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Posts posted by carlyai

  1. 2 minutes ago, NowNow said:


    You wrote about external drive expansion. What have you tried in that regard? You wrote as if it were not possible.

    What "air mouse"? You didn't mention obtaining one.

    No no, have not looked at that yet. Sorry haven't considered it yet. 1.  Just thinking of accessing the exercises to play on the TV.


    2. How to save the ones we want.


    3. How to replay the ones we want.

    Sorry if I'm confusing. 🙂


  2. 55 minutes ago, NowNow said:

    Just set it up and playing with the new omega version.

    The new Omega version self update on my old box and works. 🙂


    I'll install some bits and pieces in the next few days and test it.

    What specific tests did you have in mind?

    I did notice the air mouse is a bit geriactric compared to my other Mii box. Cheap and nasty remotes. But to get lots of Zoomba and Aquaqerobics is the aim.

    I looked at the Pelaton bike riding app and seems like you have to pay for every download. Horrible.

    Thanks again for your knowledge and input. 🙂


  3. 1 hour ago, NowNow said:


    What makes you think that it doesn't support 'external drive expansion'? Apart from that, what prevents you from downloading, storing and replaying from the internal storage?

    Which HK1 RBOX might this be? It's the characters that come after that that describe the box you have purchased.

    Thanks. ..model K8

  4. Thank you all for the replies. 🙂

    I didn't think I was getting any replies, so a bit 'Jai Rawn' and bought a HK1 RBOX.

    I should have waited a bit longer and bought a box that allows external drive expansion.

    Setting up a TV outside to download and play Zoomba Dance and Aqua exercises for my long recovery after back surgery. I'll need to download, store and replay.

    I really need another 2 boxes as well I have 2 very old Windows machines that are not supported anymore and one keeps handshaking with the streamed program and many times looses sync

     and I have to reconnect. Doesn't happen with my Kodi box.

    So I'll use this HK1 RBOX maybe on my music, and one of the recommended new boxes with external drive outside TV for exercises and one for lounge room TV, getting rid of the old Windows machines.

    Thanks again for your suggestions.




    • Thumbs Up 1
  5. 24 minutes ago, ballpoint said:

    A young man had been working as a bag boy in a supermarket for several years.
    One day the supermarket got new orange juice machines.
    The bag boy was excited and asked the manager if he could work the juice machines.
    The manager turned him down.
    The bag boy said, "But I've been working here for five years. Why can't I run the juice machines?"
    The manager said, "I'm sorry, but baggers can't be juicers."



    F...Off  you win again. 55555




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  6. 2 hours ago, khunPer said:

    Yes, when applying domestically for a non-O based on retirement they do check carefully where you are living, and about wife if you are married. It might be easier to apply for a non-O from abroad.


    The non-O rules for domestically visa-application say (among others): "Rental Agreement between the Applicant and the Landlord; A copy of house registration. Location map of the house and a rental receipt Past three months."
    (Source link, pdf, HERE)


    I have a friend who a few months ago applied domestically for non-O,  and living in his wife's house. They did an awful lot of checking on the address, as he did not have a rental agreement, nor being registered in a Yellow House Book. He supplied 35 photos, which wasn't enough, and finally the immigration performed a home visit, before they accepting his non-O-application.

    Thanks for that link, that's exactly what I had to do.

    I don't think many here are familiar with this link.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Maestro said:


    You will find out soon enough, tomorrow when you pick up your passport.


    Who knows, perhaps something you said in your conversation with the immigration official gave him the impression that you wished to apply for a non-O visa for the reason of living with your Thai wife. If you have a copy of the application form you sumitted you can check what got written there.

    I initially made wrong assumptions before appɔying. I contacted this forum for advice and that being (what I thought) was to come in to Thailand, get stamped in (which I thought meant I was a tourist) then fill in the TM form applying for   Non-Imm O. I also thought I had 60 day as came in on 2 June.

    Imm office was initially hesitant until they checked my records (which had been removed from the computer system) and found I had years of non-imm visa extensions and this was the first time my visa had expired while overseas getting lumbar to thorasic fusion. 

    I'm not critical of the advice received or anything, just writing my experience for other members. 🙂


    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. Last TV box I bought was an S Box. Good but I need a couple more newer ones. 

    Watching mainly Kodi and home country channels thru VPN on my TV

    Any recommendations on the best Android ones availabe now?

  9. 11 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    Sorry, I have no idea what you are talking about. There is no immigration compound, nor internal (as in inside) parking. There is an outdoor parking area in front of the building where immigration is housed along with other offices, which is used by anyone who wants to pay to use it, including those visiting the nearby market, and it is not 'owned' by immigration and is not part of any 'compound'. I wonder if you are even talking about Kalasin immigration, as what you describe  bears no resemblance to the place I know.


    Anyway the entrance and exit to the thing have changed since I last visited. 😉

    I used to enter and exit from the main road near the parking attendant box, now this is marked Exit.

  10.  Today Tuesday I took back the 4 pictures plus a map to the house requested by immigration and they were pasted onto A4 sheets for my new file.

    My passport has a pending stamp in it (under consideration).

    When Imm inspect the house and talk to neibours I will again go to Kalisin for the Retirement Visa and Multiple re-entry stamp.




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  11. 8 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    I use this office and, indeed, they are very helpful. The front desk/receptionist chap particularly so. He recently phoned us on a Saturday evening to say my marriage extension was ready, and when we went there my wife asked him why he called on Saturday, and he said he often worked on Saturdays and even took work home sometimes to work on Sundays. Good man. He even smiles, and when I made my application he pointed out that the person sitting next to me was a fellow Londoner who I then got talking with.


    The OP is also confused by the parking arrangements. The entrance and exit are together, on each side of the hut containing the man who gives you a ticket on the way in and collects your 10 baht or so on the way out.

    The entrance and exits to the immigration compound have changed since I visited last, not the internal parking.

  12. 8 hours ago, edwardflory said:

    I am confused.  A ""Retirement Visa"" where you need documents from / with your ""wife"".

    You also mentioned 800,000 in the bank.  One of the requirements for a  "RETIREMENT" extension.


    I had "extensions of stay" based on RETIREMENT for 8 + years - NO WIFE. Many people get "extensions of stay" based on RETIREMENT, although they are married - you only must meet the "extension" requirements for retirement, extensions of stay based on marriage have more requirements and paperwork.


    I think you are working on getting a extension based on marriage. NOT retirement.



    • Agree 1
  13. My previous Retirment visa expired in May while I was outside Thailand so I went today to the Kalasin Imm. office with all my paperwork to get another Non-Imm O visa.

    Seems rules have changed and I also need pictures (4) of wifey and me at the house.

    Seems when you don't renew your Retirement visa it is cancelled (fair enough), but it's taken off the computer system as well, so the Imm guy, first of all didn't check all my previous extensions in my passport, then couldn't find any records on the computer.

    So I was told they would visit our house to check we live there in about a month. But, I can in on a visa-on-arrival and only 30 days of which 8 days were used up.

    These things usually work out, so after lots of talk Imm gave me my Non-Imm O subject to me bringing in the 4 photos tomorrow.

    I post this just to let people know applying for the Non-Imm O visa is not just having the B800000 in the bank and filling in the correct TM form, you also now need a house inspection and photos, so you need longer than 30 tourist visa.

    Lovely people in immigration Kalasin, but the staff have been moved around. The back office staff are now in the front office. Also the entrance to Imm parking is now the exit.





    • Confused 3
  14. I know it's a bit late, but I came in on the 2nd June and asked for the 60 day, imm guy said not yet, what do you want, so I said 30 days.

    Also, I didn't need to purchase a return ticket as the airline didn't ask to show it.

    Also that yellow book you get after your Thai identity card came in handy at the motor transport place, paying yearly road tax and registration check.

    Because I just had a Tourist entry stamp they were hesitant about re-registering my car until I produced the yellow book.

    My O extension expired while I was away



  15. Not sure how long you've lived in your place, but you can find your monthly usage from you electricity bills.

    If you are into DIY electronics, you can visit the Alternate Energy Forum or Electrical forum (can't remember which) and make your own using Crossy's design. 🙂


  16. 26 minutes ago, Upnotover said:

    So you can enter visa exempt, 60 days.  During that time convert to a single non-O, 90 days, at immigration and in the last 30 days of that go back for a 12 month extension of stay.


    Alternatively, you can apply for a single non-O e-visa (retirement) whilst you are in Australia, that cuts out the conversion step.


    Either way you'll need 800k in the bank when you get the non-O.



    Thanks Upnotover . 

    If I need photos, can I get them where I apply for the visa exempt at the airport?

    • Confused 2
  17. I am arriving on 2nd June 2024 after other country medical proceedure. 

    Previously I have been on Retirement Extension thru the Kalasin Imm. office, with the B800000 in the bank, but my retirement extension ran out while I was away.

     Previous advice on this forum was to come in on a Visa On Arrival, then convert to back to Retirement Visa.

    Is this advice still valid?

    Do I need photos for the Visa On Arrival and can I get them where I fill in the Visa On Arrival?

    Thank you.


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