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Posts posted by UbonRatch

  1. clap2.gif "Thailand saw steep growth in car sales after the government introduced subsidies in 2012 to help people purchase vehicles." which contributed to thousands of Thais getting into debt... way to go Phea Thai Party...clap2.gif

    Maybe, but that neither reduces numbers of cars produced nor the export numbers. Japanese production in Thailand does not rely simply upon the Thai market. ;)

    • Like 1
  2. Frost & Sullivan get your asses out of your heads. Complete BS.

    Quote: "The research and consulting firm estimates that car sales will grow by 6.5 percent to 1.23 million this year." (In Southern Asia)

    Quote: "market leader Thailand is expected to see its sales fall by 11.7 percent to 1.18 million by year-end after topping 1.33 million in the past year"

    Errm, how does a 6.5% growth this year equate to 1.33 million last year?

    Market leader Thailand (c.f. Japan) holds 1.18 million of 1.23 million projected? Yep, for sure.. Indonesia is making a killing on sales in Southern Asia... and I just saw the ghost of a flying pig. ohmy.png

    Edit: The report is from the Jakarta post. Must , therefore, be highly reliable.

    • Like 1
  3. Enforce trafic laws? What traffic laws?

    Traffic laws do actually exist in Thailand, believe it or not. They are on a par with British laws and standards.

    However, it is much easier not to employ or enforce such and, as a result, dectuple your monthly income if you wear a brown uniform. wink.png

    Edit: My apologies: 'centuple'... giggle.gif

  4. "Suchart Chantaranakarach said the downgrade will affect only those selling products under the “Made in Thailand” label."

    It just continues in a downward spiral, does it not?

    Unbelievable statement!

    What's next on the unscrupulous agenda? A change of brands and labels, with no mention of source?bah.gifsick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vr.png

    Thainess is losing its Thainess, in all matter of ways. Or, maybe, it has totally lost it, and Thainess does not exist anymore unless the word corruption is explicitly involved.

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  5. "He proposed that it should become mandatory for drivers to stop and let pedestrians go when they cross the roads using zebra crossings."

    Chula's political scientist (whatever one of those is in Thailand, as there ain't much science applied to Thai politics currently)?

    Most Thais think a zebra crossing is a few lines in the road which were once markers for speed humps, but have since been flattened by heavily laden lorries and 40' high Isuzus carrying cardboard.

    Glad to see he's on the ball though, for what the function of a zebra crossing is. Must have taken him 4 years of a PhD to get P<0,05 in that cars are supposed to stop.

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  6. It seems the days of the 'Thaksin Eye for the Shin Guy',

    are finally coming to an end.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Speaking of whom, where is the in exile government legally supported by R/n/obhead Amsterdam?

    And where's Chalerm?

    I demand answers to these questions, in my completely non-rights to demand such info, being a tax-paying farang an' all.

    • Like 1
  7. 1. Got enough associations?

    2. If you head an association, you can't buy your way out of court financially when in the international arena, even if you can do so within Thailand.

    To many associations with fingers in the same pie, and to many Gordons at the top of such associations expecting not to lose face because they are majorly involved in all the atrocities they well know happen.

  8. It's the video of truth again, watch all the Americans go running from the thread and reappear on the next thread open on the topic, with their self righteous sanctimonious pontification.

    And how much did the first hooker you slept with, when you arrived here, cost?

    Narrated and filmed by the Ramos family, is what you displayed. Mexican by birth, or coincidental?

    If they stayed in Mexico and gave to their own country, would they be complaining?

    No. They ventured to what they knew was hard graft, but better pay.

    That was not forced labour, but choice. Tremendously large difference!

    And no, I am not American, but keep things in perspective I LIKE THAI. Bet you do!

  9. I find there is a general disdain for Thailand by many .. I am guessing Westerners ...that have such a low opinion of Thailand.

    That Thailand should object to the rating given by the US government on Human Trafficking...I can guess that most people don't want their country criticized by any foreigner..so that's a natural reaction not just a Thai perspective.

    Since over 22 years coming to Thailand & now living here I have never seen or experienced this problem but if others are more a expert on the subject I'd be more interesting in listening.

    Since it was the US making the claim it's as if there is no human trafficking done in the US? or in their farming industry done by Latinos?

    Just because the US makes standards..and they can because they are the ones linked to any loans etc given by the World Bank & IMF that is affected by the Tier system they can say what they want.

    My initial reaction would be the US has destroyed 7 countries in the last 10 years or so & now leading the charge towards World War & Nuclear attacks against Russia & China.

    Most of the other Western Countries... including my own are basically Puppets and to me have no right to say anything on any moral high ground.

    Is Thailand perfect?.. of course not but where is?..Your home country?

    Ah, yes. The he does it too defence, often found in the playground.

    I have never heard such a wonderful bit of nonsense like this to try to defend, PEOPLE TRAFFICKING and SLAVERY.

    This is not about stubbing your toe, or littering on the streets. This is about PEOPLE SUFFERING.

    So, how about this. Irrespective of what America says, can we at least agree that if there is one person working in Thailand under fear or sufference having been enslaved or trafficked, that is one person too many. I don't need the moral high ground to say that do I. Beyond that, as the purchaser of the product, I retain the right to make sure it is supplied to me by people being paid legally, and of the right age to be allowed to work. Is that too much to ask.

    My god. Moral equivalency about slavery and people trafficking. What type of discussion is this.

    I'm sure there is Human Trafficking in Thailand..especially in the Fishing Industry ..and elsewhere too..

    I'm sure there is corruption in Thailand also.

    But I am not so naive to think there isn't human trafficking or corruption back in our home countries too..

    again I might not see it in Thailand or back home.

    But to take the high road as some of the posters have taken towards Thailand are ignoring what's going on back in our home countries.

    Take coffee & chocolate..they are produced in slave like conditions so that we can benefit from low prices.

    The US has exploited south & central America for years destroying democratically elected governments to install the rich to govern against the will or needs of it's people.

    If you are suggesting I am supporting slavery and suffering of people..well in a way we all are if we eat & drink certain foods...just as Thailand has the shrimp industry to promote cheap prices that consumers demand.

    But for the US to take the high road doesn't jive...they have caused more suffering by bombing innocent women & children, wrecking economies for years than anyone... in the name of Terrorism &freedom.

    Yes you have the right to have a low opinion and disdain for Thailand but I also have the right to counter your whining with who is doing the rating...and who are they to say anything moral as it is also common knowledge that people are trafficked into the US for sex & farm labor

    and as much as Thailand is corrupt..

    The US is as bad if not worse.

    There you go again with the 'disdain for Thailand' malarky, when TaH didn't even remotely refer to such. You sure are an American hater, and in 28 posts not making too many friends here, I'd imagine.

  10. All of this talk about reputation.

    I am curious what exactly they thought the reputation of Thailand was anyway. When a western buyer gets off his aeroplane in Bangkok and travels to the suppliers site, what does anyone think he believes? That these are truly world class companies with world class treatment of their workers, or that they are companies desperately trying to squeeze as much out of the workforce, for as little as possible, and that if the companies pay minimum wage, that is a small grace in itself?

    These buyers know the score, and they know what is going on. They hope beyond all hope that the suppliers can control their supply chain to keep forced labor and children out of the supply chain. This hasnt damaged Thailand's reputation, this has just opened it up to wider public scrutiny.

    But they must be impressed with all the ISO 14001 signs? cheesy.gif

    I have been in the CP chicken factory outside Korat. The waste water system in there is something to behold in terms of what goes in and what comes out. Then believe it or not, they take some of the waste water after treatment and use it to water the plants. The whole place smells of raw chicken. There is a pond where a local contractor comes every day to suck out the glycerine that is floating on the ponds. The contractors guys are wading around in the water with no overalls, no masks, no gloves. Nothing.

    It is all very neat and tidy, but when you consider that they are eviscerating hundreds of thousands of chickens a day in there, it really is a ghastly and pretty ghoulish place. God only knows what a shrimp processing factory must be like.

    Probably the same, but full of kids. bah.gif

    Edit: Sorry, that was distasteful, and unnecessary... yet I let it stand, as probably true. facepalm.gif

  11. "The United States decision to downgrade Thailand in its human trafficking rankings has a negative impact on the kingdom, according to Bank of Thailand (BoT) governor Prasarn Trairatvorakul."

    Followed by: "It is still too early to assess impacts on Thai exports this year, he reflected."

    Followed by: "Mr Prasarn said concerned parties should wait to see if US President Barack Obama would agree with the downgrade of Thailand in the human trafficking watch list."

    Followed by: "Mr Prasarn said concerned parties must monitor a meeting of foreign ministers of 28 European countries who would consider relations with Thailand following the May 22 coup of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO)."

    So actually he has no idea <deleted>tf he's talking about, and can't even verify it in a few sentences. Just where do they get these people from?

    Oh yes! Chula.. the place of birth of bought knowledge. bah.gif

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  12. Its not linked to the credit card.... obviously... That is why AIS is billing them. And there is security... You are asked about 100 times if you are sure you want to make the purchase before you actually make the purchase. Line did nothing wrong, AIS did nothing wrong.... The boy did everything wrong. And hes 12 years old. Hes not 3 or 4... Dont say he didnt know what hes doing. Hes smart enough to get on youtube and look for hacks for the game. They are rightfully billing her.

    You must have been Victor Mature when you were 12 years old, playing with your folding tabs to dress dollies, and winning a 'gogger' for hitting 3 marbles.

    Then again, you probably have no idea what I'm referring to, judging by your attitude that the 12 year old knew he was running up such a huge bill, after believing a youtube vid..

    Today is neither yo-yos nor Tonka toys. It is all out crap by online wwws to get what they can from the unknowing.

    The child is not responsible for unknowingly pursuing something he thought was free, and neither is the mother for permitting him to play.

    What is wrong is all these stupid games people are marketed with, and psychologically controlled to some large degree, in the way they are designed.

    I constantly receive messages on LINE to my phone, from people I know wouldn't send to me, and most of the time it is cookie run, whatever that is. I delete such, as I'm a lot older than aged 12.

    Line does therefore do wrong. It encourages and supports unwanted messages, and untrue messages, from friends who do not even send them.

    The LINE should stop there!

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  13. Earlier in the news today, and quote; "Current Thai law says that making preparation for corrupt activity is not illegal."

    Now we have, and quote; "Opening bank account for criminal use faces imprisonment from 1-10 years in prison, and a fine of 20,000-200,000 baht"

    So please, what's the difference between opening a bank account for criminal use and making preparation for corrupt activity?

    <deleted>ing <deleted>ing <deleted>ocks of a non-terrestrial kind!

    When will they ever understand how to get things right, or even consistent?

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