were offered 4500 bht per tonne last week so they are effectively selling at a loss.

    The rice scheme has destroyed the market for Thai rice at a level that gives the farmer any sort of livelyhood.

    The alleged levels of rampant corruption simple do not exist.

    The rice scheme is as clean as any Thai government policy can be and cleaner than many of Abhisit's policies

    That's the reason why the NACC refuses to go and check the warehouses themselves for proof of missing rice.

    Their content to rely on rumours and accusations rather than seek the truth because reality won't further their cause of pushing through trumped up charges against the nations leader.

    The ship of state is slowly righting itself and shall soon be sailing through clear waters under blue skies with the same skipper at the helm.

    The people have won.

    Note to one self! Don`t feed the troll, don`t feed the troll, don`t feed the troll, don`t.......................

    Better note to oneself! continue to deny reality, continue to deny reality, continue……….

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