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Everything posted by Fairynuff

  1. Relevance dear.
  2. After all this time in Thailand I’d have assumed you’d have learned something, perhaps even that making comparisons with the US is an irrelevance.
  3. Oh for goodness sake. That’s just plain ridiculous. I’m not a taxi driver taking time out of my working day to help someone.
  4. I didn’t suggest it was a service. It was an act of kindness.
  5. There are those who seek to justify their stinginess by telling us it’s not part of Thai culture to tip. I’ve asked many Thai friends their opinions on tipping and it’s always had the same response. Tip but tip appropriately, which is exactly what I’ve always done. I’ve had a few people decline a tip but it’s never been on the grounds of finding it insulting. There’s no harm in tipping someone who may well be in a low paid job, your tip could buy their lunch and your small gesture helps improve their life. My battery failed once at a petrol station and a taxi guy offered to get me going, he spent about 20 minutes with me and point blank refused 100 baht from me.
  6. Astonishing that there are still people who think that the vaccines don’t work because you can still get Covid.
  7. Look at the comment I was responding to before you make unnecessary jibes.
  8. It’s the law. You technically own it because nobody is allowed access despite it being common area. We were not even allowed to install a ceiling fan on the balcony.
  9. I use a Nutribullet 1000. I use it only for blending hard vegetables into a drinkable smoothie without chunks. I mostly use beetroot carrot and apple with ginger. The 1000 model may have been discontinued but they do a 900 and a 1200. Availability in Thailand, I haven’t checked.
  10. Yes, I’ve been getting a message on my Krungsri app to go to my branch about the last 2 months. I’ll be doing it before the end of the month.
  11. I wonder if he’d been in contact with the UK government to pick up tips on how to stuff your pockets with taxpayers money.
  12. Now that we’ve done spreading Covid, we can concentrate on overstaying
  13. My point is very simple. I use my pink card to check into hotels and that’s it. For some reason that encourages you to make a number of comments trying to tell me I’m wrong, which I’m clearly not. No TM30 had been done, of that I’m certain. It’s your problem not mine. Find a better way to spend your day please.
  14. And yet I’m still using the same TM30 despite having stayed in dozens of hotels. Oh well I’m sure you know best ????
  15. The comment that I made, which has caused pages of nonsense from those who want to know best, was not related to my personal experience. I simply referred to the fact that there had been a number of reports on this forum about CW demanding TM30s. Why anyone should think it’s MY responsibility to find all those reports is beyond me. If they really want to know then let them look for themselves. This thread is way past it’s usefulness.
  16. Like I said, I use my pink card. The TM30 that I did many years ago had not been affected by any hotel stay. That’s all I care about.
  17. How would they get my passport number. How would they get my name written in English script? How do you know they ARE doing a TM30?
  18. I believe I check into hotels with my pink card, but I’m happy to see your proof that I don’t.
  19. In what world does everyone have the same experience. Accept the fact that other people have had different experiences. They’re not lying just to get at you. What’s wrong with you? If you’re that desperate to know who had issues just search the forum. Now I’m off, your nonsense is tedious.
  20. I beg to differ with the one who (thinks he) knows better. In fact your trumpian denial of facts would lull people into a false sense of security if they took any notice of you.
  21. CW forgot about it for a good while but have resurrected it in recent times, according to people sharing info here, despite other people denying it ????
  22. My simple comment to the OP was nothing more than a heads up to interested people that others have had some issues. I’m deeply sorry that that it’s not good enough for you but there it is. Now after repeating your same comments 4 times perhaps you should think about moving on to something else, that is after you have the predictable last word.
  23. Fascinating. “Again provide details. What (service) were you doing at CW that required you to provide a TM30.” A normal person having seen my comment would do their own research regarding their specific needs rather than expect someone to do it for them
  24. Your example fits my circumstances. TM30 was asked for at CW despite no change to my living arrangements
  25. Am I expected to go searching for every post from every member that’s recently reported their experience of having issues at CW over TM30s. Really? I think not.
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