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Posts posted by Tham1

  1. Cable cars are the way forward - small footprint and cheap to run, also transporters as used in Star Trek - they can be also used to transport songteaw drivers to another planet where they can get on someone else's tits

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  2. Ricardo,

    I think that is good advice about education is a top decision-maker in a move. That is why I will be taking my three-year old to the West to start off with a solid educational/western background and then bring her back into the international school environment here. I just don't know if that will be 5 or 10 years from now..I want her to have the best opportunity to have the choice of going to an excellent western university.

    I know of 4 farang/Thai couples who have recently returned home (Aus, Eng USA USA) solely based on what's best for their kids' educational needs..


    That is frightening if someone has taken their kids to the USA for education. The system there is shocking unless you are Ivy League. The country is becoming illiterate.

    Ten years ago I was looking at Uruguay as a possible place to retire to. I was shocked when I saw that the literacy rate there was better than the states. The education system is not what it used to be. I do agree that there are other countries with a better education system than Thailand but the States is not one of them.

    Thailands education system is better than the US? Thats one bold statement.

    The US system is a mess, I have worked with hundreds of people from the US and most are great folks but have little clue about the wider world. I am not having a go at Americans only at the of their education system currently.

    another thing that scares / amazes me is that they have metal detectors in schools to stop children bringing weapons in to kill other students <deleted> is wrong with that country?

  3. Ricardo,

    I think that is good advice about education is a top decision-maker in a move. That is why I will be taking my three-year old to the West to start off with a solid educational/western background and then bring her back into the international school environment here. I just don't know if that will be 5 or 10 years from now..I want her to have the best opportunity to have the choice of going to an excellent western university.

    I know of 4 farang/Thai couples who have recently returned home (Aus, Eng USA USA) solely based on what's best for their kids' educational needs..


    That is frightening if someone has taken their kids to the USA for education. The system there is shocking unless you are Ivy League. The country is becoming illiterate.

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    I would want my potential employees having a test before I'd let them work for me


    And for what reason ?????????????????????



    Wouldn't want my employees HIVing over everything at work.


    Yes very dangerous when you go to the toilet you might get it from the seat or something. Or they might try to ride you one night and give you the HIV so they are cured then after passing it on.

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