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Everything posted by Liquorice

  1. I'd have done the same as you, but also added the UK Embassy doesn't issue them because that's not where I file my TM30. There is a reason they offer no receipt, so their corrupt methods aren't exposed. I'd have suggested at my next extension renewal I pay 500 BHT ........... no receipt required. There are those that state there could be repercussions, but in my experience when you stand up and challenge them, they actually respect you more in the future. One not to be trifled with.
  2. Yes, I just realised the reason I've never been asked for a new CofR is because I have that little yellow book and pink ID card, the one's that many claim are useless. 😉
  3. Certain Embassies no longer issue proof of address. In fact, just today reading some info on the British Embassy website, they accept a Certificate of residence from Immigration as proof of your address. Your address is already on your existing licence, so why another CofR, unless you moved.
  4. The MFA have now opened several Consular offices for notarisation/legalisation of the above translated documents. Lak Si, as you stated, also Pathum Wan, Pattaya, Chiang Mai, Ubon Ratchathani, Songla and Phuket. Appointments are required at all locations. https://consular.mfa.go.th/th/publicservice/สถานที่ให้บริการรับรองนิติกรณ์เอกสาร
  5. I sent you a PM reference the steps for marriage as a US citizen.
  6. Once the OP is married, the 60 day VE entry + 60 day extension option may suffice. Depends on how many times he visits and his intended duration of stays per year, which I also asked. Bank account, another 'to do' on his list.
  7. That depends on a number of factors Jack. Non O application can be processed within 15 days. He'd have to then be present again in Thailand within the 90 days that Non O grants him to apply for the 1-year extension. That could take anything from 30 to 60 days to process depending on how soon he applies.
  8. Once married, you have two options for staying long term in Thailand. You can also apply for an additional 60-day extension to visit a Thai spouse. If I may ask; 1. How often, and for what lengths of stay, are you contemplating for your visits to Thailand? Where would you stay in Thailand, that would determine which Immigration office you may use? You don't need any agencies other than a translation service. Take one step at a time. My advice is to get married first, then plan your next step for long term stays, which really depends on your frequency of visits and periods of time spent in Thailand on each visit.
  9. And once a lease ends, the land and anything on it reverts to the landowner.
  10. For long terms stay in Thailand, under 50 years of age, unmarried, then the Elite visa is probably your only option, but expensive. https://thailand-elite.com/ Thailand only really caters for retirees or those married to a Thai for long term stays. There is a minimum age restriction of 50 for the purpose of retirement. If you were to marry your long time girlfriend, then it opens another door and different options to stay long term. Is marriage perhaps something you may consider?
  11. You extended your permission of stay. Your Non O-A visas expired on the 'enter before' date of the visa. Folk make the assumption that all IO's are competent and familiar with all their own orders and regulations - they are not! I had my first encounter with my IO around 12 months after the new TM30 regulations were posted. They had never seen the new regulations, or so they claimed. It came as a surprise to them. After supplying them with a copy, they now follow that regulation. Don't be afraid to challenge them if you have evidence to the contrary from their understanding.
  12. You were trying to register for online TM30 submission, right? You have to register and be approved first, before you can then submit the TM30.
  13. Yes, I did of course mean from your Passport, copies of ........................
  14. Don't you have to visit the agent though? And if the nearest is 100Km away, in a different Province, what do you further suggest?
  15. The OP has a 1 year extension of stay, not an LTR visa, and was reading the wrong information from the BOI site. @Tod Daniels corrected him. It pays to read replies to the OP, or you go off-topic.
  16. The message received is to 'update TM30' which suggests Immigration have an old one on file. I've come across other expats who claim never to have filed a TM30, when in fact years ago during a visit for an extension based on Thai spouse, the IO completed the TM30, which the wife signed and put the receipt in her bag (now discarded) and the husband was oblivious to what had taken place.
  17. According to the new TM30 regulations, which repealed section 38 of the Immigration Act, there is no requirement to file a further TM30 if you're returning to your already registered permanent address and your permission of stay has not ended (re-entry permit) then there is no longer a requirement to refile a new TM30. TM30 reporting regulation (Eng).pdf 2.2 After a householder, owner or possessor of dwelling place or hotel manager already made a notification according to 2.1, then the alien goes to occasionally stay somewhere else and return to stay at the original place within the notified period of stay that has not yet ended, such householder, owner or possessor of dwelling place or hotel manager is not required to make a notification again. If your permission of stay ended on departure or whilst overseas, then you should file a new TM30 on re-entering. EMS self-addressed envelope for return of TM30 receipt. Depending on if you own a Condo or rent, you should consider submitting the following documents 1. Completed form TM30. 2. Passport + Copies of; - Passport homepage. - Last Visa. - Last extension. - Last entry stamp. 3. Map pinpointing and detailing place of residence. 4. Signed Copy of House owners Tabien Baan. (Yelow House book alternative) 5. Signed Copy of House owners ID card. (Pink ID card alternative) 6. Condo owners should supply Chanute, or, 7. Rental Agreement.
  18. @kingkenny and @Kenny202 just to confirm Tod Daniels statement. The financial requirement for an extension of stay based on Thai spouse/family/children is in section 2.18 of Immigration Order 327-2557. 327-2557 (2014) - Criteria for extension ENG.pdf Clause 4 and 5 in the case of children. (Note, no seasoning of the 400K required). (4) In the case of children, adopted children, or spouse's children, said children, adopted children, or spouse's children must not be married, must live with the alien as part of the family, and must not be over 20 years of age except in case of the person hereof is of illness or disability and cannot live without support of father or mother: or (5) In the case of parents, the father or mother must maintain an average annual income of no less than Baht 40,000 per month throughout the year or must have deposited funds of no less than Baht 400,000 to cover expenses for one year In contrast to clause 6 (Spouse, where the 400K funds must be seasoned for 2 months). (6) In the case of marriage to a Thai woman, the alien husband must earn an average annual income of no less than Baht 40,000 per month or must have no less than Baht 400,000 in a bank account in Thailand for the past two months to cover expenses for one year.
  19. Did you use the selections from the optional drop down boxes. Did you upload passport data page, wifes ID card, Tabien Baan. Does the address on the ID card and Tabien Baan correspond to your actual address.
  20. Your passport expires April 2026. Your extension renewal date is June 2025. In that case, you would only be given an extension for 10 months until Passport expiry date April 2026. Your choices are, therefore; For 1.900 baht, you lose 2 months period of stay. For the cost of a new passport (£100+), you lose 10 months passport validity. Personally, I'd take the 10-month extension, then renew my passport in January 2026. Renewing your passport does not affect any period of stay already granted. On obtaining a new passport, take both passports to Immigration and have the stamps transferred, ready for your April 2026 extension renewal.
  21. Yes, plenty of topics covered the change. Only the single entry Non Imm O available now without proof of funds.
  22. If you mean from the Thai Consulate in Savannahket, then yes, 400K required in a Thai bank account.
  23. It's not clear from your post whether your husband is still gainfully employed, or he ceased his employment. I also suspect his Non B visa is no longer valid, and he has been extending his stay annually at an Immigration office based on employment. If you have an extension of your permission to stay, based on working, that was issued at an immigration office inside Thailand, then the extension ceases to be valid the same day your employment ends. If you are still employed, but the work permit was erroneously not renewed on time, then this needs to be rectified as soon as possible. You should discuss this immediately with your employer. If your employment has ceased, the technically correct action is to take a letter from your employer stating your last date of employment to immigration, who will cancel your extension effective from that date.
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