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Everything posted by Liquorice

  1. The Non Imm O visa is usually applied for at a Thai Embassy before arrival. On entry, you're permitted a stay of 90 days. You then extend that period of stay for a further 1 year (subject to meeting the requirements). This extension of stay is a permit, not a visa.
  2. No you're not! Post an image of your stamp.
  3. 2 months to apply for either type of extension. Neither do the US nor Australian Embassies who were requested to 'verify' incomes. Impossible due to date protection laws, but let's stay on topic.
  4. Using the correct terminology and understanding the difference between a valid and non-valid visa and that an extension of stay is a permit, not a visa, is not being pedantic.
  5. And again. Speak up what are you confused about?
  6. 2. Two confused with my above post already that believe they extend their Non O visa each year at Immigration. Never bothered to read the TM7 and STM2 forms they complete or maybe they just can't understand what they read.
  7. Generally very little difference or extra documents. Other requirements, such as photo's, home visits, may vary dependent on the Immigration office and also applicable to extensions based on retirement.
  8. Also required for extensions based on retirement. Just wanted the extra documents to navigate those hoops and hurdles so often mentioned for the Thai spouse extension.
  9. 1, 2, and 4 required for extensions based on retirement. 5. Also requested at certain IO's for extensions based on retirement. The only significant differences are; Marriage certificate. KR 2/22 Name change certificate (if applicable) Wife must attend. If that constitutes jumping over hurdles and through hoops, well .........................
  10. Your annual extension is a permit of temporary stay, not a visa.
  11. Often expats speak of jumping through hoops and over hurdles for extensions based on Thai spouse. You mention a 'lot' more documents. Can you name the additional documents required for an extension based on Thai spouse against that of being based on retirement?
  12. Witnessed the problem many times. Foreigners attends with wife who sits at the front speaking Thai to the IO, whilst he sits behind with not a clue of what's going on or required. It's left to the wife, she's Thai, she'll know! Granted. That and living 100Km from your IO I can fully appreciate. Supplied many with a list of required docs. Less intrusive than a tradesman visiting to carry out a repair. Mind you, they don't have to be present when a labourer calls. Very few IO's make annual home visits, compared to the 82 IO's. Agreed, and his decision could be based on which Immigration he'll use, which he hasn't mentioned.
  13. OP stated planning to return in the near future, which doesn't suggest he has time to make 12 x monthly overseas transfers.
  14. Well, you advised me to read more posts. I've been reading them for the last 13 years. Don't believe everything posted on AN. Some make excuses to cover their inabilities to understand even the basics of Thai Immigration. Retirement is easier for them to understand, and they don't need the wife to attend.
  15. That's one out of 82 Immigration offices. Any more? How many Immigration offices require you to revisit again for the extension stamp based on retirement?
  16. He'd need 12 x monthly overseas transfers, regardless of the extension being based on retirement and Thai spouse, and may want to make the move before that time period.
  17. Name an IO that makes regular home visits for each extension application based on Thai spouse. Distance from the IO and returning at a later date for the extension stamp. Not easy for the wife to attend or wife uncooperative. Other than the KR 2/22 all other documents should already be in your possession, you only need to make copies of them.
  18. How would you know the child is definitively yours without a DNA test! The Mother is known, having given birth, but anyone can be named as the Father on a birth certificate. If legally married, Thai law assumes you are the Father. Not so when you're not legally married. The child is also required to live with you permanently for an extension based on Thai child.
  19. Less intrusive than having a tradesman enter your home to fix an issue. The appointment was arranged, they took 2 photos on the porch and did not want to enter the house. They had the 2 witnesses sign a prepared statement that we lived together at that address. 15 minutes, done and dusted. Very rare.
  20. Those that complain of jumping through hoops and over hurdles tend to be the lazy, unorganised type. The main differences are few and far between; A home visit for the first extension application to confirm the marriage is de jure and de facto. Non-Intrusive, takes 15 minutes. There are also reports of home visits for first extension applications based on retirement. Photos in and around the house and a copy of the marriage certificate - that's a real hardship (not)! Updated copy of Kor Ror 2/22. The wife always obtains this from the local Amphoe whilst I go to the bank for a 3-month statement, so no skin off my nose. 30 day under consideration period and return visit for stamp once approved. Don't you have to return the following day at certain IO's even for extensions based on retirement. I'm a believer that you should apply for the visa and extension applicable to the reason for your stay in Thailand. If changes happen, extensions based on marriage will be less impacted than extension based on retirement. At the end of the day, which type of extension you apply for could come down to ease of access and the location of your local IO.
  21. There is no 'retirement' or 'marriage visa as such. You apply for the Non Imm O visa for the reason of retirement or Thai spouse. Both will grant a stay of 90 days on entry. Your Non O visa is now invalid, but your Immigration status is Non Immigrant. You cannot extend a visa, you apply to extend your 90-day permit of stay for 365 days for the reason of retirement or Thai spouse. The extension based on retirement requires 800K deposited in a Thai bank account in your sole name, for 2 months prior to the date of application. The 800K must be maintained for 3 months after the extension is granted, after which you can make a withdrawal, but must maintain a minimum balance of 400K throughout the rest of the year. The extension based on Thai spouse requires 400K deposited in a Thai bank account in your sole name, for 2 months prior to the date of application. After the extension is granted, you can withdraw and use the full 400K. Other differences for the 1-year extension applications are documentation and processing times.
  22. It depends. In terms of applying for a Non Imm O visa from a Thai Embassy, based on a Thai child, then the child's birth certificate with you named as the Father on the certificate is sufficient for them to issue the visa. Applying for the 1-year extension of stay at Immigration based on Thai child is a different kettle of fish. If you were married to the Mother when the child was born, then you're automatically recognised as the legal Father under Thai law, and one would assume when you divorced/widowed you were granted full parental rights, as the child lives with and is supported by you. On the other hand, if you were not legally married to the child's Mother at the time of birth, then Thai law does not automatically recognise you as the legitimate Father. In this situation, you need to legitimize the child, with which you acknowledge before the law that you are the father of the child, in order to be granted full parental rights. Old archived thread on the subject here: https://aseannow.com/topic/381917-how-to-gain-parental-rights-as-a-father/ I assume the child is registered in a Tabien Baan and has a Thai ID card? Requirements for an extension based on Thai child; https://bangkok.immigration.go.th/en/visa-extension/#1610937437663-90b1feab-b48a Item 18. Thai Child: Each permission shall be granted for no more than one year. Criteria for Consideration Applicant must have been granted a non-immigrant visa (NON-O) Having proof of relationship Having evidence of nationality of Thai children Children, adopted children, or stepchildren being considered for guardianship must meet the following criteria: Must be unmarried, must reside within the same household and under 20 years of age, except in cases of illness, disability or the inability to support themselves and must remain under the care and protection of either the father or mother Having evidence of definite financial the father or mother must maintain an average annual income of no less than 40,000 Baht per month, or must have no less than 400,000 Baht in a bank account in Thailand or have a combination of an average annual income and a deposit totaling at least 400,000 baht to cover expenses for 1 year List of Documents Application Form for extension of temporary stay (TM.7) attached with one photo of applicant. The photo cannot be older than 6 months. Statement (No.3) Form for acknowledging the criteria and conditions required for temporary residence permission within the Kingdom. (STM.2) Copy of passport first page with photo and copy last stamp, first visa, last visa, departure card (TM 6), Report address (TM30), Report 90 days Evidence of relationship Copy of Birth certificate and household registration of Thai children Copy of Registration of Child Legitimacy (Khor Ror.11) and a copy of the court judgment (if any) In the case of parents register their marriage in Thailand Copy of Marriage Certificate (Khor Ror 3) Copy of Registration of Marriage (Khor Ror 2) In the case of parents register their marriage abroad Copy of Marriage Certificate Copy of Record of family status (Khor Ror 22) * In the event of divorce, please provide both the divorce certificate and divorce registration Copy of Identification and household registration of Thai pare School certificate (If the child is currently enrolled). A picture of the father or mother with the child in front of the school (Within the last 6 months) Documents supporting financial status of the father or mother In case of working in Thailand Foreigner’s work permit A certificate from the employer company, signed by an authorized person, should include details about job duties, the type of position as per the work permit, and a monthly salary of no less than 40,000 baht Form of filing income tax withholding (Phor Ngor Dor 1) past 3 months and latest personal income tax (Phor Ngor Dor 91) together with receipt must be certified by The Revenue Department The original certificate of company registration and the list of company shareholders (B.O.J. 5) must be certified by The Department of Business Development within the previous 6 months 2 pictures depicting individuals in the act of performing their work duties, 2 pictures with the office building in the Background and Company map In case of having money in a bank account in Thailand (Fix/Saving Deposit) Letter from the bank certified the account in the bank no less than 400,000 Baht A copy of bank passbook dated as of the application submission date, showing a balance of no less than 400,000 Baht In case of having any other income from abroad such as pension Letter from the applicant’s Embassy in Bangkok verified monthly pension or other income not less than 40,000 Baht In the case of have a combination of an average annual income (Evidence according to Section 8 (3)) and have total calculated deposits of not less than 400,000 baht. (Evidence according to Section 8 (2)) If your current residence does not match the address on your house registration, please provide the following documents: A rental contract or a certificate from the homeowner, A copy of Homeowner’s ID card, A copy of the house registration of the landlord (if renting) or proof of house ownership (if you own the house), Copy of House lease agreement, Identification and household registration of owner Family picture of applicant for 4 pictures (The photo cannot be older than 6 months/ Outside house 2 pictures, Inside house 2 pictures, House Map Application fee is 1,900 Baht Documents or other evidence as specified by the Committee for Monitoring the Performance of Immigration Officials of the Immigration Bureau REMARKS: 1) Applicant and spouse must contact in person for an interview 2) The originals of required documents must be shown to the competent officer and photocopied with certified signature by applicant
  23. Will you be applying for the Non O from a Thai Embassy or from Thai Immigration? Was the child born in wedlock and does he/she live with you?
  24. Reminds me of a friend when he's stoned. He always repeats, "I know exactly what I'm doing, I just don't know what I'm f****** talking about".
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