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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. 2 hours ago, rott said:

    Take a look at the Jools website and the collage of photo's. It was a bar, a boozer for boozers. It had life, it had banter, it had craic, it had atmosphere. It never to my knowledge had a barfine system (not that that is necessarily a good thing). At one time many of the customers were working expats who would have been getting up in the morning so not so many desperate old men or sexpats (using that word loosely).


    That was a bar in Bangkok. However that Bangkok is largely gone.


    You prefer the current style where the bar (i.e. bar counter) is no longer a place to congregate but instead it is a "point of sale" station in a room full of tables occupied by strangers, strangers who think the point of a bar is to take photo's of the food.


    I would say that in the future there will be many more soulless, anaemic places for you to go to.


    I have no need for a place where loners can find someone to drink with. I already have friends.

  2. 43 minutes ago, transam said:

    It has all got too complicated here....OK for the whizz kids but for an ol' chap like me....:saai:


    If you could work the old site, you can work the new one. It's not understanding that's the problem, just aversion to change. 

  3. 36 minutes ago, gemguy said:

    I get it now ...

    You are a retired former muckraking news reporter and Tabloid Journalist Curmudgeon previously working for the National Enquirer "Rag" newspaper and famous for totally misinterpreting and or misconstruing what is said...And you only...Just you...Yep, just you and only you.........lol...yuk, yuk ...while no one else misinterpreted was said or misconstrued what was said ...Just you.....only you..lol


    I didn't interpret what you said - I just quoted it, and commented on it. It's clear from what you said that you have a very limited view of what activities a man like here might enjoy. You don't seem to have anything particularly coherent to say that might persuade us otherwise. 

  4. Nope. After saying that most people would find getting to know the locals 'boring' (I guess you don't like Thai people much), you then said that the alternative to this tedious existence of having to talk to Thai people was to '"move about and drink and party and chase the girls".  Apparently you think there are no other avenues a man might explore to make his existence a little more interesting. Like I said, rather sad. 



  5. 16 minutes ago, billd766 said:


    What do you suggest a 29 year old man with fairly limited income, a limited visa and no job will do 24/7?


    He will be limited to public transport unless he buys some sort of wheels. That will increase his outgoings on a limited income.


    Sure he will be able to eat out sometimes in the week but not 3 meals a day 7 days a week. Do apartments have kitchens or are they limited to a 2 ring gas or electric table top stove and a rice cooker?


    Will the apartment be furnished even?


    I am not sure if a cable TV would be available in a fairly low rental apartment, he will most likely not be able to get any good internet connections in an apartment, and would then have to rely on a mobile connection or find some wifi hotspot. That will be OK in the short term but in the longer term the owner of the wifi/hotspot will ask him to move on.


    So, What do YOU suggest a 29 year old man with fairly limited income, a limited visa and no job will do with himself 24/7?


    The same kind of things people do everywhere else. Hobbies. Interests. Pastimes. Reading. Music. Exploring. Exercise. Artistic endeavour. 


    I could go on. The point is, there's more choice in life than merely doing nothing or drinking beer and chasing girls. It's tragic that anyone would need this explaining to them. 

  6. Just now, seancbk said:

    I use the BTS during the day if I'm going into town.

    I only use taxis if the BTS has stopped.   Typically I'm not going home until at least 1 am, sometimes much later.   At that time of night there is rarely any traffic.


    I'm talking about late at night. Sure, it's quicker, but it's not that quick. Udomsuk is a long way out. 

  7. Just now, seancbk said:

    I take cabs home at least once if not twice a week and have done for years.   Unless there is a road block, which I've not seen in ages, then yes the trip is quick.

    Never timed it but it certainly feels like 15 mins or so.

    How long do you think it takes?


    20 mins on a good day - which is basically never. Up to 40 the rest of the time. Longer during the day. 


    Its 10km on Sukhumvit. Unless your taxi has rotor blades, that's never taking  less than 15 mins. 

  8. 1 hour ago, gemguy said:

    Geez...obviously it depends on what you want to do.

    If you just want to "be here" and not do much of anything then you can exist cheaply enough.

    In many areas of Bangkok you can get a decent little apartment that is not a shit hole for 4 to 6000 baht a month...with basic furniture and air conditioned as you have to think, where do all the lower wage Thai people, girls more so then men, live in Bangkok.

    Believe me there are inexpensive apartments all over Bangkok....but maybe not in an area you like to be...but most areas of Bangkok are more than "accommodating enough" with nearly everything you could need.

    If you get a 6000 baht a month apartment and it is very close to a near by large food market that has loads of food and about as cheap as it can be for Bangkok, then that is all you need....that is, if you are content just "Being There" and not doing much else of anything other than use your room for sleeping and eat your food and simply hang around the area getting to know the locals and learn to speak Thai.

    You could live like a novelist writing stories about your observation while living amongst the Thais and the character of your neighborhood.

    But that would be rather boring for most people while I imagine some would enjoy the experience although rather mundane.

    When you start to move about and drink and party and chase the girls, then that is where the money flies out the door and basically the more you entertain yourself the more money flies out the door.


    I once met a guy that came here and he claimed he had 600 dollars for 6 months while he walked everywhere he went and told me he walked all the way to Chaing Mai and camped along the way with everything he needed in his large back pack.

    The ultimate budget traveler...lol




    Odd that you think the only two options are 'do nothing' or 'drink and chase the girls'. 


    Is that seriously the only pastime you can think of that a man might occupy himself with? How sad. 

  9. Same old discussion as ever.


    If you like Thai food and don't pay for sex, life here can be pretty cheap. 


    As usual, though, many posters here seem to think every farang here pays for sex and eats overpriced western food that they pretend tastes as good as the stuff back home. 

  10. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I have lived with a western woman for "love" and she took me for everything she could get. I married a Thai woman for "love" and wish I hadn't. Renting is better, and costs less in the end.


    Isn't that a bit like saying "I crashed two cars, so nobody should drive?"


    We don't all share your issues. 

  11. 10 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I have a theory on the expat suicide thing. It's men that can no longer live in LOS for whatever reason but can't face going back to whence they came. I understand that feeling myself. However, I never cut off all ties with the old country, so I have something to go back to.


    Maybe. Although I think it's possible that they're just lost souls. People often overlook the fact that our actions can change who we are. Many come here and act as if what they do has no consequences. Maybe one day they look in the mirror and realise who they've become as a result of what they have done?

  12. 14 hours ago, geronimo said:

    One of my favourites, although I can't do it if wifey is with me, in Big C, I will saunter around the electrical appliances until one of the staff comes over. I will then ask, in Thai, all about the appliance. It is unusual to find someone who can do this, so ... I turn it around and spend 20 minutes showing them how it works and explaining the dos and don'ts, to the utter amazement of everyone.


    Fluency allows you to do this btw

    A waste of time for both of you. But only one of you is getting paid to be there. Who's the stupid one?

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