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Posts posted by Luxfare

  1. Som nam nah alert!!

    Fair do's I say. Cop a feel of another blokes totty and then wonder why the bloke gets snotty?

    Or, a wise monkey is the monkey that doesn't monkey with another monkey's monkey.

    My girlfriend isn't a hooker!!! HAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAcheesy.gifw00t.gif

    And, your point? What on earth does her relatiionship to the Finnish chap have to do with the incident? If she's a hooker, it was okay for someone to just walk up and grope her? C'mon!!!

    No, it's not Ok to grab a girls bottom. Even at 3AM, in Pattaya, on Soi Bukow....

    Everybody agrees.

    Some people here think it's Ok for 3 Thais to drag a guy out of a quickstop and bash him.

    We disagree on that one.

    Happens way too often. Almost everyday if you read the papers lately.

    So what you're saying is if the Brit hadn't groped the woman the beating wouldn't have occurred....thus the Brit was essentially to blame.

    Go around groping women with their boyfriends anywhere in the world and you're going to suffer either street justice or see the inside of a cell.

    • Like 1
  2. So even if he did cop a feel of this gal does it warrant three thai men bashing him up?

    If it did happen it just gave the thai guys an excuse or good opportunity to bash someone up who was pretty pissed and not really likely to cause these three guys any problems.

    Does someone sexually assaulting your sister warrant you kicking off??

    Erm....yes, very much so.

    You come across as a typical, "I'm farang and can do as I please". You cop a feel of my wife and what those 3 did will pale in comparison.

    It seems you have very little idea of what goes on in Pattaya?

    We are not talking the pillars of society here.

    So save your moral judgements and righteous indignation for people who deserve it.

    I have an idea of what goes on. But scum attracts scum.

    I have a friend who lives in Laem Chabang and his exact words were

    " not everyone in Pattaya is a scumbag but every scumbag who comes to Thailand will go through Pattaya"

    As for morals.....you seemingly shrugging your shoulders at some 'farang' sexually assaulting someone would suggest you don't know the meaning of the word.

    • Like 1
  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    WOW. There are some very strange people around here.

    Taking the word of a Thai after they gang attack another tourist?

    What do you expect these criminals to say? Sheeesh.

    I've seen you comment on two stories now and it's blatantly obvious that you're just anti Thai. Why would they make up such an elaborate story? Do you not think the police will question the Finnish boyfriend?

    People like you should be frog marched to Suvarnabhumi and never allowed back in until you drop the obvious racism .

  4. The problem I see with this is all that will happen is either

    A/ cost of living will increase due to manufacturers passing the increase onto the consumer

    B/ if they are paid an annual bonus, this will be reduced according to the profit hit.

    I work for one of the big companies out here and it's been discovered that IF the daily minimum wage goes past 350thb then it's cheaper to go fully automated at the factories and lay people off.... And this is a generous company I work for who paid ALL employees 5 month bonus last year.....you can only imagine what the small struggling businesses will do.

    • Like 1
  5. This thread is a good revealer of socialo-communists on TV :-)

    If people engaged their brains, they could think about the number of visitors of the malls.

    MHS: 250.000 inhabitants, malls: probably nearly the same number of visitors in a day!

    The next thing is - people complaining about some schools having no aircon... Well, schools live from tax money and I would bet all the shops in luxury malls pay taxes, which is certainly not the case of all the streetside shops in Mae Hong Son !!

    Then, the cool thing about private is self-adjustment - if there was no money to be made, the malls would close down.

    Socialo-Communists are always quick to want force other people to do their bidding, regulate everything and erode everyone's freedom as a consequence.

    - Have you been to the luxury malls? Some of them have only a few thousand visitors per day.

    - Most government schools have no aircon and it's not realistic to think that they will get it anytime soon. Around 2,000 schools in Thailand have no electricity at all. Many schools are in so bad shape that they represent a health hazard for the children (vermin, bacteria, buildings falling apart etc.).

    - How do you know that shops in luxury malls pay tax? My guess would be that very few of them do. There are plenty of ways to avoid that.

    - Many malls have been closed down because they haven't been build on realistic market research or any market research at all. Others again have resurfaced as IT-malls, markets etc. Some keep going because the owners have enough money to live with any losses or because the are able to attract naive, ignorant people who open new shops replacing those who go under.

    And how would the mall group making losses affect you? What would you have the mall group do? Give all their wealth away? Would you do that?

    I went to emquartier on Monday and all in all it employs well over 500 people who would be unemployed without it....of the mall group loses money then that's there problem.

    I will say however that they're likely to lose money unless they review their prices...Replay jeans have went up in price from about 11,000thb a pair to 15,000thb a pair......they lost my custom that day as I'm not buying their building for them.

    • Like 1
  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    And there are still schools, without electricity. All these malls! And it is still a third world country.

    I see talking out of one's backside remains in vogue.

    Thailand is hardly 3rd world.

    Thailand has all the symptoms of a third world country, failing education system, lacking infrastructure, rampant corruption, enormous differences between rich and poor etc. Worst of all, as opposed to its Southeast Asian neighbours, Thailand is moving very slowly in the right direction, if at all.

    You've also just described the USA and most of Europe .....so I have to ask, if you hate Thailand so much what are you doing here?

    I would be the first to agree that the US and Europe has its own set of problems. But come on, the schools of the US and Europe cannot possible be compared to the schools of Thailand, which are among the worst in the world. Most of the schools in the West are clean, up-to-date, well fitted with equipment and have teachers that can actually speak the languages they teach!

    There are many reasons to choose to live in Thailand that are not related to the schools, goods available here, etc. Many people detest the quasi-anarchy that exists here, and many Westerners can't seem to cope with it. But THAT is one of the things I love about Thailand. Obviously, one living in the West has more rights than one living in Thailand, but one has more actual freedom here. I can drive without constant interference by the police. I can build a house without permits or interference by inspectors. I can drill a well without permission or permit. I can burn my trash outside. I can pretty much do as I please as long as I am not directly hurting somebody else. Etc. In the US, one's life is micromanaged by all the regulations on everything from re-roofing your own house or repairing a septic tank to taking an afternoon walk in a wilderness preserve (permit required).

    Am I happy with the quality of goods in Thailand? No. By and large, they sell a lot of junk here, like plumbing valves with straight threads (instead of tapered) that won't seal properly even with a whole roll of teflon tape applied. Etc. Am I happy to see so few in thailand own so much, while there are so many landless and low income poor? No; that saddens me. Am I happy when the people at the bottom finally figure out that democracy can work? Yes, absolutely. Am I happy to see the wealthy elite steal their elections with military takeovers? No. But when I load the scales with reasons for living here on one side and reasons for not living here on the other, the scale tips toward living here. My wonderful wife and her family, of course, are a substantial factor on the plus side.

    But what I do not understand is why somebody would think I "hate" Thailand and should leave just because I have opinions about the negative side. Every country in the world has its pluses and minuses. Does having opinions about the negative side of a country amount to "hate"?

    Again, why do so many Thai Visa members feel the need to make personal attacks against a poster who has only published his own opinion? It seems like these flamers feel personally threatened in some way. Why else would they repeatedly strike out at others with differing opinions and go for their throats? You see it again and again in the same people.

    I have no issues with people voicing concerns or complaining about serious incidents....however, how often do you see generalizing comments like 'typical Thainess' or ' all are thieves and scammers'.......not to mention the previous poster who slated a shopping mall because it uses a lot of electricity....which 1/ it pays for and 2/ do our shopping malls in the UK or US run on air? No, yet I'm willing to bet he never complained about them.

    For me there are far too many miserable individuals on here who do nothing but slate Thailand and anything about it and who's hypocrisy quite frankly pees me off.

  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Yes. She panicked and drove off. You would too if a mob came at you.

    Again.....she admits to panicking after the initial collision.....no mention of a mob congregating after that one. After she was eventually stopped then a mob formed largely down to the fact she could have killed dozens of people. I'm failing to see how you're failing to grasp this other than you're reluctant to accept that she was in the wrong.

    but she didn't kill dozens of people did she, yes i know, could have, would have, should have, fact is this post is full of drama queens.
    So in your opinion driving down the wrong side of the road, smashing into 13 cars, knocking two motorcyclists off their bikes is fine and dandy. She committed numerous crimes and if it was in the nations of our births would almost certainly be going to prison....there's no drama about that merely facts.

    Shouldn't the mob that was chasing her be held accountable?

    I think so.

    So if someone crashed into your vehicle and you chased after them you would think it's justifiable to punish you also?

    When did the aggressor become victim and victim the aggressor?

    She clearly has emotional issues which she admits to and shouldn't be driving if her reaction to an accident and annoyed Thai causes a complete melt down leading to something that resembles a Michael Bay movie.

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    And there are still schools, without electricity. All these malls! And it is still a third world country.

    I see talking out of one's backside remains in vogue.

    Thailand is hardly 3rd world.

    Thailand has all the symptoms of a third world country, failing education system, lacking infrastructure, rampant corruption, enormous differences between rich and poor etc. Worst of all, as opposed to its Southeast Asian neighbours, Thailand is moving very slowly in the right direction, if at all.

    You've also just described the USA and most of Europe .....so I have to ask, if you hate Thailand so much what are you doing here?

    I didn't say I hate Thailand, did I? However, I do prefer to have a realistic view upon the country I live and work in rather than making up some glorified dream.

    As for "failing education system, lacking infrastructure, rampant corruption, enormous differences between rich and poor etc." describing the USA and most of Europe... no, the differences are enormous, at least compared to most of Europe. I've never lived in the USA.

    Thailand never invaded a nation under false pretenses leading to the genocide of over 500,000 people, the division in wealth in the West is far greater than in Thailand and regarding infrastructure, granted my nation the UK does have better infrastructure....And all citizens have to pay an additional tax called council tax to support that infrastructure.

  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    And there are still schools, without electricity. All these malls! And it is still a third world country.

    I see talking out of one's backside remains in vogue.

    Thailand is hardly 3rd world.

    Thailand has all the symptoms of a third world country, failing education system, lacking infrastructure, rampant corruption, enormous differences between rich and poor etc. Worst of all, as opposed to its Southeast Asian neighbours, Thailand is moving very slowly in the right direction, if at all.

    You've also just described the USA and most of Europe .....so I have to ask, if you hate Thailand so much what are you doing here?

    • Like 1
  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Yes. She panicked and drove off. You would too if a mob came at you.

    Again.....she admits to panicking after the initial collision.....no mention of a mob congregating after that one. After she was eventually stopped then a mob formed largely down to the fact she could have killed dozens of people. I'm failing to see how you're failing to grasp this other than you're reluctant to accept that she was in the wrong.

    but she didn't kill dozens of people did she, yes i know, could have, would have, should have, fact is this post is full of drama queens.

    So in your opinion driving down the wrong side of the road, smashing into 13 cars, knocking two motorcyclists off their bikes is fine and dandy. She committed numerous crimes and if it was in the nations of our births would almost certainly be going to prison....there's no drama about that merely facts.

  11. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Yes. She panicked and drove off. You would too if a mob came at you.

    Again.....she admits to panicking after the initial collision.....no mention of a mob congregating after that one. After she was eventually stopped then a mob formed largely down to the fact she could have killed dozens of people. I'm failing to see how you're failing to grasp this other than you're reluctant to accept that she was in the wrong.

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  12. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Like I said. If she didn't escape the mob we would probably be reading about a lynching.
    Lucky the police protected her from that second mob.

    I was unfortunate to see a similar mob kill a guy after the police cuffed the guy.
    Must be terrifying to be cuffed and besten to death.

    If you read what the initial paper stated, it says she openly admits to panicking and driving off from the initial accident and the mob that surrounded her when stopped was mainly victims of those she had hit and witnesses. Nowhere does it say there was a mob after the initial collision. An update in the news states that she has openly admitted to having a medical issue regarding tension and that she is on constant medication for it....in which case, she probably shouldn't be driving.

    So with this now released info can you really blame people for being angry when some crazy driver drives into oncoming traffic ,smashes into 13 cars, knocks two motorcycle drivers off their bikes and is only stopped when she has her tires shot out? How many of those vehicles contained children?

  13. A violent mob goes after this lady & Thai apologists justify the action.

    Farang woman almost kills dozens of innocent people and you try to justify her actions.

    Explain why she fled the scene.

    I don't see a violent Thai mob here, she was probably on drugs and could not control her car, Of course Thais that was almost hit by her car were upset , but they didn't beat her, the police came, dragged her out of the car and arrested her, This is the normal way to handle crazy drivers,

    Now will you please stop this Thai bashing?

    I guessed you missed the Bangkok Post article about the angry mob taking whacks at her.

    Yeah, AFTER she done a runner and went on a 13 vehicle damaging rampage.....no wonder people were a little peaved ...so would I be if someone had run me off the road or smashed into the side of me and failed to stop.

    I find it funny that the irresponsible and reckless actions of this American woman have made it necessary for some posters to point out the "violent mob mentality" of the average Thai people. whistling.gif

    Ten years on and off in Thailand and yet to see this seemingly "daily occurrence".

    And as someone who seems open minded and respectful you're unlikely to, the ones who see the apparent "Thai aggression" are usually in areas full of obnoxious Westerners who think they're above the indigenous people and talk to them like dirt. I've lived here 4 years and the only times I've encountered trouble....Westerners were always the initial aggressor.

    Agree. There are far too many aggressive Thais in the tourist areas ready to bash a farang for a minor offense.

    This poor woman had to flee for her life in a panic after just a minor accident.

    Lucky the police finally arrived to protect her from the mob.

    They still got a few whacks in even when in police custody.

    Fortunate we are not reading a headline "Mob lynched American teacher after minor traffic accident."

    Land of smiles.

    You clearly mis read my reply. This woman has no defense....she was involved in an accident and instead of waiting for police sped off and caused damage to numerous other vehicles. You can defend this 'poor woman' as you call her....I call her a criminal.

    Oh, and as for the land of smiles comment. If you don't like it here go to Syria.

    • Like 1
  14. A violent mob goes after this lady & Thai apologists justify the action.

    Farang woman almost kills dozens of innocent people and you try to justify her actions.

    Explain why she fled the scene.

    I don't see a violent Thai mob here, she was probably on drugs and could not control her car, Of course Thais that was almost hit by her car were upset , but they didn't beat her, the police came, dragged her out of the car and arrested her, This is the normal way to handle crazy drivers,

    Now will you please stop this Thai bashing?

    I guessed you missed the Bangkok Post article about the angry mob taking whacks at her.

    Yeah, AFTER she done a runner and went on a 13 vehicle damaging rampage.....no wonder people were a little peaved ...so would I be if someone had run me off the road or smashed into the side of me and failed to stop.

    I find it funny that the irresponsible and reckless actions of this American woman have made it necessary for some posters to point out the "violent mob mentality" of the average Thai people. whistling.gif

    Ten years on and off in Thailand and yet to see this seemingly "daily occurrence".

    And as someone who seems open minded and respectful you're unlikely to, the ones who see the apparent "Thai aggression" are usually in areas full of obnoxious Westerners who think they're above the indigenous people and talk to them like dirt. I've lived here 4 years and the only times I've encountered trouble....Westerners were always the initial aggressor.

    • Like 2
  15. A violent mob goes after this lady & Thai apologists justify the action.

    Farang woman almost kills dozens of innocent people and you try to justify her actions.

    Explain why she fled the scene.

    I don't see a violent Thai mob here, she was probably on drugs and could not control her car, Of course Thais that was almost hit by her car were upset , but they didn't beat her, the police came, dragged her out of the car and arrested her, This is the normal way to handle crazy drivers,

    Now will you please stop this Thai bashing?

    I guessed you missed the Bangkok Post article about the angry mob taking whacks at her.

    Yeah, AFTER she done a runner and went on a 13 vehicle damaging rampage.....no wonder people were a little peaved ...so would I be if someone had run me off the road or smashed into the side of me and failed to stop.

    • Like 1
  16. A violent mob goes after this lady & Thai apologists justify the action.

    Farang woman almost kills dozens of innocent people and you try to justify her actions.

    Explain why she fled the scene.

    Only she can answer that, or maybe her toxicology report or driving documents (or possibly lack of) will.

    If she'd got out straight away, apologised and waited for police then I doubt they'd have lynched her....using the excuse I was afraid so I drove away this breaking the law is very open to abuse.

    I may have missed this but where does it say she caused the original accident, Before the rampage, I could be wrong ?

    So why should she have got out and apologized ?

    Are you just jumping to conclusions with no facts.

    Waited for the cops for sure , fleeing an accident is so thai style, very bad.

    There you go generalizing again "thai style"??? That infers that all Thais run away from accidents...which is nonsense.

    I'm guessing you're a 60something, sexpat, who rocks a barstool from 11am to 11pm and wears a Chang wife beater top.....

    See I can generalise too.....doesn't mean I'm right does it?.

    And your statement is a little contradictory...one minute you're saying she may not have caused the initial accident, next you're saying fleeing an accident is so Thai style.

    Read it in the paper hundreds of times over the years in accident reports. Driver flees the scene.

    Thais do it because they know what's next. A possible lynching.

    Many of these drivers actually report the accidents when they are safe from the mob.

    Firstly, I've seen dozens of accidents or scenes of accidents and never have I seen a lynching or mob justice...so either you're exaggerating or I guess where I live it's more civilized.

    Secondly if the driver had been Thai I know for a certainty that you'd have the usual Thai bashers on here saying the Thai driver was an idiot or on yaba or drunk or carrying drugs....

    Seems that double standards is the norm for the majority of TVF posters.

  17. A violent mob goes after this lady & Thai apologists justify the action.

    Farang woman almost kills dozens of innocent people and you try to justify her actions.

    Explain why she fled the scene.

    Only she can answer that, or maybe her toxicology report or driving documents (or possibly lack of) will.

    If she'd got out straight away, apologised and waited for police then I doubt they'd have lynched her....using the excuse I was afraid so I drove away this breaking the law is very open to abuse.

    I may have missed this but where does it say she caused the original accident, Before the rampage, I could be wrong ?

    So why should she have got out and apologized ?

    Are you just jumping to conclusions with no facts.

    Waited for the cops for sure , fleeing an accident is so thai style, very bad.

    There you go generalizing again "thai style"??? That infers that all Thais run away from accidents...which is nonsense.

    I'm guessing you're a 60something, sexpat, who rocks a barstool from 11am to 11pm and wears a Chang wife beater top.....

    See I can generalise too.....doesn't mean I'm right does it?.

    And your statement is a little contradictory...one minute you're saying she may not have caused the initial accident, next you're saying fleeing an accident is so Thai style.

  18. A violent mob goes after this lady & Thai apologists justify the action.

    Farang woman almost kills dozens of innocent people and you try to justify her actions.

    Explain why she fled the scene.

    Only she can answer that, or maybe her toxicology report or driving documents (or possibly lack of) will.

    If she'd got out straight away, apologised and waited for police then I doubt they'd have lynched her....using the excuse I was afraid so I drove away this breaking the law is very open to abuse.

  19. So am I reading the story correctly? American woman hits and runs then smashes up several other cars, almost killing several motorcycle drivers and is only stopped once the police shoot out her tyres???

    Because the amount of posts blaming the Thais would suggest otherwise. There are some seriously anti Thai morons on this forum, ones who'd I'd like to personally frog march to Suvarnabhumi.

    You still banging the everyone is a Thai basher / hater drum.

    Give it a rest man.

    I guess you haven't read the first 2 pages of this story , in which almost everyone is Thai bashing, even going off subject to do so. If their comments were related to crazy farang woman nearly kills innocent motorists, then fair enough but nope....all complaining about Thais who seem to have done little more than either stop the crazy woman from killing people or have dived out of the way to save their own lives.

  20. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Go to another country and get drunk and stupid!!!! I am sure it is all the fault of the farang!!!! they cause all this headache.....and they get a big headache in return....

    probably acted all tough and cool, disrespected thais and maybe even tried to flirt with 7-11 girl.....this will not end well!!!

    he is not helping us smile in land of smiles......back to UK to work in gravel pit!!!!

    <deleted> How many of these attacks are done by cowardly Thais who take advantage of someone if they are drunk or injured? Almost all of them. Those cowards who attacked him only did so because he was compromised. If these Thais were in the West they would have been beaten so bad they would wish they were never born.

    Let's face it, Thais can't fight. When they go abroad they cry about the first person who doesn't smile at them but when foreigners go to the 'land of smiles' they attack them in large groups when the foreigner's back is turned. Why? Because they are afraid of getting the beat out of them one on one.

    Those cowards wouldn't be considered real men anywhere else in the world -- which is also why Thai women date westerners.

    And the award for most racially prejudiced and generalizing comment goes to.......

    I think you'll find the reason most Thai women date farang men is to rip them off.....well, that's what most of the other xenophobic morons on Thai visa say.

    If you don't like living in Thailand, go back to where you come from. Simple as that.

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