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Posts posted by carlyai

  1. Crushed plate glass is one filter medium I use for our water supply filter and pool filter. (I forget the manufacturers name.)

    Before I used large sand and carbon filters, but over time the sand filter becomes less effective as the water tends to 'channel' in the sand.

    We have a 60m bore and backwash the glass and carbon filters weekly (give or take a month :))

    Lots of sediment backwashed from the glass filter but none from the carbon filter, so I would say the glass filter is doing a great job.

    So maybe investigate 'plate glass as a filter medium'.

    When I think of its commercial name I will post. 🙂


  2. 1 hour ago, billd766 said:

    I would think that the size of the area you have to cut is the most important. For 100 or 200 sq/m a cordless trimmer is OK, but for large areas of 1 or more rai, you are likely to run out of battery power long before you are finished with cutting the  grass.

    Not a big area. 😉

    • Like 1
  3. Thinking of buying this strimmer, because:

    I already have 20v batteries and charger for other DeWalt devices,

    After my recent back reorganisatiom, I can no longer use the large Honda strimmer,

    Looks like a good lightweight machine.


    Anyone experience with battery strimmers in particular the DeWalt brand? 


  4. 15 hours ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    Hardly, but it may not be quite as cheap as @Crossy said. I, not too long ago, was trying to find a replacement motor for one of my tools, they are not available. So I went down to our local electrical fix it shop and had the motor rewound, while it is rather larger than the motor you are needing to get fixed AFIR it was about 3,000 baht. For me it was the only option and I was happy to pay it, for other uses it is likely to be too expensive.

    Happy ending though. 🙂

    I just don't like to throw away anything electrical/mechanical/electronic. Got all these bits waiting for fixing (but will never get around to it).

    I could get the same electrical spec. motor, but it's the dimensions of all that are a little different to fit the case.

    If I was in Bangkok I'd visit Baan Mor where they rewind motors on the street corners, or used to. 

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  5. 7 minutes ago, Crossy said:

    What's actually wrong with the motor?


    Just brushes or ...


    If the worst comes to the worst there are places that will re-wind small motors for fairly nominal fees.

    Has that brown smell and intermittant operation.

    Took it to my local (Issan) sidewalk Fix Anything Shop and he tried to get a new motor but no success. Said try Bangkok.

    Bought a Dyson reɛlacement and love it, but like to get the old one going as spare.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Steve&mem said:

    When the control panel eventually gets here from China (should be this week) it is just the panel that you see in the picture, What relay's did you have in mind.

    You can't drive the starter motor just from the control unit too much current. You have to operate a relay to supply the current.

    Same for the fuel solonoid.

    See what the control module book says or a diagram of the control module setup.

    I can send you a pic of my setup if you're not sure.

  7. 3 hours ago, henrik2000 said:

    Hello, what about day trips into Laos from Nakhon Phanom to Tha Khek by bicycle. I (EU citizen) wonder about Laos visa fees and my Thai visa.


    I understand the situation like that:


    • TR Visa 60 days single entry: 35 Euro


    • TR Visa 60 days multiple entry: 175 Euro (Thai embassy site)


    • Laos Visa on Arrival: 40 USD (single entry? 2 day trips might be ok)


    On a tour of Isaan with rental car and bicycle I will stay in Nakhon Phanom for about 7 days. It would be around days no. 40 – 47 of my 2 months TR visa. I plan to buy another 30 days at a provincial Thai immigration to get exactly 89 days total in Thailand. (The 3 months Non-O is too complicated for me.)


    Bicycling (not by car!), I would prefer a boat crossing out of NKP town into Laos. I would not like to use the Friendship Bridge III, but it seems after the boat crossing there is no Visa on Arrival available, it's only after the Friendship bridge? Maybe I could get a Lao visa online then.


    Day trips into Laos seem very expensive with those visas above. I speak basic Thai and Isaan-Lao.


    There seems to be no day-visa or visa-runner visa for Laos? (Myanmar used to have it for foreign visa runners from TH, I used it once from Mae Sai.) But if there is a day-visa for Laos, which radius does it allow you?


    Of course I could shift Isaan destinations so that Nakhon Phanom is at the end of either 30 oder 60 days in Thailand, but that's complicated in my case, and I want to stay 89 days total, with the last month in the south.


    Thanks for your insights!




    I understand that Laos is very hilly, fascinating and deserves more than 1-2 day trips. Still I want to do only 1-2 Laotian day trips by bicycle. If the visa situation is too complicated and costly, 0 trips. I understand that Laotions and Thais drive on different roadsides.


    There is a slight chance I might stay in Mukdahan to do Laos day trips from there.


    We went into Laos by van with a local (Lao/Thai) Monk to a school he supports. From Mukdahan. Went to a cave complex that you boat thru and fairly extensive off main road day trip.

    As well as a lack of facilities if you have a bike problem, the roads are not really bike friendly, but I guess you know this. So I think the dirt/gravel roads are your problem.

  8. I have found that a start delay is needed where I am as the mains power fails, then after a few seconds delay, comes back on again and stays on or goes completely off.

    So my genset was starting, switching over to genset power, then switching back to mains and closing down.

    I had to install a time delay relay on start.

    Should have installed a delay on stop as well.



    • Like 1
  9. 17 hours ago, Fruit Trader said:


    My two cents :-

    Genset Fuel to controller pin 4 Fuel
    Genset Crank to controller pin 5 Crank
    Genset Start relay to controller pin 6 Aux output
    Genset 12V+ to controller pin 2 B+
    Genset 12v- to controller pin 1 B-

    Emergency stop input 12V+ on controller pin 3 to cut crank and fuel power.


    Wiring of power transfer device and power monitoring to controller. 



    To get the genset going I think you need: AuxOutput 3 control unit pins 10 and 11.

    Fuel Solonoid pin 4.

    Starter Motor pin 5.

    You need the circuit as Crossy suggested.

    (I think) is not good enough, must be sure.

  10. Long time dead. 🙂

    My control module is similar to yours and I mounted it where the start switch was. Once you install the auto start control module you don't need the start switch. The connections that went to the start switch are now terminated on the module.


    That black box with the red switch is my control module mounted in the genset.


  11. With my genset control module I had to disconnect the manual key start and wire in the control module. The control module takes place of the manual key start.

    Not sure if you're getting the control module and ATS connections confused.

    Sorry if you know all this.

  12. Sequence: you have to get 12 v input to pin 2 for the fuel pump, then  to the start relay. All sequences in the controller. But to start all this sequence you first need an earth return to the control unit when the ATS operates. So on the ATS I think you need to connect to 1 and 3 of the circular connector.

  13. Bit vague as don't have my genset book with me, but, when the mains fail a contact in the ATS closes and extends an earth (from the control unit) to the control unit.

    This then extends battery on terminal 4 ( to turn on the fuel pump), then terminal 5 ( battery to crank the starter).

    In my setup, the control unit monitors the 220V genset output and if not present tries to start the genset 3 times then locks out restarting.

    If monitored 220v is present the genset continues to run until mains is restored and the ATS restors relays to normal.

    I'll try and find my notes.




  14. 17 hours ago, BigStar said:


    Our posters continue to delude themselves that the OP, and others, want to run Windows on their Android boxes or run Android on Windows boxes that cost 4 times the price of an Android box.


    Here's the topic:



    That is, a simple media box for easily (w/ launcher & remote) streaming and playing media files via Kodi. Period.


    No mention whatsoever of these needs:


    - A Windows backup box for my PC. OMG. Now, Alan Kay invented and designed the Dyabook in 1972, and Adam Osborne gave us the laptop in 1981. Laptop. Nor would I want to tie up my media box doing Windows PC tasks. Me, I also have a fast spare PC built from old parts. NO, I don't want to use it as a media box. 😉 

    - A need for Windows software on the media box

    - An air mouse and air keyboard (gag)

    - Fooling around with Windows in general, dealing w/ the Windows interface & updates.


    No confession in the OP of embarrassing ignorance--that needed righteous correction--that Windows can indeed run Kodi (IF one wants to run Windows) or that other devices can indeed stream or connect to a TV, YES, they can. Happy? Now, I still like and want my little Android media box.



    Me too. 

    With a Diploma in Electronics and Communications and Bachelor of Teaching (Professional and Vocational Education) +++. 🙂

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