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Posts posted by Luxfare

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I've got quite a simple explanation for this divide into 2 camps; non-whiners and whiners.

    If you are a thoughtful, considerate, philosophical, concerned and emotional being you will have a hard time fitting in here.

    However, if you are lacking empathy, are indifferent, self-conceited, fun loving and easy going you will fit in great.

    Not saying that all Thailand lovers are sociopaths, not at all, but a lot of them are easy going, Leo drinking fun lovers.

    Thailand doesn't attract too many expats (excl.expats who work in multinationals, government or NGO's) who think outside of the box because if you do you are stamped a whiner, trouble maker, depressed or bad sport by the fun lovers and that's exactly my point.

    One of the reasons many farangs actually move here is to escape from being a responsible person back home, because Thailand is known for it's mai pen rai mentality.

    Hence the comments if you don't like it here go back home. There is not much thoughtfulness or care for society by these ostriches. They just want to be left alone in their bubble with their glass half full and care about themselves. They automatically assume that if you complain about something Thai that you don't like it here. They can't think outside of their self-imposed box structure. I mean, who would want to complain when you can be sitting on the beach with a Leo and a nice female massaging your shoulders while you are talking bs with your mates? They can't imagine because their imagination doesn't go further than the basics of life sad to say.

    They never get tired of that same old same old, year in, year out. That's something I can't get my head around. Perhaps they are easier satisfied and happy. Ignorance is bliss so they say.

    They can't see the difference between caring and whining. Any criticism of society is seen as complaining. It's how they are wired. They just don't care and consider any intellectual thought as threatening to their existence in Utopia.

    Bring up any interesting topic and they will try to ridicule you with dumbfounded comments.

    Most of them are ego-maniacs who tap themselves on the shoulder all day long and love talking about themselves, how wonderful they are and how they have made it. If you haven't made it just as big as them or bigger you are a loser.

    I've met 100's, if not 1000's of these expats over the years, from BKK to Samui to CM and Phuket. This is also how the rest of the world perceives expats living in Thailand. They see us as braindead, uncaring and useless barflies.

    My advice to the farangs with half a brain who actually care about the world and other people; don't even try to convince these people and never argue with them! They are conservative in their thinking and doing and they know everything better. They are the same guys who say you should hang the mentally retarded Russian who killed the security guard.

    They lack empathy and emotional intelligence and that's why they fit in better.

    Anyone with a working brain who has been here for longer than 10 years can see that Thailand is not the country we fell in love with back then. I find it rather disturbing to see how greed, violence and ignorance are filling this once very chilled out nation more and more and by talking about these topics perhaps we can have more insight and then maybe do something about it. Has nothing to do with half full or half empty. Don't let them manipulate you into believing that you are negative, they don't know s-hit. Remember the 80's song by Bruce Hornsby? The way it is........ That's their life philosophy. They have convinced themselves that we can't change anything and things that we can't change should be left alone. Don't count on any of them for bettering the world, they simply don't care, only about themselves.

    What a condesending, arrogant, xenophobic post. So Sigmund I guess every expat and immigrant in Thailand is in one of two categories....well let's have a look

    Thoughtful and considerate- I used to be a police officer in my own community, I worked with the NAAFI in Afghanistan for 2 years serving the troops on an abysmal salary, I regularly carry out charity events and at work will take time to help where I can.

    Philiosophical- no expert but I'd certainly consider myself middle-left in political issues and try to always step back and review before taking action (I read your nonsense post 5 times before I started to write this reply)

    Concerned and emotional- too many incidents but one recent was taking a new born street cat with a dislocated shoulder (while I was on a night out with friends) to a 24 hr VET, paying 25,000thb to fix it up and have now taken it in...so I'd say that was pretty thoughful especially considering I'm allergic to their dander.

    Now for camp 2

    Lack empathy- see cat story above and I still cry like a little girl at the end of "The champ" when Jon Voight dies...hence the reason I never watch it with company.

    Self conceited- you'll probably say this message is a little conceited, but I'm the first to point out my mistakes and take advice, while admittedly often the first to point out others mistakes and give advice.

    Fun Loving- yeah, I'm laid back and look forward to the Friday night out with the boys as much as I did 10 years ago in the UK.

    So which one am I DAVE?? I do at one time or another tick all your little self contained boxes.

    I have my standpoint on this, I am one of the many who say "don't like it, then go back home" and the reason for me saying that is simple. Why come out here and stay if it's not to your liking? why would you leave your nation of birth to come to a nation in which all you see is "thainess", "corruption" or "backwards"?? The days of colonization and the crusades are over.....you either accept each nation and it's values for what they are or you don't, I mean it's not like we're living in Syria is it?- if you want to change a society so much then stay in your own "clearly not perfect" nation of birth and try to make that better. BUT NO, instead the whingers come to Thailand for the positives it offers all the while expecting Thialand to pander to what they liked from the nation they just CHOSE TO LEAVE.....it's the very definition of hypocrisy and arrogant beyond comprehension.

    I was a cynic, miserable individual in the UK (My nation of birth), I hated my job, I hated the weather, I hated the fact two thirds of my salary went on tax/rent/bills, I hated the fact I was expected to work 46-50hrs a week despite being on a 39 hr contract just because I was a manager......so I did something about it....I left.

    Thailand is far from perfect but we all CHOOSE to live here, why don't we all go back to our nations of birth and demand that those in power try the Bush and Blair administrations for an illegal invasion and genocide? why don't we all go back and demand bankers are held accountable when they lose money, why don't we all go back and demand that our home borders are better manned and that illegals are turned away like we would be here in Thailand, why don't we all go back and demand that politicians keep the promises that they made when campaigning, why don't we all go back and make our nations of birth the perfect level we expect in Thailand? You tell me DAVE, after all you have all the black and white views.

  2. I really do not see any valuable reason for settling down in Thailand, despite the fact that my wife is Thai. Why should I live in a country that:

    • is a military dictatorship
    • has no press and media freedom
    • has Internet censored
    • has bad living quality, even in socalled tourist centres (Pattaya, Phuket etc.)
    • does not have a good educational system
    • has no conscience about environmental issues, garbage everywhere
    • has one of the highet road mortality in the world
    • threats foreigners mainly as a walking bank
    • has no International cuisine, except in BKK and CNX
    • is becoming more dangerous every year
    • has very restrict immigration laws, every European country is better
    • does not grant residency for husbands of Thai wife
    • is racist in a large extent against all foreigners, regardless if from other Asian countries or from the West
    I prefer to live in Europe, beautiful, nice, save, high living quality etc.

    When I visit Thailand, I stay a few days then I move on to Laos, much nicer and friendlier.

    Europe?? The same Europe that allows free borders, corrupt EU officials, took a major part in the illegal invasion of Iraq and has a massive uprising of far right political parties gaining votes?? That same Europe? Yeah sounds like a haven of morals and fairness.

  3. The author is named "Editor".

    Most cynical expats of a certain age in Chiang Mai, and a few bar owners, know him, and his twin sister, all too well.

    Editor is an unemployed, work permit free, 20 something digital nomad cum blogger cum web content developer on a part-time spiritual journey to, quote, "find myself". You've likely seen around CM taking photos of soi dogs, eating sweet sticky rice & mango and wai'ing small children on the street.

    Editor sat on his duff at ______ beer bar and 6 hours later, submitted this desperate, tired old chestnut to his exploitative, but equally desperate, editor at Chiang Mai rag online.

    After 6 hours of free WIFI, Editor "check bin'ed" a total of 1 small Leo and 6 free buckets of ice, asked the miserable old expats for advice how to do his first tourist visa border run, then left the bar without even leaving a measly 20 Baht tip for Nok.

    Quality tourists who've done more for Thailand in two weeks than all the miserable old gits who live here ever have.

    I'm a 30 something, have a work permit, very likely to pay more tax than the cynics and agree with most of what the OP has written.

    Noted. Thanks for sharing your details. It would be hard not to agree with OP, but that's not the point.

    I see you liked my post then unliked it. Did you empathize more with Editor? He negatively impacted at least 2 people that day, which is far more harm than the gaggle of moaning old gits did to anyone. He finished slagging them off, then has the cheek to ask them for help/advice - which they readily gave.

    What's up with the not so subtle air of superiority about paying taxes?

    I liked a certain bit of your post and agreed with it however there was a certain amount of generalizing about it......the point I made about paying taxes was not intended to sound superior but just to let you know that I pay towards this nation and that I'm not some work permit free paycheck to paycheck dictator with no understanding of Thai culture.

    People do have a right to complain IF treat unfairly, the problem I have is those who come here for a superior life to that they can afford in their " home" nation only to then critizise everything that isn't up to standard of their " home nation", and those who just hate everything.....an example of those types would be the negative comments made about the soi dog that moved to Scotland and built a bond with a 6 year old cerebral palsy sufferer....I mean come on ,HOW can you be negative about that unless you have something really dark inside.

    Apologise about the grammar I'm on my phone and have big thumbs.

  4. .......With that said.....this forum is full of negative people that have nothing better to do then criticize Thailand, the government, the people, their way of

    life, and the stupid things they see. If you don't like it LEAVE! NO ONE ASKED, for your negative comments. To many instances I see where some of you gang up on another OP. Some of you old timers no what I mean. There is an old saying, which holds some truths. "If you can't say something nice to someone, its best not to say anything at all.".......My glass is not half empty, or half full.............its reached an equilibrium state.

    What a strange half assed post. OK lets all say yippy to everything the Thai's do because we are living in their country.

    One way of making sure nothing ever gets better is to never complain about anything.

    Holes in the pavements, no problem, bikes on the pavement, no problem, 26,000 people killed on the roads every year, no problem... Its all good no ?

    But you're not seeing the bigger picture. I'm from the UK and our pavements are better than here in BKK fair enough...but what would you say if the Thais said " ok we'll fix the pavements but you'll have to pay 6,000thb a month council tax like they do in the UK"?....=then you'll get those who complain about the council tax. It's the same with the Police and Taxis.....they're underpaid and therefore you get inferior service to that of our own nations where we pay more for "the service". I'd happily pay an extra 5-6,000thb a month in tax for an incorruptible police and nice pavements.....would Pattaya Pete living on a pension be happy to pay it? I'm guessing no.

  5. The author is named "Editor".

    Most cynical expats of a certain age in Chiang Mai, and a few bar owners, know him, and his twin sister, all too well.

    Editor is an unemployed, work permit free, 20 something digital nomad cum blogger cum web content developer on a part-time spiritual journey to, quote, "find myself". You've likely seen around CM taking photos of soi dogs, eating sweet sticky rice & mango and wai'ing small children on the street.

    Editor sat on his duff at ______ beer bar and 6 hours later, submitted this desperate, tired old chestnut to his exploitative, but equally desperate, editor at Chiang Mai rag online.

    After 6 hours of free WIFI, Editor "check bin'ed" a total of 1 small Leo and 6 free buckets of ice, asked the miserable old expats for advice how to do his first tourist visa border run, then left the bar without even leaving a measly 20 Baht tip for Nok.

    Quality tourists who've done more for Thailand in two weeks than all the miserable old gits who live here ever have.

    I'm a 30 something, have a work permit, very likely to pay more tax than the cynics and agree with most of what the OP has written.

  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Claptrap, some people call a spade a spade and dont tart it up or pretend it doesnt exist and everything is "wonderful"

    I mean ..........".Most of the problems people have experienced in Thailand came from expats – not Thais."

    Seeing as the majority of people I come into contact with are Thais this is one example of claptrap, just on numbers alone its way more likely a Thai will give me a problem than an expat

    Claptrap for you maybe. I come into contact with a tonne more Thais than Expat however I've only had two near fights in this country in 4 years.....one a drunken middle aged Scotsman and the other a drunken middle aged Londoner. Thailand isn't perfect but I'm guessing none of us left a perfect Paradise to come here.

  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    WHY NOT complain if there is something to complain about.

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I get the impression that when these constant Thai bashers left their own country their towns had street parties in celebration. Everyone had cynical moments but to persistently complain about a nation that THEY CHOOSE to live in I'll never understand. Maybe the should try Syria, I hear it's lovely this time of year.

    Thailand is Number one in complaining expats alt=tongue.png> no where in the world have I seen a more disgruntled bunch, if only they could leave, go some place else,

    Thailand still dreaming of becoming #1 in something...anything

    any place! but these dastardly Thais with their 47th ranking airports and cracked runways........... perhaps if they had better airports they would all leave alt=laugh.png>

    This. I guess there are a lot of very happy expats in Thailand but it does seem that large numbers hate the place and reluctantly stay here for the sun and the s*x. Riles the heck out of me but then I guess they would complain just as much back home.....

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    WHY NOT complain if there is something to complain about.

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Thailand still dreaming of becoming #1 in something...anything

    Thailand is Number one in complaining expats alt=tongue.png> no where in the world have I seen a more disgruntled bunch, if only they could leave, go some place else,

    any place! but these dastardly Thais with their 47th ranking airports and cracked runways........... perhaps if they had better airports they would all leave alt=laugh.png>

    This. I guess there are a lot of very happy expats in Thailand but it does seem that large numbers hate the place and reluctantly stay here for the sun and the s*x. Riles the heck out of me but then I guess they would complain just as much back home.....

    I get the impression that when these constant Thai bashers left their own country their towns had street parties in celebration. Everyone had cynical moments but to persistently complain about a nation that THEY CHOOSE to live in I'll never understand. Maybe the should try Syria, I hear it's lovely this time of year.

    Because even your demented brain must realize that you are a guest here, . Don't know about you, but if I invited a guest to my home and he did nothing but complain about it and me - he would find out very quickly where the door is.

    Who was that aimed at?

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I love my freedom here and riding my bike with NO helmet, it is called freedom and I hate all the nanny state do gooders who preach about safety all the time, jeees it is not safe to walk down the street so we will all have to stay indoors in padded cells to stop hurting ourselves!!!! Live your life how you want to and stop telling others how to live theirs.

    While I agree with you to a point you cannot include children in that. Children don't understand dangers like adults do and therefore cannot make an educated decision like we can.

  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Thailand still dreaming of becoming #1 in something...anything

    Thailand is Number one in complaining expats alt=tongue.png> no where in the world have I seen a more disgruntled bunch, if only they could leave, go some place else,

    any place! but these dastardly Thais with their 47th ranking airports and cracked runways........... perhaps if they had better airports they would all leave alt=laugh.png>

    This. I guess there are a lot of very happy expats in Thailand but it does seem that large numbers hate the place and reluctantly stay here for the sun and the s*x. Riles the heck out of me but then I guess they would complain just as much back home.....

    I get the impression that when these constant Thai bashers left their own country their towns had street parties in celebration. Everyone had cynical moments but to persistently complain about a nation that THEY CHOOSE to live in I'll never understand. Maybe the should try Syria, I hear it's lovely this time of year.

    WHY NOT complain if there is something to complain about.

    Because those who complain complain about everything in Thailand, I'm not a big fan of Suvarnabhumi airport mainly due to having a suitcase broken into and the unfriendly staff however if you look at the complaining comments none say why they mock the airport they just bash Thailand for bashing Thailand sake....my other complaint is Suvarnabhumi allowing these types of obnoxious cynical hypocrites through.

  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Thailand still dreaming of becoming #1 in something...anything

    Thailand is Number one in complaining expats alt=tongue.png> no where in the world have I seen a more disgruntled bunch, if only they could leave, go some place else,

    any place! but these dastardly Thais with their 47th ranking airports and cracked runways........... perhaps if they had better airports they would all leave alt=laugh.png>

    This. I guess there are a lot of very happy expats in Thailand but it does seem that large numbers hate the place and reluctantly stay here for the sun and the s*x. Riles the heck out of me but then I guess they would complain just as much back home.....

    I get the impression that when these constant Thai bashers left their own country their towns had street parties in celebration. Everyone had cynical moments but to persistently complain about a nation that THEY CHOOSE to live in I'll never understand. Maybe the should try Syria, I hear it's lovely this time of year.

    • Like 1
  11. A great story..... and one in the eye for those who denigrate Thai street dogs!

    Of course we denigrate Soi dogs, they taste terrible,

    Kidding aside, what we really denigrate are the Thais who let the dogs breed like rats and live on the streets. Correction, in the road. There have to be at least 500 in a 5km radius from my home. At least the Laos and Vietnamese cut the population by eating them. No real difference from cows, pigs, and chickens.

    In Papua New guinea some tribes still see humans as cows, pigs and chickens......I'll treat you to a one way ticket if you want?

  12. No matter what some sad and unhappy people say, this is indeed a great story. There is something magical about the interaction between kids and dogs, I have been lucky enough to witness it and it is truly beyond explanation.

    Whether it is down to the protective instinct, or the pack mentality, or those and several more instincts as well no one will ever truly know. All I know is these dogs would do just about anything to protect their family.

    Possibly something that a few small minded people on TV are not capable of, that could be why they react in such a cynical and callous manner.

    Try being nice to dogs for a change, maybe then they won't feel so threatened that they have to defend themselves from you (or your wife)

    Damn, I truly hate these puppy dog lovers. Thailand is full of these alley way mutts. Some Thais think these temple are a place to dump off their pets. I've seen maybe 50 unwanted dogs and cats dump off. Monks have no choice but to feed these mutts after they themselves have eaten what was given to them in the morning after they make their rounds in the neighborhood. Dogs, like any other wild critter become a nuisance to the public when the population explodes. A lot of dog owners let them run loose, causing more problems. Then there is the never ending barking dog. Every neighborhood has one or more of these. You go to the house of these owners, tell them the problem about the barking. and do nothing about it!.............It gets to a point in time you must take action...........Dog elimination is my specialty. I'm quite good at it. And I now enjoy a quiet evening, no more barking, and I have a nice decent sleep. OH! no, I here another newbie barking, need to go out and find this one now..............

    You're trolling is both amateurish and obvious. Grow up. These THAI born dogs have more right to be here than you do.

    • Like 2
  13. Not until ALL the facts come out. I used to be REAL POLICE, you're an ARMCHAIR detective. And as I said before IF that knife belongs to the Australian and it's deemed illegal in Thailand then he had no legal right to carry it. You cannot pick and choose which laws you wish to abide by.

    Why the ill temper?

    It is his knife, "Mr Pendlebury went on to say how he pulled out his knife and “waved it back and forth to defend myself”." ...and as to being deemed illegal, that is for the law to decide:

    Taken from here "BOOK III: PETTY OFFENCES

    Section 371 Whoever, carries arms in a town, village or public way openly or without a reasonablecause, or carries arms in a gathering assembled for worship, entertainment or any otherpurpose, shall be punished with fined not exceeding one hundred Baht, and the Court, shallhave the power to forfeit such arms.


    Section 294 Whoever, in as affray among three persons upwards, and any person, whether such person to be participant in such affray or not, to be death, shall be imprisoned not out of two years or fined not out of four thousand Baht, or both.

    If the participant in such affray can show that oneself has acted so as to prevent such affray or to prevent lawfully, such participant shall not be punished.

    On a side note, this is Thailand, and the Baht stops here, regardless of the Law herein, which is extremely (EXTREMELY) left wide open to any (ANY) legal official's interpretation. This is the way the law is written, and that is why it is written that way... so the ruling authority can have that unhindered flexibility without the bother of the facts; although any circumstantial evidence can make the prices go up or down, as well as those who have the right and authority to interpret things: those too can tend to lean this way or that... depending on... well... you know.

    That is my express and respectful opinion. Please correct me if I am in err.

    Apologies if I offend your sense of experienced instinct and intuition. I did not mean to.

    You didn't, clearly it was a misunderstanding that can happen in written word my apologies also.

    If those are indeed the updated Thai laws then someone clearly needs to revisit them, in the UK they had you 2 ways

    1/ no blade over 3" to be carried unless job related.

    And if the blade was under 3" they could still pin

    2/ in possession of a sharp or pointed instrument

    Lock knives were completely outlawed......then again out here I believe tazers are supposed to be outlawed and you can get them down Sukhumvit rd for less than 500thb.

    I still wouldn't carry a knife......too much risk of using it and being imprisoned, having it taken off you and used against you or the police stopping you and getting hammered for it.....then again I feel safe living in Sukhumvit and never visit Pattaya for the simple reason it's mentioned on here every single day and never positive.

  14. Looks from the posts above that now TV members support taxi bike thugs. Is that only because it wasn't a Westerner who got knocked out?

    200 Baht for a taxi bike ride? Did he come from Bangkok?

    So you defend the Korean who ran off without paying his bar bill, then attacked a taxi driver with a bike helmet which wasn't his and tried to kick him??? Sounds like you're just another Thai hater . And maybe he wanted to travel far have you ever thought of that or was the chance to Thai bash just too great?

    • Like 1
  15. re #152 You've lost so why not give up, that hole is getting deeper.

    Firstly wearing a seatbelt is a LAWFULL requirement, carrying a concealed weapon like a knife is AGAINST THE LAW.

    And you've changed your argument, you never mentioned home invasion before...probably because this story has nothing to do with a home invasion yet because you're being schooled you've decided to change the goalposts.

    All I know is that as an ex.Police officer I would have taken great delight in arresting you if I caught you with a concealed weapon, even more so if your personality in person is the same as you come across over the net. You're no dirty Harry so stop acting like one.


    Oh WOW!! Another ex-Policeman! Being an ex-CIA or an ex-SAS used to be en vogue.

    What bar do the ex-cops frequent so we can visit and be regaled with their heroic deeds and their caution to watch our Ps&Qs and for us to stop acting like Dirty Harry wannabees as that's their turf....

    Is that you in the police-style glasses in the OP photo. Then note that according to http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/world/australian-businessman-charged-with-murder-over-death-at-phuket-nightclub-20150311-141bez.html

    'Foreign volunteer police, including Australians, who usually patrol the streets of Patong where the altercation occurred stopped their patrols several days ago over a dispute with Thai police."

    Because some lie about past deeds mean everyone does? That's like me saying anyone who doesn't believe I was in the police and gets sarcastic about it is a keyboard warrior who's afraid of their own shadow.

  16. If the video on YouTube is the only CCTV evidence then that is about as much use as a chocolate fireguard and is certainly NOT great evidence (facts). If a as I suspect the arrested party is your friend ( you refer to him as Mark which gives me the impression) then I'm sorry your friend is in trouble but as an independent viewer that CCTV isn't enough to prove who was the initial aggressor.

  17. Yep, hope he gets everything he deserves. Might also shut up a few of the knuckle heads on TV who constantly crow about their "rights" to carry weapons in this country especially the multitude that are proud to tell everyone they carry knives on their person in their vehicles and wherever else for "protection". Weapon carried by cowards pure and simple.

    I don't carry, however calling people cowards if they choose to do so is ridiculous except when they are the instigator or use it on unarmed people. Suppose one lives in or goes to an area where there may be a problem with armed thugs (Pattaya , Phuket, Patong) If confronted and attacked, what should they do. We hear all too often on TV that "Thais don't fight fair etc." so would it not be prudent to even the score?

    A bit like "Dumb###K brought a knife to a gunfight" or as the usual cases here "Solo Farang brought knuckles to a knife / gun / club / brick / gang fight"

    Regardless, RIP to the victim and condolences to his family. If the Aussie is guilty, give him the full force of the law.

    If a place is so violent and dangerous that you need to carry a weapon in fear of your life then why choose to live there??? I wouldn't live in Pattaya for all the tea in China because from what I read and what friends who live in Laem Chabang tell me is that the place is full of violent and cheating scum both domestic and foreign ( not everyone who lives there is I may add).

    I have to go now, booking my annual vacation....think I'm going to choose Syria or Iraq this year.

  18. Aussie looks likes a big guy and by the looks of all blood he must of been getting a WHOOP'N so trying to even it out, Out came the blade..

    Or....Or.....he got into an altercation with the bouncer, he stabbed him and the rest of the bouncers gave him a kicking afterwards. Most humans IF under attack from several people at once take the foetal position and don't have time to take a knife out of their pocket, unlock it and be able to attack the initial attacker.

    All speculation until the real facts are reported.

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