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Everything posted by Liquorice

  1. You directly asked me a question, I answered it. The fact it wasn't the answer you wanted to hear is your problem. You want to hear you can get multiple 90 day Non Imm O visas and 60 day extensions to continually stay in Thailand ................. nobody can guarantee that, and it's highly unlikely. Try it and let us know how you get on, old chap!
  2. Oooooh! You can write more than a sentence then. Hit a nerve did I. You're the one that's plastered your business all over the forum about your Immigration issues. Just because the reply isn't the answer you were looking for, no need to get nasty.
  3. If you enter VE or TV, then your Immigration status is as a Tourist. You cannot apply for a 1-year extension unless you have Non Immigrant status. For those intending to stay long term, but entered as a Tourist, Immigration offer an internal service to change your Immigration status from Tourist to Non Immigrant. (Non O) It's a service with the expectation, after obtaining the Non O, you would then apply for a 1-year extension of stay. Your agenda, from your previous posts and now the Non Imm O ME from Savannahket requires 400K in a Thai bank for 2 months, the same requirements as for a 1 year extension of stay based on marriage, you're exploring options to circumvent financial requirements. You've mentioned obtaining the SE Non 0 from Savannahket (no financials) + 60 day extensions as an alternative. Now, you're exploring the option to apply for the Non O through Immigration and save travel and visa costs to Savannahket. You've stayed here long enough to know the financial requirements, 400K for 2 months, or monthly overseas transfers of 40K per month, and you know changes can happen. IMO the writing has been on the wall for some time in regard to the Non Imm O ME being available without financials. As @DrJack54 experience, and nothing new, applying for back to back visas at Immigration or Thai Embassies will be met with eventual refusals. There is a legitimate pathway to staying permanently with your Thai spouse in Thailand, and that's nothing new.
  4. The Non O can be applied for at Thai Embassies/Consulates to enter Thailand for a number of reasons. The 'O' stands for 'Other', meaning it's issued under item 15 of section 34 of the Immigration Act as one of the many reasons for entering Thailand. Section 34 : aliens entering into the kingdom for a temporary stay may enter for the below listed activities 1. Diplomatic or Consular Missions. 2. Performance of official duties. 3. Touring 4. Sporting 5. Business 6. Investing under the concurrence of the Ministries and Departments concerned. 7. Investing or other activities relating to investing subject to the provisions of the law on investment promotion. 8. Transit journey. 9. Being the person in charge of the crew of a conveyance coming to port, station , or area in the Kingdom. 10. Study or observation. 11. Mass media. 12. Missionary work under the concurrence of the Ministries and departments concerned. 13. Scientific research or training or teach in a Research Institute in the Kingdom. 14. The practice of skilled handicraft or as a specialist 15. Other activities as prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations. The Non O can be issued for many reasons identified as 'other', such as; https://washingtondc.thaiembassy.org/en/page/visa-fees-validity?menu=64ef5ba41986b07d37326263 O Diplomat’s housekeeper 80 N/A 90 days O Medical treatment (longer than 60 days) 80 N/A 90 days O Retirement (pensioner aged 50 or above with a state pension who wishes to stay in Thailand for no longer than 90 days) 80 N/A 90 days O Thai nationals who have abandoned their Thai citizenship 80 N/A 90 days O To be a contestant or a witness for the judicial process 80 200 90 days (S) 1 year (M) O To stay with non-Thai family residing in Thailand (more than 60 days) 80 N/A 90 days O To stay with Thai family residing in Thailand (more than 60 days) 80 N/A 90 days O Voluntary work with NGO/Charity/Association (without salary) 80 N/A 90 days
  5. Wont work, at least not at my IO. The idea of obtaining the Non O is a prelude to then applying for the 1 year extension. You may get away with it once, then Immigration will view it as trying to circumvent the system, in effect, to obtain 90 extensions If you can put 400K in once for the Non O, why not another 2 months and obtain the 1-year extension. You can then withdraw the 400K as soon as the extension is granted.
  6. Waft this under their noses. https://image.mfa.go.th/mfa/0/zE6021nSnu/เอกสาร/VOA.pdf
  7. He could also apply for a further 60-day extension to visit a Thai spouse on top of the 30-day extension.
  8. The Thai Embassy in Canada will accept your Canadian marriage certificate for the Non Imm O e-visa application, because they can check the Canadian marriage database to authenticate it. Thai Immigration cannot check foreign databases, which is why a foreign marriage has to be registered in Thailand, providing a local database that the Amphoe can check to issue the necessary document for Immigration, that according to local records you are still legally married. No, I am not an agent, just happy to help others with my own experiences and knowledge.
  9. If using the funds in the bank method, then you may be required to show the funds came from overseas only in your first encounter with Immigration. I entered on a Non Imm O, but required to provide proof the funds came from overseas for my first extension application. II - Yes. I have a fixed term deposit account with funds deposited solely for the purpose of Immigration. The only activity in that account is interest paid and tax deducted. I then have a Savings account for daily living expenses. At extension renewal time, I update both passbooks and request the bank to list both accounts on the standard letter. Not that Immigration has ever questioned my stationary FTD account, I just provide evidence of an additional account used for expenses. III - For Non O the funds are only required in the bank on the day of application (Jomtien exempt). Funds required in the bank for 2 months prior to submitting a 1-year extension application.
  10. For future reference. An extension can only be dated up to the expiry date of a Passport, so if you haven't got 12 months validity on your passport, your extension will be reduced accordingly. It's a matter of personal choice when to renew an expiring passport, taking your extension renewal date into account. My extensions are due in July. When my current passport expires, it will be in the month of May. I'll opt for a 10 month extension, rather than lose 10 months validity of my passport in that situation.
  11. It is possible to apply for the Non O at Immigration. I posted the procedure above.
  12. If you do a border hop, on entry you will be granted permission of stay for 30/60 days. The procedure for applying for the Non O based on Thai spouse at local Immigration is here: VE-TV to Non O Spouse.pdf The 400K is only required to be in the bank on the day you submit the Non O application (no seasoning period). On being granted the Non O, you will be granted a further permission of stay of 90 days. This 90 days gives ample time for the 400K to be seasoned for the required 2 months for the 1-year extension application.
  13. It's a visa exempt entry (without any visa). Procedure for applying for the Non O at Immigration based on retirement. VE-TV to Non O Retirement.pdf Entering VE you'll need to complete form TM87 for the Non O application. TM-87-Application for Visa from Visa Exempt.pdf
  14. For the Non Imm O visa, you apply online at https://thaivisa.go.th Open the site and choose 'Staying with Family Visas'. Then select 'To stay with Thai family residing in Thailand (more than 60 days). https://thaievisa.go.th/visa/non-immigrant-o Now because you married in Canada it's a very different kettle of fish applying for a 1-year extension of stay based on a Thai spouse, because Thailand has no record of your marriage and Immigration do not accept foreign marriage certificates in their original form. You would need to register your foreign marriage in Thailand and there is a legal procedure for that. Document authentication is done by Global Affairs Canada or, in some cases, by the provincial government. Your authenticated marriage certificate is then submitted to the Thai embassy or consulate for document legalization. Alternatively, the Canadian Embassy may be able to authenticate your Canadian marriage certificate. On arrival to Thailand, the marriage certificate must then be translated to Thai and then legalized by Thailand's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The documents can then be presented to your local Amphoe in Thailand, who will register the foreign marriage on the system. To ensure a marriage is considered de jure and defacto, Thai Immigration request an updated Khor Ror 2 or 22 from the Amphoe. When you marry in Thailand, you are issued two marriage certificates (Khor Ror 3) and a registration of the marriage (Khor Ror 2). Provided there is no record of divorce, the Amphoe will issue an updated KR2, or in the case of a foreign marriage registered in Thailand a KR22. Without this updated KR2/22, Immigration will not proceed with a 1-year extension based on Thai spouse. As an addition to this, for the very first application of a 1-year extension based on a Thai spouse, Immigration will arrange a home visit to further ensure the marriage is de jure and defacto. Independent witnesses are usually required on this visit.
  15. A valid question, but did you marry in Thailand or the US? You can apply for the Non Imm O visa based on Thai spouse from a Thai Embassy/Consulate in the US to enter Thailand, or you can enter as a Tourist and apply to change your Immigration status to Non Imm (Non O) at a local Immigration office. The requirements and conditions are here: VE-TV Non O Thai spouse.pdf IMO it's less hassle to apply for the Non Imm O before you enter Thailand. On entry with a Non Imm O visa you are granted a stay of 90 days. Open a bank account and transfer funds asap. You can apply for a 1 year extension of your period of stay based on Thai spouse, the financial requirement being 400K THB in a Thai bank account (your sole name) for 2 months prior to submitting the 1 year extension application. Once the extension is granted, you may withdraw and spend that 400K for living expenses. 327-2557 (2014) - Criteria for extension ENG.pdf Section 2.18 (Thai spouse) (6) In the case of marriage to a Thai woman, the alien husband must earn an average annual income of no less than Baht 40,000 per month or must have no less than Baht 400,000 in a bank account in Thailand for the past two months to cover expenses for one year.
  16. When I first retired to Thailand, I transferred 1.2 million to my Bangkok Bank Savings account. I then opened a 12-month Fixed term deposit account and transferred 800K of the 1.2M to that account for Immigration purposes. Using the Savings account for daily living expenses, bills. Many choose to leave the 800/400K in an FCD account throughout the year. An FCD account does not have a debit card.
  17. He could also get the METV, but doesn't want to do a border run. No financials in a Thai bank. When the VE is increased to 60 days on entry, he could enter VE, 30 day extension, + 60 days extension = 150 days, but I get the impression he doesn't want to apply for any extensions either, or in fact do anything other than stay 175 days. Wouldn't it be marvelous if the US offered visa free stays of up to 175 days for Thais.
  18. An extension of one's period of stay for 1 year is not a visa. You require a Non Imm O visa, first, to apply to extend one's period of stay. There is a financial requirement to meet for the 1-year extensions. The OP wants to avoid depositing, 800K in a Thai bank.
  19. If you had a valid visa that expires in December, you wouldn't need a re-entry permit. I suspect you have a 1 year extension of your period of stay, a permit, not a visa. The re-entry permit is valid until the expiry date of your 1 year extension. What dates you enter on the form are immaterial, they are just an estimate.
  20. Arrival at the residence in question, not within 24 hours of arriving in Thailand. What is a TM90?
  21. The TM30 is a notification of where an alien is residing. Once filed and the receipt received, you don't need to do anything more. A new TM30 would only be required if you moved to a new permanent place of residence.
  22. Either type of entry and you will be granted a further stay of 90 days. You can also apply for a 60 day extension to that 90 days.
  23. According to the Thai Embassy DC, this is a list of the current Non Imm visa types. Visa Types / Visa Fees / Validity - สถานเอกอัครราชทูต ณ กรุงวอชิงตัน (thaiembassy.org) Non-Immigrant B Employed as an academic staff/teacher in Thailand 80 N/A 90 days B Employment 80 N/A 90 days B Internship (Non-Curricular internship) 80 N/A 90 days B Sport-related activities (Trainers/Coach/Instructor/etc.) 80 N/A 90 days B Travelling to Thailand for a business purpose e.g., Meeting, Exhibition 80 200 90 days (S) 1 year (M) B Frequent business visit 3 years N/A 400 3 years ED Attending workshop training or seminar organized by International Organizations 80 N/A 90 days ED For monks, nuns, priests studying dharma in Thailand 80 N/A 90 days ED Internship (Curricular internship) 80 N/A 90 days ED To study in a basic education level (primary, elementary, and secondary school) 80 N/A 90 days ED To study in a higher education level (university and college) 80 N/A 90 days ED To study in a short course (Thai or English language) / attend Muaythai training 80 N/A 90 days F Family or dependent of diplomatic officers/ officials based in Thailand 80 N/A 90 days F Peace Corps Exempt N/A 90 days F To attend a meeting with a Thai agency or to participate in an event organized by the Thai government 80 N/A 90 days F To work with the government, diplomatic mission or an international organization in Thailand 80 N/A 90 days F1 Participants in Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA) program 80 N/A 90 days IB Investing in a BOI-registered company/Working in a BOI-registered company 80 200 90 days (S) 1 year (M) IB Employment (BOI) 80 N/A 90 days M Film crew (having the purpose of producing a film, motion picture, or advertisement) 80 200 90 days (S) 1 year (M) M Media/Press based in Thailand 80 200 90 days (S) 1 year (M) O Diplomat’s housekeeper 80 N/A 90 days O Medical treatment (longer than 60 days) 80 N/A 90 days O Retirement (pensioner aged 50 or above with a state pension who wishes to stay in Thailand for no longer than 90 days) 80 N/A 90 days O Thai nationals who have abandoned their Thai citizenship 80 N/A 90 days O To be a contestant or a witness for the judicial process 80 200 90 days (S) 1 year (M) O To stay with non-Thai family residing in Thailand (more than 60 days) 80 N/A 90 days O To stay with Thai family residing in Thailand (more than 60 days) 80 N/A 90 days O Voluntary work with NGO/Charity/Association (without salary) 80 N/A 90 days O-A Long-stay (O-A) N/A 200 1 year O-X Long-stay (O-X) N/A 400 5 years R To perform missionary work or other religious activities with approval from a relevant Governmental Department 80 N/A 90 days R-A To perform missionary work or other religious activities with approval from a relevant Governmental Department N/A 200 1 year RS Research and Science 80 N/A 90 days
  24. 400K THB in a Thai bank account for 2 months. Applying for Visa - สถานกงสุลใหญ่ ณ แขวงสะหวันนะเขต :: Royal Thai Consulate-General, Savannakhet (thaiembassy.org)
  25. The TM30 is for registering your new address. TM30-Notification of alien residence.pdf
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