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Posts posted by sambum

  1. The hell's wrong with some of you? A young lad has an accident that could have happened in any country on Earth (it sure as hell could have happened to a young me when harpooning in Sweden as a kid), and you jump at the opportunity to proclaim how stupid Thai people are. Are people falling down while bicycling equally stupid and trying to achieve the Darwin Award? Accidents happen, and they sure as hell happen in the U.S. Netherlands, UK, Australia or wherever the hell you're from.

    No wonder some Thai people turn into farang haters with people like you around.

    Hear, hear! It seems like any excuse will do. Although at times it is deserved, in this case I agree with Myran 100% - an accident, pure and simple.

  2. You can say anything u like to me I will not hit you. I dont care. Insult my mum, my sister, my gf. I dont care. All the machos on this very forum, geriatrics, quite funny. And quite pathetic. 555

    Might want to include: if a 65 year old woman slaps me, I will just laugh and walk away, no doubt muttering choice phrases, rather than beat the crap out of her.

    Only low life scum would do that.

    True. But then we were not slabbed by a geriatric but some young Thai lowlives were. In other words: apples and oranges. I can not stress this enough. It's scum versus scum in this story. Old white trash hits young yellow trash and vice versa. Somnamnààààààààà. coffee1.gif

    No, they're not the same. Anyone who assaults pensioners in this manner are the lowest form of scum.

    Nothing can justify or explain away their vile behaviour.


    But, but,....... we were drunk/high on drugs your honour! Oh . that's OK then - you need help! B&**(((t!

  3. I telll all my friends and family not come here because the place is full of savages that should be put down

    If you are from the UK, I would bet that there are a lot more of these savages in your nearest city than there are in any Thai city.

    I've seen plenty of planet of the apes violence in the UK. The thing that does slightly disconcert me, however, is how every single Thai seems to know to connect with the solid bones in the shin or ankle.

    Yes. Try telling a liquored-up northern lager lout to pi55 off or pull his head in and see where it leads to.......

    Or a Southern one!

  4. Was it just me or did the rest of you see the mother push her son who fell like a deck of cards then she slapped the The Thai man in the face?

    The media title of British family being attacked is nonsense I have walked on Soy Bintabaht probably hundreds of times and never had any problems, this foul mouthed granny thought she was at home in Glasgow where 'a man would never lift his hands". my sympathy would lie with the dad,having to take a grown up son on holiday having to wear that shirt she bought him and having a wife with more testosterone than he has.

    Mai kho jai

    There has been no report of this in the Scottish press, why? 1.30 am drunk tourist attacks a Thai national while he and his friends celebrated Thai ney year.

    I must say that your post only highlights the bigotry that some posters seem to have toward this British family.

    "this foul mouthed granny thought she was at home in Glasgow"

    If you had given the article more than a perfunctory glance, you would see that the family was from Wales, not Scotland

    "The media title of British family being attacked is nonsense"

    So what would you call it then - a friendly type of Happy New Year/Songkran greeting?

    "There has been no report of this in the Scottish press, why?"

    Already explained above, but there has been plenty of press coverage about it since the details were "leaked" - hence the authorities saying that the footage damaged the country

    "1.30 am drunk tourist attacks a Thai national while he and his friends celebrated Thai ney year."

    Sorry, but who attacked who? Who ended up unconscious after a "Thai national" (Oh - and a few of his Thai national friends) celebrated the ney New Year?

    No matter what was said, the resultant violence was totally unwarranted, and as far as your post is concerned, I would suggest that readers print it off, and put it to good use in the toilet where it belongs!

  5. Thai people do not have a seething rage for Westerners, foreigners or any other. Some abuse alcohol and drugs. Others are simply worn down by the stress of life in Thailand without any hope of ever getting anything better. the lack of education; lack of real work opportunities; and the simple hopelessness of existence causes an inner rage. In addition Thais are taught from birth to avoid confrontations and adopt the Mai Pen Rai attitude. It really takes a lot to provoke a Thai person and the video does show the Thai man even after being slapped, not fight back against the foreign woman. However, fueled by alcohol in this case; the pack mentality sets in. I am not trying to dismiss what happened as insignificant. I am trying to understand and explain the Thai psyche. They indeed should be punished for their over reaction and injury to others.

    I am actually amazed at how many posters on this board show their hatred towards the Thai people and utter lack of any insight into how Thai people think and live. They rant and rave about everything bad in Thailand . They do not have to adapt to us- we have to adapt to their culture. If there is any animosity inside a Thai person towards a foreigner, it is based on the foreign attitude that 'we are better than you' and can do whatever we want. There are too many expats and foreigners with chips on their shoulders. All one has to do is watch the behaviors of foreigners towards Thais to understand why they may feel some resentment. The way foreigners talk and comport themselves turns me off so you can imagine how Thai people feel. Thailand is still the LOS- I see it daily. I also believe that Thailand is not the same now as it was 50 years ago when i first came, but neither is America, Europe or Australia. Everyone is chasing the Baht; Dollar, Euro or Aussie Dollar. The majority do it to survive- the rest are greedy.

    This incident should cause a wide introspection into how not to act towards others. In other posts I have mentioned how everyone has to share guilt. The widespread portrayal in the foreign media and on this board that it was all one sided, is just not true. While there is plenty to complain about in Thailand, it is not an unsafe country; Thai people do not dislike foreigners, and the government has no vendetta against the foreign/expat community. When you are out and about treat everyone with dignity and respect. If you drink too much- go back to your residence. Try and assimilate into the local culture and understand Thailand and its people. There is just too much negativity and animosity in this World and Thailand is not immune. At times, all of this makes me want to move further away from so called 'civilization".

    So how often do tourists in Soho get beaten up by groups of ladyboys, as is a regular occurrence in Pattaya, and how many tourists commit suicide by leaping from skyscrapers in New York?

    There are indeed many decent Thai people, but for the most part the type of Thai person that "works" in the likes of Pattaya's "entertainment" area does not fit into that category.

    And the animosity towards foreigners that you vehemently deny can be seen almost every time there is a disagreement between a Thai and a Farang. The resulting violence is NEVER "one on one", and it seems that even elderly women are fair game if they dare to speak out. (That would never happen in my town or most others that I know of) in the UK - they would be told to shut up, keep out of it, or physically held back, but NEVER knocked to the ground by a cowardly piece of garbage like that, and THEN kicked in the head as she tries to get up!!! Absolutely disgraceful, inexcusable behaviour - drunk or not.

    "Thais are taught from birth to avoid confrontations and adopt the Mai Pen Rai attitude."

    ( Didn't see much of that in this instance!)

    However, a good piece of advice that has been quoted a few times on here is try to avoid a confrontation and just walk away, because once you start an arguing and shouting match with a Thai, his "face" has gone, and the ensuing violence is almost expected by his peers, who will gladly jump in and "help"!

  6. Who is paying the hospital bill?

    Not the victims I hope.


    What some drunken cowardly Thai men can do to a 65 year old woman.

    Get well soon ma'am.

    @Bangkokken, ever heard of travel insurance? It's this type of insurance that every sane westerner has when they travel outside of their usual place of residence. Anyone stupid enough NOT to have travel insurance (especially elderly people) can only hope nothing happens to them while they're on holiday.

    Only a really stupid person would travel without insurance of some sort.

    "especially elderly people" are the people that can NOT get insured because of their age! I tried to get health insurance in Thailand a few years ago (I am now 70), and it was going to cost app 3000 British Pounds annually, and excluded some pre existing conditions e.g. high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. But this topic has been well covered before, so no need for any further debate.

  7. One thing that is typical and not surprising is how people nearby were watching arms folded. I seen it before in Thailand. When someone is in distress and attacked its a case of "nothing to do with me"

    And thats true of women and children attacked. Says something about the place!

    I was with a friend a few years ago on motor bikes, and he was riding ahead of me and swerved to avoid a cat on the road. The bike jackknifed and he ended up bouncing down the road like a rag doll. Lots of Thais just looking on with disdain, and it was a farang Dive Shop owner who came to help, took my friend to hospital in his truck, even waiting until he was treated and released, and took him home - only minor injuries, but it could have been much worse, and the Thais couldn't have cared less.

  8. It isn't too far of a stretch to believe that they guy was skint.

    If he was the type to have a "net worth", he would probably have a credit card or at least an ATM card in his wallet. A credit card has name imprinted and would be a good enough ID.

    If he had an ATM card from a Thai bank, the cops could get the info for it and ID him.

    If he had simply lost all of his ID and credit cards, and he was solvent, he would probably not kill himself but rather be working to replace his documents, cards and financial access. This is unlikely because he probably would have lost the entire wallet and not just the contents beyond 70 baht and the price of a beer.

    The robbery / murder as suggested by colinneil is plausible. The thief and murderer could take his cash and rack up his cards, and empty his bank accounts if they know the PIN. Killing him makes sure that he can not report them stolen and have them deactivated.

    But... this doesn't make sense either - for him to be happily buying a beer and then being robbed and murdered no more than 10 minutes later.

    Does this building have an accessible rooftop? Mine does- can take the elevator to the top floor, and walk up one flight and go out onto the roof. Maybe he lived in a ground floor condo nearby, and this was the closest place to join the flying club.

    "But... this doesn't make sense either - for him to be happily buying a beer and then being robbed and murdered no more than 10 minutes later."

    Why not? I'm sure that has happened a few times before!

    That's why I said it was plausible. Could have happened, but I don't see it in this case.

    But for it to happen so fast, the guy would have had to be going to visit someone in the building, who let them into their room, killed him or overpowered him, cleaned out his wallet save seventy baht, put the wallet back in his pocket, and thrown him from the balcony.

    Going to see his gik but her "brother" was in the room with her? Why would a thief / murderer put the wallet back with 70 Baht? Why not keep it all?

    If he was going to visit someone, and had money in his wallet, why would he only buy one beer to take for himself? Why not buy another one (or several) to share with the friend?

    My apologies - I misread your post!

  9. Perhaps the past was about to catch up

    With him.......and really, your last drink a

    Freaken beer, make mine a good 20y/o

    Single malt!!

    Contradicts your post yesterday, saying you don't drink and never have done ?

    If true,I like your post, but can't see the post from little mary sunshine yesterday - do you have a Post # Number to refer to?

    If you look at my post #82 on the "Englishman 'arrests' ladyboy pickpocket in Pattaya" topic, you will see it.

    Have done, therefore I like your post! And well done for exposing a bit of hypocrisy!

  10. Jumper my a..e.

    All the time we hear about farangs jumping from condos.

    Orders a beer then goes and jumps. No way, somebody helped him over the edge.

    I would like to see his bank account/net worth before making an accusation like this.....

    It isn't too far of a stretch to believe that they guy was skint.

    If he was the type to have a "net worth", he would probably have a credit card or at least an ATM card in his wallet. A credit card has name imprinted and would be a good enough ID.

    If he had an ATM card from a Thai bank, the cops could get the info for it and ID him.

    If he had simply lost all of his ID and credit cards, and he was solvent, he would probably not kill himself but rather be working to replace his documents, cards and financial access. This is unlikely because he probably would have lost the entire wallet and not just the contents beyond 70 baht and the price of a beer.

    The robbery / murder as suggested by colinneil is plausible. The thief and murderer could take his cash and rack up his cards, and empty his bank accounts if they know the PIN. Killing him makes sure that he can not report them stolen and have them deactivated.

    But... this doesn't make sense either - for him to be happily buying a beer and then being robbed and murdered no more than 10 minutes later.

    Does this building have an accessible rooftop? Mine does- can take the elevator to the top floor, and walk up one flight and go out onto the roof. Maybe he lived in a ground floor condo nearby, and this was the closest place to join the flying club.

    "But... this doesn't make sense either - for him to be happily buying a beer and then being robbed and murdered no more than 10 minutes later."

    Why not? I'm sure that has happened a few times before!

  11. Just watched the C4 version which did not tell us anything new except the frequency of unexplained deaths on the island, with the incompetence of RTP.

    I'm surprised no one has started an online campaign to promote not visiting Koh Tao - that would hurt most the probable killers and the island mafia. Been there once and will never go again.

    Hundreds of thousands of young adults, partying till dawn for weeks on end have gone. Two established murders. Other deaths explainable accidents, seized on as fodder for the conspiracy theorists.

    EDIT and one suicide Dimitri Povse, replete with note written in French

    Two established murders - with an extremely flawed investigation, which may result in a retrial if experts recent opinions and advice and is acted upon.

    Other deaths explainable accidents - "explainable", but very suspicious circumstances.

    One suicide - also very suspicious circumstances.

    And "conspiracy theorists"? (Where did that come from, I wonder?) Or just people who are putting forward possible alternatives to the official RTP conclusions, which as is shown by the investigation into the "two established murders", are not always infallible?

    If it were not for the "conspiracy theorists", and the popularity of social media sites, I doubt very much if the possibility of a retrial would even have been contemplated, as the experts that are now involved would probably not even have heard of the case. Additionally, a retrial will involve an enormous loss of face, and we all know how much that means in Thailand!

    The latest pile of lies " experts...suspicious deaths..."- only if you want to see them that way.

    And it's also as glaringly obvious that you don't! If you had been taking notice, you would have noticed that In a previous post I cast doubt on the supposed "experts" as there were no names mentioned, or places of employment. These have now been supplied, but I am prepared to look at "both sides of the coin" (as indeed are many posters on here) but unfortunately there are a few like yourself, and the (possibly now defunct) "Glee Club" that can only blindly accept as gospel everything that those in authority would have you believe.

  12. Just watched the C4 version which did not tell us anything new except the frequency of unexplained deaths on the island, with the incompetence of RTP.

    I'm surprised no one has started an online campaign to promote not visiting Koh Tao - that would hurt most the probable killers and the island mafia. Been there once and will never go again.

    Hundreds of thousands of young adults, partying till dawn for weeks on end have gone. Two established murders. Other deaths explainable accidents, seized on as fodder for the conspiracy theorists.

    EDIT and one suicide Dimitri Povse, replete with note written in French

    Two established murders - with an extremely flawed investigation, which may result in a retrial if experts recent opinions and advice and is acted upon.

    Other deaths explainable accidents - "explainable", but very suspicious circumstances.

    One suicide - also very suspicious circumstances.

    And "conspiracy theorists"? (Where did that come from, I wonder?) Or just people who are putting forward possible alternatives to the official RTP conclusions, which as is shown by the investigation into the "two established murders", are not always infallible?

    If it were not for the "conspiracy theorists", and the popularity of social media sites, I doubt very much if the possibility of a retrial would even have been contemplated, as the experts that are now involved would probably not even have heard of the case. Additionally, a retrial will involve an enormous loss of face, and we all know how much that means in Thailand!

  13. How are we supposed to know him if a picture is not posted?

    What makes you think they need your help in identifying the person! If the guy entered the country legally his biometric information will be on record, matching the person to the records should be relatively easy.

    What they don't need is ghouls wanting to look at a corpse.

    "What makes you think they need your help in identifying the person!" Try reading the post!

    From the headline:-

    Do you know this man?

    And from the text of the post:-

    PATTAYA:-- Police found an unidentified foreign man dead after a fall from a well known South Pattaya condominium on Tuesday evening.

    They are appealing for relatives or friends to come forward.

  14. I've never in all my years and travels come across such an inept and useless group of individuals. Besides collecting money, what are these clowns good at?

    Deporting you? Be careful or big brother make take offence hehee... Seriously though!! Life is already cheap in Thailand and especially so with a foreigners life. Only, and seriously, only, if it is widespread online will it be looked into deeper or with more care. Usually by that time it is too late to change what was pronounced as it would make them lose face. That is worse than getting something wrong and fixing it.

    e.g. Raiding an illegal gambling den/Bridge Club?

  15. DNA investigation in murder case of UK backpackers ‘incompetent’

    Police in Thailand may be reported to an international regulator over the investigation of two Burmese men convicted of murdering British backpackers Hannah Witheridge and David Miller.

    International legal and DNA forensic scientists have advised the defence team of the two Burmese, who were sentenced to death, to make a formal complaint and demand a retrial.

    The bodies of Ms Witheridge, 23, and Mr Miller, 24, were found on the island of Koh Tao in September 2014.

    The experts say at best the DNA investigation by the Thai Police Forensics Laboratory was incompetent with no chain of evidence or proper disclosure to the defence. The worst scenario is Zaw Lin and Wai Phyo were framed.


    "International legal and DNA forensic scientists" " The team" "The experts"

    Any names or places of employment to go with that?

  16. Whoever wrote this article isn't helping by making things up and omitting facts. For example, "One aspect that was not mentioned during the program was two other western women who had been mugged by four Thai men on motorbikes the evening before in the very same spot."

    It was not mentioned because it isn't true at all. The murder was on the beach at a rocky outcrop- unless the men on motorbikes rode them into the sand it was definitely not the same place.

    And the suicide? Completely ignores the suicide note written in French that addressed his relatives by name. I suppose the mafia has a crack team of polyglot handwriting forgers at their disposal.

    Worst part of this case is the people cheering one side or the other like its a football match and completely ignoring evidence to the contrary.

    Agree, a very poor documentary.

    Such as "shown footage Wai Phyo was dressed in long jeans, a T-shirt and a long sleeved ‘winter’ top. Odd attire considering the temperature at that time, especially when the 15+ other people in the room were wearing light clothes and T-shirts."

    Most construction workers in Thailand dress this way, many even wear beanies..... heck even normal Thai office workers wear jackets in the office

    So most points in the documentary were beaten to death in the papers, they just made it more dramtatic by introducing things that are irrelevant or has already been proven but they refuse/did not care to point it out to keep viewers on the edge of their seat

    Wai Phyo worked in a restaurant, not as a construction worker and his choice of cloths were ACTUALLY very strange, considering the heat, humidity and his previous choice of clothing.

    A lot of what the documentary pointed out are correct but maybe a little bit filtered.

    Nothing has been proven up until now, everything is kept under covers, outsiders still don't know the truth apart from everyone who's followed the killings and rapes of multiple westerners during the last couple of years, knows that Koh Tao ISN'T safe for anyone to visit. There's not a single case who's been solved on KT in years.

    Apparently, according to a senior police officer at the time, the lack of police on Koh Tao necessitated the "help" of locals to secure contaminate the crime scene in the "Hannah and David" case. But this, and many other glaring inconsistencies in the investigation didn't matter one hoot at the end of the day. As soon as the B2 were arrested, they were guilty in the eyes of the police, and any other verdict would have meant huge loss of face for the RTP and the prosecution. The underlying theme now seems to be "OK, we made a few mistakes along the way, but in the end we got the right perpetrators of the crime - after all, they've been found guilty in a Court of Law!"

  17. Hi News Team,

    I think it would be a very good idea, if you could just do some proof reading and spell checking of the news items that you post?? it does not take a lot of time and the results are well worth it>>>>

    Thai Visa News Team did not write this article, Samui Times wrote the article, you can contact them here:


    I suspect that's not exactly the response that hoffy66 expected to his suggestion:- "I think it would be a very good idea, if you could just do some proof reading and spell checking of the news items that you post??"

    However, I also suspect that any alteration to another journal's articles would not be allowed when they give permission for such articles to be used in another media publication?

    So if they had to get permission to reprint this article, would you think they might have thought to ask if it were okay to correct any mistakes they found, i mean after all , when you are presenting stories to a mixed population, some of who are not up to speed with the english language, i would presenting good english would be the way to go?? also where is the "duty of care" or does that not happen in this country...

    " would you think they might have thought to ask if it were okay to correct any mistakes they found,"

    I don't profess to know anything about journalism, but I do know that what you are suggesting would not just be about losing face for the Samui Times, but a slap in the face for the journalist responsible for the article! You don't ask to "borrow" a News article and then set about altering it - either for correction or otherwise. If you wanted to deviously put in one or two false facts, then the Samui Times could be hit by a lawsuit - not you as it is their article that would be under question.

    Also, you could possibly do with a proof reader of your own! :-

    ".some of who are not up to speed with the english language, i would presenting good english would be the way to go??"

    Huh? And "English" should be capitalised

  18. Disregarding the law by driving drunk, under the influence of drugs, exceeding the speed limit is paramount to a pre-meditated offence - - he was well aware that he would have been breaking the law,therefore it was a pre- meditated act.

    " exceeding the speed limit is paramount to a pre-meditated offence - - he was well aware that he would have been breaking the law,therefore it was a pre- meditated act."

    So regardless or not whether he was under the influence of drugs or alcohol, are you saying that anyone who is speeding and is involved in an accident where someone dies should be charged with premeditated murder?

  19. Actually, I don't mind so much. Many people forget that we are guests in this beautiful country! Try to get a Visa in The Netherlands, while being a Thai! Virtually impossible! My son tried iths for his (American!), wife. No sir cannot do! Now he's living since four years happily in The United States with his wife.. I'm sure there are many country's whom are far more difficult than Thailand! I don't mind giving my bank account, heck, they might even decide to put money on it! smile.png

    As for the bitching towards all that is Thai: Simple, don't do that! You are a guest, behave like a guest! if you don't like it, go back to where you came from! Nobody is forcing you to stay in Thailand... As far as I'm concerned Thailand is my new home country and I intend to stay here until my dying day. I love Thailand!! Came here in 2007 and hope to stay here for many years to come.....

    " if you don't like it, go back to where you came from! " Yawn - again!

  20. Absolute BS for the intended purpose to track down terrorists and criminals. National security??What about Thai criminals which frequently disappeared in the past?? The only purpose I see is to sample information, which otherwise would be difficult and costly to access. But as it is not mandatory to fill in...in more than 30 years here I never gave them any information regarding my bank details.

    Well, if you are here on a marriage or retirement visa they will have already had access to the details of whatever account your supporting money is held in.

    Not necessarily if your your "Proof of Income" is via a letter provided by your Embassy.

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