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Posts posted by SoloFlyer

  1. Ban Mhi 's are great and one thing that CM lacks. If this place's bread is half as good as Vietnamese or Lao baguettes, then great. Surprised they never made it here ... a downside of not being colonised I guess! ... but they were mentioned in a BP article about recent food imports... Meechoke is the only version I've found.

    I was in VN recently and the ones there were fantastic .... might be some so-so incgedients stuffed in but overall a very healthy bite.

    Probably too light for sub lovers.

    That map works, but other directions/tips to find the place welcome.

  2. ^ doable. Use a service centre to maintain warrantee. If you dont use cd bay much - put one HD in there, and another in the existing HD bay. And get a box for the cd drive to use externally.

    Very expensive though - you may need to import HDD and accessories.

    There's a thread of mine on it somewhere....

  3. Am looking for someone who can whip up simple designs in 3d computer format - to scale and with measurements; and accompanying hand sketches.

    Would be piecework. Some months 10-20-30 pieces, some months just a couple.

    Anyone know any body who can do this as a sideline? C.Mai is preferable for any detailed pieces that might require a face-face meeting. But someone online through a freelancer site might work too.

    PM for further details, examples of work, and possible rates.


  4. Now the smokes' in, what are the options?

    Used to put up with it and bike up the mountains, but don't live that close to hills anymore.

    Now live close to a park, and was keen to get into some running this year, but air like this is very off putting.

    Is the best option to find an air-conned gym and hit the dreadmill??

    Or just shut up and run??

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