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Posts posted by carlyai

  1. 10 minutes ago, saintdomingo said:

    Sheryl, due to a throat problem I am currently feeding through a tube in my nose which takes food straight to the stomach.

    The food is Ensure and I am unclear about the daily safe amount. Is 48 scoops OK.? Apparently about 480 gm.

    Thanks in advance.

    I'm not sure of a safe amount, but isn't 1 meal 6 scoopes, so 3 would be 18 scoopes for normal replacement meal diet.

    That Ensure does contain sugar, or it used to.

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  2. Could be a loose connector, try plugging in everything again.

    Wiggle the cables near the connector and see what happens.

    Disconnect the good working monitor and install the dodgy one in it's place and see if the fault follows rhe monitor.

    After these tests, If the problem is in the monitor it could be difficult to find as is an intermittant fault and will need a visit to a repair shop.

    Can also give it a couple of bangs with your hand to see what happens (if it brings on the fault, could indicate something loose).

  3. We had a problem with termites in the Pattaya house.

    They came up through the cement floor into the wooden door jam and marched on from there.

    We got a pest exterminator company and the guy said that you have to kill the queen in the nest.

    So he found the termites path in a false wooden show beam and with mimimal disturbance placed some termite food (yummy white block of poison I think), in the beam and closed the hole.

    He said if it's noisy the termites won't come, but when it's quiet they march on (like Spain, sorry 😞  ).

    When it was quiet you could hear them partying.

    I can't remember how many weeks, but they died.


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  4. 19 minutes ago, JBChiangRai said:


    They are in Global House.  Where are you? I have a 15KVA unit I want to upgrade to 20KVA.


    Incidentally, LiOA are the best units out there.

    Hi, not at our Global House, had a look.

    I did an internet search for Global houses and non showed up.

    I'm in Kuchinari.

    Maybe we can work something out?

    I have a 3 phase supply, mostly 3 seperate phases and not sure if the curve or characteristics of the 10kva is the same as the 15kva. Got a feeling it should be OK to mix 2 x 10kva and 1 x 15kva but unsure.


  5. 12 minutes ago, Encid said:

    I recently bought a JBL Soundbar (880W) Bar 1000 Pro from PowerBuy and it is awesome!


    Best feature (apart from the sound) is the HDMI eARC technology that enables your speakers to play everything sent to the TV, whether it is an Android box streaming media from the internet via HDMI, a DVD player playing to the TV via HDMI, or a video file played by the TV from a USB external drive.


    What size is your TV?

    The soundbar I bought is exactly the same length as the new TV I bought with it... a 65" Toshiba.

    Looking at your photos it would appear that there is not a lot of space below the TV to mount a soundbar without interfering with your switches, unless you mount it a bit lower.


    Although the specs for the soundbar do say that it is a wireless subwoofer, it still needs a power cable to drive the sub amplifier, and another power cable to drive the amplifier for the soundbar itself.


    I'd recommend heading off to the nearest PowerBuy store and checking them out yourself, and getting the sales rep to demonstrate them for you in the store.

    That way you can determine performance vs your budget. 

    Here is their store locator.

    Thanks. I'm going to move the wifi router and install a little bench under the TV. I think it's 55".

    I think our nearest store is about 80km away in Mukdahan so may go there for lunch on the weekend.

    Thanks again. 🙂

  6. 1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

    The main side effects of cialis are headache, dyspepsia, nasal congestion, flushing and back pain. It also can lower blood pressure which can sometimes cause dizziness or fainting. This is most likley to happen in people combining cialis with alsohol or people on other blood pressure-lowering medications.


    Cialis  must never be combined with certain heart medications (specifically, nitrates, and that includes both therapeutic medications and certain "recreataional" drugs e.g. poppers). Deaths have been reported from such combinations.


    It is strongly recommended that anyone with cardiac problems, or on heart medications, consult their doctor before taking cialis (or other ED medications)

    Thanks. I have a larger prostrate but not much trouble, but I have noticed symptoms are worse now after my recent 9 hour back operation. I think it's everything rearranging itself as my posture has been changed with rods and screws. Dr put the curve back in my lumbar spine now I stand nearly normal and not bent right over. Dr said it could take a year to be mostly better.

    So I will try that herbal Saw Palmetto. 

    I am not on any blood pressure or other medicine.



  7. 7 hours ago, DrPhibes said:

    Have been taking .5mg of the Thai Cialis for 4 years for BPH and the only side-effect is a noticeable (but not dramatic) uptick in Rosacea activity (known side affect), does help quite a bit. I am also taking what is now called the Triple Pill for low end high blood pressure but I buy the minimal doseage of the pills that make up the triple pill and cut them in half.  Much cheaper at $0.45 USD per day. Dials me right in for BP a week after starting to take and keeps me there.

    What's the Thai Cialis name?

  8. Just mounted a TV outside mainly for playing aerobic exercise videos, but also watching the football when the grandkids come.

    Do you think the sound would be too diffused and would the TV sound be just as good outside?

    Any recommendations on Sound Bars?20240708_062503.thumb.jpg.a4a1498795229baac313fefb3b8f9187.jpg20240708_062427.thumb.jpg.b03c63d1f2a46ce607fa8ce94ff531bb.jpg

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  9. 1 hour ago, Crossy said:

    There are loads of plug-in energy meters on Lazada, plug into the wall, plug your computer into it, read power.


    Many also will measure kWh over time, so just run it overnight.


    Once you have the energy usage multiply by the average price per kWh (calculate it from your last bill) and you will know the answer.


    One of many on Lazada: - 




    Not sure if it makes much difference, maybe just signage, but I bought one ages ago from Lazada and on closer looking it was rated at 60 Hz, not 50 or 60 but 60.

    If buying check that it's 50 Hz. (I bought mine to adjust the frequency of my genset, so the rating was important.)

  10. 4 hours ago, Sheryl said:


    Definitely. Do that ASAP. His life is in the balance.

    He won't go. 😞

    My wife is on the internet with the boss of the local Car Care garage. (They have real money).

    We went to pick up a battery from them after friend hospital visit and boss said her son died in that hospital. Get him outa there.

    Nurse came in today (he has fluid on the lungs now as well) and said he hasn't been moving after the operation, then it's his fault he got the blood clot.

    Sent him for a CAT scan yesterday for the blood clot and charged him B10000 for the scan. Might have to blow this hodpital up. 😞


  11. What else could go wrong in a bush hospital?

    Now my Falang friend has a blood clot on his lungs. WTF.

    No compression sox supplied after his operation, no blood thinners.

    They are really trying hard to kill him.

    2 weeks now after his origional colon scan. 

    Still 4 drains and a horrible scar stappled every inch.

    What a mess.

    Must be time to get him out of this hospital and into KKU hospital.

    Years ago my BIL son had a motorbike accident, in hospital but kept getting worse, so we went to visit him and he had his leg in plaster and on blood transfusions.

    I looked at the X-rays and he had breaks in both the tibia and fibia but no pins and broken bones side by side not fixed, just put in plaster and continued blood transfusions.

    I had an orthapedic surgeon friend at a large Bangkok hospital so we arranged a midnight ambulance run (bush hospitals don't like giving up their patient) and bought him from Kanchanaburi to St Louis hospital where he was immediately operated on, plates and pins inserted. Dr said he would have died otherwise.


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  12. Yesterday went to KKU hospital After Hours Clinic and had an appointment with the eye doctor starting at 1630hr.

    After the usual tests they introduced me to this new looking machine that takes colour pictures of your eye. From that you could clearly see all the bright flecks (floaters) in my right eye. No retina tear.

    Dr said that over time the floaters tend to fall to the bottom of the eye and not so much of a problem, so booked an appointment in 6 months time to recheck.

    He said no dangerous problems.

    Great hospital.

    Just on the hospital:

    From Sheryl's advice I visited a specialist there for a colonoscopy last year. No dramas, no problems.

    So a friend in the same area asked about getting a colonoscopy and I advised him to go to this specialist at KKU After Hours Clinic.

    He didn't take my advice and went to our local government hospital. I said you could get a perferated bowel if they do it wrong and what could possibly go wrong with a B4000 colonoscopy?

    After the proceedure he swelled up like a ballon but they sent him home only to be readmitted with a perferated bowel.

    This is his second week in hospital on major antibiotics.

    I'll visit him today.

    It's alway better to follow recommendations than trust yourself to any bush hospital.



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  13. 2 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    @carlyaiThe various clinics (and doctor schedules) for the SMC are here


    (open in Chrome for translation)


    No eye clinic listed. There is an Eye Clinic, and very good, but I think you have to use the public channel. They will certainly be able to diagnose a retinal tear if you have one.


    They will need to do a retinal exam which involves dilating the pupil so don't plan on driving yourself afterwards.



    Thank you.

  14. I have just been reading the Retina Tear thread and would like to know if KhongKean University Hospital After Hours Clinic Specialist could diagnose a Retina Tear.

    I am nearly 3 months post back operation that took 9 hours (fusion pelvis to therasic).

    I had major verdigo after the operation and my eyes seem to have a problem. Specalist did a brain MRI to check that nothing was wrong and the anasethist said I had a very robus system and I didn't miss a beat during the 9 hr surgery.

    My right eye seems to have lots of floaters and I do get 'flashes' now and again. Everything seems very bright.

    When I do my daily 5km walk, it's hard to explain, but my vision of the world seems a bit unreal.

    I think this was coming on before my back operation, but as my back and leg pain/numness etc is 98% better, I notice my vision more I think.

    So my question is, who to see at KKU hospital?

     I'm 78 years old.

    Thank you.


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