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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. 1 minute ago, tropo said:

    I know a tourist when I see one. There is another category - young ladies from Russian and Eastern Europe who work illegally but pretend to be tourists. I can usually pick them too.





    I'm not sure how you can tell the difference between a tourist and an expat enjoying a weekend off by the beach. In fact, I'm pretty sure you can't, which is why you don't think there are any female expats here. Confirmation bias, for sure.

  2. 1 minute ago, Deepinthailand said:

    I saw the op when it started still could not see racism in it


    I think you probably had to be looking for it.


    I don't think it's racist to suggest that some farangs are married to Thai people they don't have intellectual conversations with. It's more of a language issue, not a suggestion that Thai people are stupid.

  3. 5 minutes ago, sanemax said:


      Yes but I meant the story didnt categorically state they were a gay couple, using the words "*gay couple* or words to that effect and unless you noticed that they both had male names and the "his husband" bit , you would have been unaware of the fact .

       You know what I mean, I do believe you are just trying to show how gay marriages are common 


    So unless you have the reading comprehension of a 10 year old, you might miss it?


    Gay marriages are common, by the way. They're not some exotic rare species. Just people who love people enough to want to spend their life with them.

  4. 20 minutes ago, tropo said:

    I know exactly how females feel about me when I travel to Australia and NZ with my much younger Asian wife. It's not just a feeling as you say. 


    Personally, I don't lose any sleep over what YOU lot think of me or other male expats. I haven't had the pleasure of conversing with a female farang expat in 11 years of living here full time. Even if I did meet a female farang expat, she would have no concerns about being treated like an "intellectual whore" as I can have intellectual conversations with my wife and male expat friends.


    The only farang females I see in Pattaya are tourists, and they just add to the scenery.


    If YOU have a low opinion of me, you're just behaving as expected. If you don't, then you're an exception.




    How do you know they're tourists? I know expat women in Bangkok who regularly go to Pattaya for the weekend.


    I think a lot of guys make the mistake of assuming anyone female or under 50 is a tourist.

  5. 53 minutes ago, LivinLOS said:


    None of my buddies would address another of our mates wives that way.. I know a couple of guys with western wives / Gfs, sometimes we socialize together sometimes the guy comes out to drink alone where talk might be a little more guy like.. But insulting a guys wife in front of him is liable for a confrontation anywhere. 


    Unsure where your getting these projections from.


    As someone who's married to a western woman, I've had a lot of unpleasant stuff said about my wife by people on here.

  6. 1 minute ago, beachproperty said:


    I stand corrected .....She was referring to the "one and only" situation where a western man is married to a Thai woman  Who only shops, cooks, cleans and provides physical pleasure:shock1:


    Are you saying that all Thai women are like that?

  7. 4 minutes ago, beachproperty said:


    This appears to be denigrating Thai women and a gross generalization .....As if that is all a Thai women is good for:post-4641-1156693976:


    It's a description of one woman in particular - not a generalisation, and not denigrating any group. You're clutching at straws here.


    Meanwhile, we've seen all manner of abuse aimed at white women in this thread.

  8. 8 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


    The racist stuff about Thai women for one thing. The part about how Thai women were only good for cooking and cleaning and sexual favors. The part about how western men were starving for intellectual stimulation because Thai women couldn't provide that. I know you purport yourself to be anti racist so I would have thought you'd have been clued into that.


    I don't recall any of that in the OP.


    Why would the mods here have removed it? Are you sure you're not mistaken?

  9. 6 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


    That's because it was edited out two days after the thread started (somehow). The OP you see is not the original OP.


    So you think the mods here colluded with the OP somehow? What are they supposed to have removed from the post?

  10. 5 minutes ago, sharktooth said:

    Maybe that is cos most men that have posted are simply taking the piss???


    I think it's more of an example of the Dunning-Kruger effect in action. Some of the advice rather patronising given by those who appear to consider themselves her intellectual superior is cringeworthy.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Bill97 said:

    She has not shown much intelligence here, confused, inconsistent, racist, more drama than thought but give her credit for running for cover when she was caught with her pants down.


    She's shown more than most of the men addressing her in a patronising manner have.

  12. 1 minute ago, rijb said:


    Don't you think the Op is capable of fending for herself?  Are you her big, strong protector?


    Why would you assume that from anything I've said? The op seems like an intelligent woman, likely more than a match for many of the men we've seen posting here. I think she came looking for a discussion, not a fight.

  13. Just now, F4UCorsair said:

    I don't believe I read your entire post.


    More importantly, and unbelievably, i don't believe you wrote it.



    What an odd comment. Do you think a man wrote it for her or something?

  14. 1 minute ago, Mansell said:

    I am amazed you got six pages of responses on this subject. I do notice a lot of the "men" on here are attacking you. They may well be the same morons who told you this country is for them and not you.

    also some men seem threatened by your intelligence.....but those same men would be threatened by anybody with a brain bigger than theirs. Personally I find intelligence in a woman very sexy....that is why I am with my Thai wife.

    there is a lot of farang men who have had an intelligence bypass, and some on here who had a humour bypass. So take what they say with a pinch of salt.

    And how dare you say that you are attractive and help others......555

    Morons of the World Unite.


    Yep. Smart women are hot.

  15. 4 minutes ago, hdkane said:

    Speaking as an American...every legal procedure and policy is designed to benefit women over men...alimony, child custody, property division during divorce, hiring practices by private and public companies, promotion criteria, salaries, grievance procedures, etc., etc....


    and men are getting tired of it...the perception that women try to perpetuate is that men come to Thailand because they have been rejected by women in their home country, or cannot deal with "independent and strong" women...the truth is that far more of us are simply tired of the bullsh!t from women who expect to be supported, but offer only resentment at imagined slights...


    an argument that EVERY man has had...his wife/gf wants to be supported...but he is constantly harped on because he spends so much time at work...so the wife/gf finds another fellow, and takes all the goods that the husband/bf purchased for her while he was working...sound familiar?


    Nope. My wife has never expected me to support her. 

  16. 10 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


    I'm not sure where it is, but it is my understanding that there is a forum here on TV, especially for women, that may be just the place she is looking for. I doubt if well traveled women will cut her much more slack than she has experienced here though. 


    It's a sad indictment of the state of this forum if the only way a woman can have a reasonable discussion is in a place where men are excluded.

  17. It's fascinating how many of the responses - particularly those who have struggled to understand the OP - have focussed on the question of what is her problem, or what does she want?


    Maybe she just wanted to discuss an aspect of expat life here without having a bunch of patronising men jump down her throat and tell her she's wrong, explain things to her, or try and solve her problems?





  18. The farang women I know in Thailand are either out enjoying themselves most of the time or happily married and enjoying a pleasant lifestyle here. I guess there must be some miserable harpies too, but I've never met them. 

  19. Just now, LivinLOS said:


    I assumed you meant the posters.. One described a marriage to a younger asian wife as worse than death.. Nice.. 


    You should hear some of the stuff people say on here about being married to a white woman. 

  20. 2 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    I'm a western male, and I have a Thai wife, and I haven't perceived the OP and subsequent replies as anti-male or anti mixed-relationships. And some of the women posting have explicitly said they don't have anything against mixed relationships here.



    None of the western women I know here are against mixed relationships. Some of them are in one themselves. 

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