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Everything posted by Liquorice

  1. I replied and gave you the opportunity to apologise for misquoting any statement I made. I never stated anywhere there was an 'allowance' for providing evidence of 40K monthly overseas transfers for an extension based Thai spouse. What you post and what you mean are two entirely different entities, then.
  2. My reply you've quoted was in reference to your post in the other thread. That is incorrect. You can use evidence of 12 monthly overseas transfers of 40K for your first extension application based on Thai spouse. Many plan ahead and transfer income for 12 months prior to retiring and moving to Thailand full-time to be with their Thai spouse. The fact you haven't planned ahead, or can't transfer 40K per month prior to moving to Thailand, is on you, not Immigration.
  3. I have never made a claim or statement that you can provide evidence of less than 12 months overseas transfers of 40K THB to a Thai bank for first or subsequent extensions 1 year extensions of stay based on Thai spouse/family. Please post where I supposedly made this statement, apologise, or I'll report your post suggesting such as misinformation.
  4. I made no such statement that allowances were available using the 'income' method for extensions of stay based on Thai spouse. https://aseannow.com/topic/1328106-marriage-visa-from-visa-exempt/#comment-18944491 The Immigration order I posted amending documentary evidence of income refers to both section 2.18 (Thai spouse) and 2.22 (retirement). Amend 138-2557 (2018 ) clause 2.18-2.22 for Thai bank income ENG.pdf
  5. Thai Embassies don't offer extensions of stay, only new visas.
  6. The only thing I disagreed with that you posted was this; For the first and subsequent extensions of stay based on Thai spouse, you can use the 'funds' method, or the 'income' method. Only the combination method is not acceptable for 1 year extensions based on Thai spouse.
  7. What! I posted Immigration orders, which you obviously haven't had time to open and read before replying. And where do you see that?
  8. You would be incorrect. The original requirement for a 1 year extension of stay based on Thai spouse was either; 1. 400K THB in a Thai bank account for 2 months prior to submitting the application, or, 2. Proof of income of 40K THB per month, which usually required an Embassy Income letter. 327-2557 (2014) - Criteria for extension ENG.pdf Section 2.18 When the UK, US and AU discontinued the Embassy Income letters, Thai Immigration issued an update and amendment to order 138/2557 (documents) section 2.18 (Thai spouse) and section 2.22 (retirement) allowing income to also be proved by way of monthly overseas transfers to a Thai bank account. Amend 138-2557 (2018 ) clause 2.18-2.22 for Thai bank income ENG.pdf
  9. Perhaps this https://bangkok.immigration.go.th/en/issuing-and-changing-type-of-visa/ where you can download the PDF's such as the one I posted. You can also download Laws, regulations and Immigration orders from here:
  10. Maybe, she never saw Immigrations updated policy regarding funds in the bank based on retirement 😉 35-2561 (2019 (changed clause 2.22 of 327-2557 ENG.pdf
  11. The same thing happened to me after I transferred stamps to a new passport. Rejected - the details submitted did not match. Appears they don't update the system with a new passport number until you do the 90 day in person. When I asked why they don't update the system with the new passport number when transferring stamps, I got that blank stare as if asking a stupid question. I thought it was just my IO being lazy, but obviously not just my IO.
  12. My bad. Never required half the documents listed on the 'form' you posted. Yes, I know I'm lucky, thanks!
  13. To apply for a 1 year permit of stay based on Thai spouse (a permit, not a visa) you must have Non Immigrant status. If you enter, or have entered Thailand visa exempt, you can extend that stay by a further 30 days + a further 60 days when married. You can apply to change your status to Non Immigrant (Non O) at your local Immigration office, rather than a Thai Embassy. VE-TV to Non O Spouse.pdf Requires 400K THB in a Thai bank account on the day of application for Non O, then for 2 months prior to applying for the 1 year permit of stay extension.
  14. Options based on retirement; 1. You could apply for the Non O from London, but would require the equivalent of 800K THB in any bank. https://london.thaiembassy.org/en/page/retirement-visa 2. You could apply for the Tourist visa from London, https://london.thaiembassy.org/en/page/tourist-single-entry-visa which would grant a stay of 60 days + 30 day extension = 90 days. 3. Apply in Khon Kaen to change status to Non Immigrant (Non O) VE-TV to Non O Retirement.pdf requires at least 15 days permission of stay remaining to apply, and 800K THB in a Thai bank account on the day of submission. Grants a stay of 90 days. 4. Apply for the 1-year permit of stay after 800K seasoned in a Thai bank for 2 months.
  15. Never required half the forms it states on that list. Get a yelloe house book, then you don't need a COR.
  16. You only submit a 90 day report after staying 90 consecutive days in the Country. As already stated, the day you enter is day 1 of the 90 day count. Using @DrJack54 example, your next 90 day report would be due 22nd August 2024. You can submit online 14 days before that date, so 8th August, or in person up to 6 days after, which is 28th August.
  17. The stamp in your passport is a permit, that grants a period of stay in Thailand. The 'permitted to stay until' stamp in my passport indicates my notified period of stay.
  18. Chat GPT is useless and known to change original factual information. My wife, who is Thai, and more capable of you or ChatGPT of translating Thai, states it says; "Return to live in the same place under the admission period that has not yet ended". The admission period being your extension of stay. "Permitted to stay until ........."
  19. Another commercial website designed for gain. This website is managed by Siam Legal International - a law firm in Thailand https://www.thaiembassy.com/disclaimer GENERAL DISCLAIMER The information provided at this site is of a general nature and may not apply to any particular set of facts or under all circumstances. Do you have a reading comprehensive disability, or do you just enjoy trolling and causing disruption.
  20. Notified period of stay is on your permission of stay stamp. There is no requirement to file a new TM30 if you return within your permission of stay period, using a re-entry permit, or with a multiple re-entry visa. Read previous posts where the new TM30 Immigration regulation is posted.
  21. All commercial websites, agents, whose interest is making money from gullible foreigners that believe their crap. From your first link; We are a online agency which submits TM30 forms to the Immigration Bureau on your behalf, making the process much easier.
  22. First application, probably, fairly standard procedure now.
  23. Just one story. I could list a few, but I understand where you're coming from. Whilst foreigners insist they are extending their visas 🤕 rather than read and understand they are applying for an extended permit of stay, then all hope is lost. It's the foreigner's responsibility to be familiar with the laws and Immigration orders of Thailand, otherwise you're going to be scammed by a corrupt official at some point in time. I've stood up to officials on several occasions, and the basis of the disagreements were due to break-downs in communication and limited knowledge of the official. Such as when US, UK, and AU citizens were permitted to provide evidence of income through monthly overseas transfers, instead of the now defunct Embassy Income letters, or the new TM30 regulations, which they initially claimed they were not aware of. I entered on a Non Imm O and submitting my very first application for a 1-year extension of stay, the IO perused my documents and announced I didn't meet the financial requirements, the 800K had to be in the bank for 3 months. Under the then rules it was 2 months for the first application, 3 months thereafter. When I disagreed, this IO flipped, threw my documents across the desk, ripping some in the process. When I refused to move until I saw the supervisor and pulled a copy of the orders out, he went ballistic. He stood up, I'm positive, swearing and cursing me in Thai, which only drew the attention of everyone in the office including his supervisor. At that point he asked me to pick up the documents that were strewn across the floor and I refused. He stomped around the desk, scooped up the documents on the floor and those still on the desk, and marched off to the supervisor's office. He came back with his tail between his legs two minutes later, but insisted some documents required recopying as they were damaged. I think he could tell what I thought from the look on my face, scooped up my passport and made new copies, then stamped the extension without another word. I came across the same IO a couple of years later, he clearly remembered me, and was as polite and respectful as you'd expect. It said by many, not to rub an IO up the wrong way, but in my experience they actually show more respect after you've challenged them. I've also witnessed many arguments with IO's and other foreigners. The best case I recall was when the foreigner obviously didn't have the correct documentation and let rip at this IO, his last sentence being "I know what I want to do, I just don't know what I'm doing or talking about" 🤣
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