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Everything posted by Thaijack2014

  1. I started learning Thai with Thaipod101.com. They offer free courses but of course would like you to get a payed one. I did that and though it is far from perfect, I'm happy with it. I learned Thai characters with their video course and all lessons are in Thai, phonetic, English. They have a lot of reading material or links to it... Hope this helps a bit...
  2. I don't know why you can't download, but here is what I do: I have a subscription to YouTube premium, which costs in Thailand only 139 Baht per month. With that you can download music and movies. But even better is a program called 4K Video Downloader. I have the paid version and it is the best for downloading high quality movie and music clips. Maybe something for you?
  3. Of course if you want to be picky. Games are data as well, just a different form. But what I mean to say is that data like games can be stored on an external server like google drive. My games from Steam are of course installed on my pc, but the save games are stored on a server. Whatever I do in a game on one PC is synchronized via Steam and I can continue playing where I left off on my laptop, after I played on my desktop. And if I get a new PC, I just install steam, log in and get the option to install my old games and can continue there where I stopped, without losing any data. Other data like documents, photos, videos, music and films or even e-books can be stored on a server and are reachable from anywhere in the world on any device as long as you can log into your account. If I lose my phone, I still can get nearly everything that I stored on that phone back. My emails, my contacts, phonebook anything that I have google automatically store in the cloud.
  4. I must have made a mistake. I have 200 GB space on my Google Drive. And yes, you're right, not everything is done automatically (which is fine in my opinion). I keep most of my files on that drive and like I said, I don't need to worry to buy a new laptop, phone or whatever device. As long as I can access my google account, I can access my data. I've done the same with my games. Only buy games on Steam and with every new pc, I still can access them and re-install them.
  5. A few things. I use chrome on several devices: 5 computers, a tablet and a phone. If you use gmail, then you'll have your google account. Logging in on chrome on each device gives you access to: google drive and google foto's. Nearly all of my documents are uploaded to those and I can access them from each device. All shortcuts that I use in one computer is automatically updated as soon as I use another computer or tablet. Even history of YouTube is on all devices the same. Provided that you log in with the same credentials as your initial one. Of course there is always work to be done. With Google Foto the pictures you take with your phone or tablet are uploaded via wifi automatically. Documents you need to do manually. I did this many years ago and have had always access to my documents. Though you might say that uploading to "the cloud" is not safe enough, I can tell you that more documents have been lost, because of hard drive failure. If you have however everything on your old drive, I would really keep that drive and put it in a casing so you have it as an external drive. You then can always copy or find your documents. But like I said: it's safer on Google Drive than on your own drive. So your question to log in where is hopefully answered: log into your google account. And in case you don't have one, make one and start using Google Drive. It has about 5GB for free, but for a small amount monthly or yearly you can have up to 2 TB space. I pay 117 Baht per month for 200 GB, which is more than enough for me.
  6. So, as I understand: you want the system the same like your old computer but later you write that you want a Linux distribution on your new PC? First of all, if you have never worked with Linux and all the variants, just don't bother. The best allround system is Windows. You know the system and probably know your way around. Linux changes that. Though it might look like Windows, it is a pain compared to Windows. And so, there are not much options than to clone your system. Several options are already presented to you here. But also here you need to be warned: cloning does not only copy a good system, but also a system that has flaws. If I buy a new laptop or SSD, I always install Windows fresh. Nowadays it is so easy to install. Then slowly as I need a certain program I'll install that. I already deleted many obsolete programs or got the latest updates in this way. Most important is your data. Your media files, your documents and shortcuts. If you use a browser like Chrome, you won't lose anything if you know your password to log in. But to be sure, just start fresh with your new computer and slowly add whatever you need. Buy an external casing for your SSD. I bought once for my small SSD a casing via Lazada and could throw the sh** away. So I went to the shopping Mall in Hua Hin and there I bought in a shop another casing that worked. I have several external drives in this way, many just copies (or back-ups of the media I use). Good luck!
  7. It started a few weeks ago with my login to Lazada too. Most likely it is from their own site. It's just an extra layer of protection (also for you) as probably a robot program might hack into our accounts and this extra klick is not possible by these programs. Don't worry about it... Besides, I don't have the traffic lights anymore, but only one click and a warning that there was detected unusual traffic (I use at least three devices to connect on Lazada). But annoyingly is that after I click, the page of Lazada disappears and I have to open it again. Do you have that too? It doesn't require logging in again, the tab just closes, I open it and it's ok.
  8. And? Did she wear a helmet? Not much revealed on how she could smash her pretty face like that. A few years ago i slid with my bike and if at that time i would not have a decent helmet it could have been the same with me.
  9. Well, for that Wise (Transferwise) is ideal and much easier to use than PayPal.
  10. I was a strong believer in BTC, but now lost the interest in it and have as good as zero BTC... To me it came, I used it, I had my profits and advantages of it. Now the disadvantages overweigh the use of it and I stopped with it. Sad but that's a fact of life. For me no more Bitcoin.
  11. It bothered me in a way, because I made good use of Paypal since it's start. But I already used it less and less over the last few years. I remember I payed my Lazada purchases with it. But living in Thailand had some changes which I miss: I used Ebay a lot and always used Paypal to buy and sell products. Paypal saved me a lot of money from crooks on Ebay and with the few too many issues I had, it always served me well. I'm not angry, I'm just sad that I can't use it anymore. Why they have to make it so difficult for normal people to use it? But because this doesn't come sudden, I already quit using it a few months ago. I tried to set it on my wife's name, but needed to get acces to her bank, which I don't have nor want to have. So no more paypal for me. Luckily there is Google Pay, there are credit and international debet cards and for easy money transfer I use Wise. I don't need Paypal... they might need us more.
  12. That was sarcastic right? It is so stupid if that would be the reason. So just because a few people do something illegal, most others have to "suffer"?
  13. I can't think of anything to do with this guy. Doing the same to him is nearly lowering yourself to the level he is at. But not completely as he is guilty and the victim was innocent. Does it take the suffering away? Does it prevent others from doing the same? All those punishments in the past in similar cases didnt resolve anything. I think it would be only fair to give the parents a say in the way that guy has to be punished, so they have some kind of relief from the pain he causes.
  14. As stupid what he did, I somehow can understand his frustration about his ex wife looking for a (obviously more rich and maybe nicer) Farang. Little does she know that life is not necessarily better with a lot of farangs. But the prospect of a financial improvement is there and that's what he probably could not offer. Did it change anything? Nope, it only got worse.
  15. I feel so sorry for those people who live in the big cities... or do I??? Who makes this pollution in the first place? The birds? The dogs? No, the inhabitants of those cities. Ok, let's say you can't help it that some factories dump their waste where they can and also that the government has to be stricter. But look at the garbage in a city like Bangkok, look at the many (private) cars. EVERYBODY is to blame and not "the others". If everybody could do something about their own polluting habits: smoking, using a private car, not walking, buying plastic bottles (waste) and so on... then maybe the pollution could be less severe. And should we always depend on what initiatives the governments have? No, I think we need to act in the first place and then what is left, ask the government to help.
  16. How black & white this statement is... as many people come they do that for all sorts of reasons. When I was young and single I came for nightlife and women.... but after being married and having my kids, we came for the beaches and the temples. Nowadays I live in Thailand, married to a Thai wife and enjoy just being here. We visit temples, beaches and the nightlife? I couldn't care less.
  17. Besides Lazada and Shopee there are plenty of others to find good deals, especially if you are looking for some bigger or special items, like a used PC or even car. Baht & Sold, classifieds on Facebook and also Ebay! I tried them all. And yes it is worth comparing. Some items sold on Lazada with a big discount are even cheaper on Shopee. Last year I bought a gravel bike. Lazada: big discount: from 95.000 to 37.000 Baht. Then I looked in Shopee, exactly the same bike (brand and built) for 25000 Baht! Same goes for my projector (not same price, but difference). Amounts differ sometimes into the thousands and not just one or two baht. 3 years ago I bought a PC on Baht & Sold from a guy who lived in Phuket. I paid around 18000 Baht for it. The GPU in that thing was worth more then I paid for the whole machine. And even now it runs without any issues. Shopping around pays. But sometimes I prefer to pay a little more in a shop than to order it from any of the online stores. Once I bought a phone from Lazada. It was good, but those are items I prefer (also second hand) to buy from the shop where I can hold it in my hands. What the online shops offer though are items that are hard to find in any regular shop. That's the beauty of buying online.
  18. And what about the workers that don't cut meat? They get nothing extra. That will put some people in a good mood if someone can make an extra 500 per day (!). I remember from my days as flight attendant. We all got a reasonable salary (alas, those days are long gone), but I made over 200 Euro extra per month, because of the duty free sales. I have had colleagues that got angry, because I deprived them from an extra income.
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