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Posts posted by SoloFlyer

  1. ^ IMHO, I need an old dashcam replaced. For the Pajero. I have the old wiring still in place. Its one of those things I haven't gotten around to researching which is most suitable. What would you recommend?

    I have the SJCAM 5000x Elite (4K version) as the front cam in 2/4 of my cars, the others are now all using Transcend Drivepro 100's - replacing the Chinese/Korean ones I used previously as they all failed (and they all did)... All my rear cams are DP100's.

    My first 3 Drivepro's are now almost 2 years old, all of them still going strong with no signs of degradation or failure to write. PQ is not best-in-class - there are other 1080P cams that still do better - but it's still in the top 90%'ish for PQ. Their reliability is unbeaten in my shed though.

    The SJCAM 5000x Elite's shooting 4K video are only in the 3rd month of service now, so too early to comment on reliability. No issues so far though, and PQ is simply superb. I have to try and remember to clean the windshield in front of them more regularly though tongue.png

    So your running 2 in each, one front and back? I'm not wired up for the back - my last one had that rear facing camera that caught a bit of rear action, and lots of the rearview mirror.

    Is it tricky to set one up for the back? What do you recommend for both in one?

  2. Morning,

    Twice this week I've had an issue where tapping the accelerator has resulted in nothing but revving.

    First time I was doing a U-Turn in a dirt parking lot, thought maybe the wheels were slipping in a hole or something. Reversing a bit, then back to D fixed that.

    But yesterday in slow traffic it was there again. Accelated, but only revving. Quick change to N and back to D fixed it.

    So whats likely up?? Will get to Mitsu ASAP but would like some info first. BTW, just had the 120k service.

  3. I tried the Craft Beer Factory recently. 295b for a 500ml IPA chainbreaker on tap.

    I checked to see if they can be ordered from the other side of the road, and apparently yes.

    Nice treat. Tasted good. Tapas to match. Hope they do well.

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