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Everything posted by mjakob007

  1. next step in this narrative... anybody wanting to burn an incense stick will be provided with corn straw filled with incense powder for the next season
  2. upcoming changes to aviation D & A certification before flying
  3. i can suggest the following https://66property.com https://www.fazwaz.com I have had good experiences with both of them. the first one, goes out of the way to get results. in fact, if the price is right and its a decent product, it does sell pretty quick. May i ask the location or name of the condo?
  4. When Thai's gang up on Caucasians, Thais are the worst race on the planet When Thai's gang up on Indians, Indians are the worst. decent profiling of AN audience...
  5. true tourists from india that in have met in other parts of Thailand are not of same class that i can come across in pattaya. in pattaya they are in droves and really appear to be low life
  6. 2 weeks ago, there was another snippet of a female screaming 'ya ying', (dont shoot) from an ambulance, on BBC. Dont know if that was thai ER staff in the ambulance or an attack victim being taken to hospital
  7. being one of the tallest people in town, he should be able to lift it above norm
  8. 2 of the best in CM would be both with different character. A luxury retirement facility in Thailand (careresortchiangmai.com) - mae rim area. Vivobene - Assisted living and care in Thailand doi saket area if assistance care is not required, both were around 50k a month incliuding full board.
  9. In as much as many of would prefer not to see Indians or Chinese or even Ruskies, times have changed and a small fraction of those populations who have higher spending power are outnumbering westerners. Pattaya is certainly an exception as most indians visiting appears to be short stays, only to party and return. growth in the number of india focussed nightvenues or those clubs on WS that only let in chinese, koreans or japs are thiving Having said all this, the focus in the OP is about attracting wedding groups from india. I have seen some of these in Khao Lak, they splurge and couple of flight loads per wedding is great business for establishments in thailand. Not for the night venues, unfortunately. Can you imagine the income/day/person for these groups...
  10. download truemobile application there is a chat function for english speaking customers
  11. The advantage with this account is being able to use the same card for multiple currencies without losing out of rate of exchange or having to have different cards for each currency The rate of exchange offered by hsbc between currencies are not the best. but if you have multiple currency accounts with hsbc, one can send money to global money account and use the same card for different currency spending.
  12. emphasis: 'case by case basis' Some brown uniformed gentlemen were seen rubbing their hands in preparation
  13. I doubt any insurance companies allow claim on loss of cash on a travel insurance policy, unless its specifically declared upon buying the policy. once large amount of cash is declared, premium goes through the roof. so no insurance claim for these type of cash losses
  14. Living the reputation of LoS (scams) And who said ploughing back lost income from past 2 years was limited to airlines & hotels...
  15. They still scored an overseas trip out of it... now that's how to create an opportunity out of nothing
  16. This incident saw daylight as the lady has no desire to return to Thailand & her celebrity status surely helped. Many similar cases would not be reported, simply as the victims are living in LoS or have no desire to land in trouble.
  17. RTP spokesman says "trust us" not social media Public seems to be searching for a reason to acknowledge that cry....
  18. Get them to BKK X 27K revenue opportunity......
  19. One of the major objectives during the past decade was to restore happiness to nationals... It appears happiness is limited to select personal among nationals!!!
  20. sleeping beauty might be the successor of our fearless leader
  21. When we relocated late 2020, had 12 cases between 4 passengers. did not get stopped or asked any question. dont know if the covid quarantine situation helped.. 2 weeks later (once we were out of quarantine,) another 10 boxes arrived by DHL and got assessed for some 30k baht in duties & taxes. duties were assessed based on value declared for insurance. so thats a catch 22
  22. While in Thailand, would you buy coffee at the price you would buy in Europe?
  23. So, - foreign arrivals will double. - 30% price increase (over the already high prices) Thank God for the June 2022 liberalization. how else could he continue to smoke out these numbers..
  24. That is a well established fact with respect to all extrapolations, projections here.. never any logic. the result is decided upon. then work backwards on how to justify the result
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