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Everything posted by Fairynuff

  1. I wonder why you felt the need to be so insulting. Your need for attention? Some people like to simply things for themselves, if you don’t that’s your business.
  2. You can send under 1m out of Thailand without any questions as many times as you like.
  3. Lost a few zeros in the typing of that declaration
  4. Make your bloody minds up, either they’re coming or they’re not, but it can’t be both.
  5. These rankings are always based on expats living expat lifestyles. I don’t (well rarely) eat in western restaurants, buy imported foods or try to emulate the lifestyle I had back home.
  6. That’s probably the reason the bigots left the uk in the first place. To go and be an immigrant in a foreign country!
  7. China, the bastion of human rights. China is always the first to condemn interference in Chinese affairs, it’s also the first to tell other countries what to do. I have a few choice words…but I’ll keep them to myself 😂
  8. Admins have more control than moderators. But the biggest issue I have with moderators is more to do with putting the time into the group that’s needed and which parts of the work they do. Thinking about the power thing, occasionally they just need to be reigned in a bit. It happens but it’s rare.
  9. I admin on a political FB group of 26k members. The first people to get thrown out are the attention seekers. They contribute nothing
  10. I do. Apologies for stating facts
  11. 100% of righties hate everyone who doesn’t look like them or agree with them.
  12. I’m sure he was just celebrating his free visa and sharing the love.
  13. I won’t get into which is the best system, it’s about how you want your coffee. I love my coffee but I like it made in different ways depending what I fancy at the time so I have at least half a dozen types of coffee makers from Vietnamese drip filters to an Italian Pavoni. My pod machine is a Nespresso. I don’t use it that often and I bring my pods back when I go back home so I don’t pay Thai prices. In many countries you can recycle Nespresso pods at their stores but don’t know about here. I also have reusable pods.
  14. But he wants a pod machine
  15. Did she leave them at work?
  16. I would question why anyone “needs” to be carrying a knife u less it’s for work.
  17. I was just thinking, isn’t it time for another big crackdown on motorbikes driving on the pavement ? They always go so well.
  18. You grab what you can today. You think about tomorrow tomorrow.
  19. Hope you’re a good walker because this is the future.
  20. Typing with one hand….where’s the other?????
  21. Stating the obvious. Only a fool would be fooled!
  22. Tarnishes Phuket's reputation ? I thought it CONFIRMS Phuket's reputation!
  23. I can’t wait to see the revenue figures. Will they be based on reality of say 10m visitors or TAT's fantasy figures of 40m ?
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