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Posts posted by UbonRatch

  1. Moral of the story ? Don't get involved with Pattaya girls.

    probably many who find themselves in these situations would in hindsight have wished they had done more to save their relationships rather than walk away from them.

    Not on your Nelly. Perceptions can, and should, change after behavioural change of the partner... e.g the partner becomes alcoholic or a drug user after some years.

    No point in co-dependency..... when one partner is willing to sacrifice to make changes to save one's self and child/children exposed to such abuse. ;)

    Let's not take this into a psychology discussion neither.

    • Like 1
  2. It is a shame for RS, in all honesty. The company didn't actually do anything wrong. It played the buying game, years early, and won - when no other was considering the recompenses or contemplating business transactions when the World Cup arrived closer to the date - as in now.

    I'm not biased either way, as I'm not a huge World Cup fan, although I'll likely watch the final between Italy and Brazil 555+ cheesy.gif

    RS simply saw ahead of the proverbial game, so why should it cough up to those other blind companies/corporations which missed out through lack of foresight? bah.gif

  3. Why all the negative comments about a woman living in Pattaya? It's not all walking street you know, in fact Pattaya has some beautiful parts, despite my not living there.

    Anybody who made negative comments about the mother living in Pattaya care to explain what they know about this woman that is not in OP?

    • Like 2
  4. Somtamnication post # 2.

    And create a one stop service for customers to complain to! w00t.gif.pagespeed.ce.fUUOmDCInI.gif

    All that would do is just increase the mass of bodies spilling onto the highway ( as queue forming is indeed an unknown art to Thai's ) thus impeding the progress of said vansblink.png .

    However the Guinness Book of records would probably have Thailand as the holder of the longest Conga queue evercheesy.gif .

    As seems to be the correct use of the apostrophe to some posters.

    As seem's to be the correct use of the apostrophe to some poster's.

    You're joking, right? blink.png

  5. Last time i was in the big tesco in Petchabun,the mother had about 20 donuts on the tray,her two chubby little emporer's ,salivating as they looked wide eyed at the tray,as they waddled in front of me,when was the last time if ever they kicked a football around i wondered,i could see them on their i pad's at home scoffing donut's,drinking coca cola,thing is in twenty years they could have serious health problems,it was obvious to me donut's were the last thing they needed,but how could Mummy deny,her two little king's,and therein lies a lot of the problem,plus the fact that kon Thai like to eat every 2 hour's,when i first came here in 1989,you could hardly even get bread,i don't recall seeing many fat people then.

    That has to be the longest sentence I have ever seen. ;)............ cheesy.gif

    Marko.. your wording is excellence par none, but as for grammar... clap2.gif completely entertaining.. wai.gif

  6. Chian has been sitting in the sidelines waiting to snap up all the ASEAN countries at the start of 2015. There is nothing unique in this for Thailand, not any other country.

    China will control all the ASEAN business, from the sidelines, and reap as much profit as any member state.

    For Thailand to believe in golden opportunitites ahead of ASEAN rivals, it needs to learn to suck eggs first - nothing special coming from China, but a lot going back North..

    • Like 1
  7. I never knew obesity is a disease:

    "She said data from 2009 showed that Bangkokians were most at risk of becoming obese most, while the northeastern region showed the least risk of contracting the disease."

    I always thought obesity was a condition or presumed dependency, such as alcoholism, as opposed to a contagious, tractable transformational disease?

    Obesity is lessened in the likes of Laos and Myanmar because Western foods, such as Macs' and KFC are expensive and limited to the few financially adept.

    Thailand's infrastructure is well bred for distribution of goods, albeit not for decentralisation of quality people.

  8. I think you'd be surprised how agressive Thais actually are when money is at stake. They'll happily knee-cap and maim for 500 Baht owed! If money - not passive but meanly agressive

    "They'll happily knee-cap and maim for 500 Baht owed! If money - not passive but meanly agressive"

    I'd be very surprised if you could back up that allegation.

    I'd be very surprised if you understand my allegation in its TRUE sense, judging by your normal reaction to posts.

    When seen, why need to back it up? Are you suggesting I NEED to back it up in court status? Daily living here exposes such truth, and if you are neither aware of it, or nor have you experienced such, then you obviously have not lived here for the long term. Otherwise, you would accept such a truth, and not describe it as an accusation.

  9. Seems either way is problematic. Wait for the army and maybe wait an eternity or do something yourselves collectively and risk a backlash. Would guess the biggest problem would be to get all the traders to actually agree on any course of action, much easier to bitch to big brother and hope he sorts out the school bully for you.

    Of course, that depends who is in cahoots with the bully and assumes big brother is not. ;)

  10. No need to appeal to anyone, just get together and all refuse to pay 1 week. An empty market will bring change quicker than the military can most likely.

    Would be nice if it really worked that way, but extremely hard to do since vendors must continue to make a living/earn money (they just can't go setup a new stall anywhere and quickly), probable threats to life and limb for not paying/leaving, and Thais generally don't t take such drastic action because it causes direct conflict which Thais try to avoid. Thais are just too passive for their own good sometimes; then again being too aggressive can be just as bad.

    "and Thais generally don't t take such drastic action because it causes direct conflict which Thais try to avoid. Thais are just too passive for their own good sometimes; then again being too aggressive can be just as bad."

    I think you'd be surprised how agressive Thais actually are when money is at stake. They'll happily knee-cap and maim for 500 Baht owed! If money - not passive but meanly agressive

    • Like 1
  11. Last 2 paragraphs:

    "The authorities have been dealing with this matter for decades and come up with many different methods to handle it. Thailand has a memorandum of understanding with Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar to recruit and regulate these workers. Registration and nationality-verification processes are ongoing. Intervention by the military junta was unnecessary. The Labour Ministry might be far from perfect, but it has pre-existing instruments and mechanisms to handle the job.

    Managing migrant workers is a complex task that must take into account both supply-and-demand economics and human rights. Thailand already suffers a poor reputation over its efforts to combat human trafficking. An immigration policy that places too much emphasis on security concerns creates more problems than solutions."

    Absoulte rubbish!.. The different methods to handle it obviously DO NOT work, as over half of migrant workers are still illegally present, and unregulated. Registration is not ongoing, and the proof is in the pudding, in all the illegal workers running home. As for "pre-existing instruments and mechanisms to handle the job"... <deleted>...

    Last sentence: "An immigration policy that places too much emphasis on security concerns creates more problems than solutions."

    How to finish off a brash and far for truthful news reel in style, with more <deleted>. Emphasis on Security creates more problems than solutions? Really? Please tell me how, in the context of SLAVERY, dear author.

  12. "Paisan also warned that some pickled garlic and lime products have fake food product registration numbers (with the FDA approval mark). When added to a large amount of acetic acid, they could cause stomach irritation and severe ulcers."

    What's for dinner, love?

    "Pickled garlic and lots of acetic acid, honey." w00t.gif

  13. the trouble is/was these cheap knock off tablets provided by PTP didn't bring the kids into the 21st century in the first place Prem. As I said in an earlier post, in theory the idea of all school children been provided with modern educational tools to improve their learning experience is a noble one but unfortunately the whole scheme went pear shaped in it's implementation by PTP ( No Surprise there ). I kinda hope the next Govt reactivates this scheme and successfully provides the students with effective tablets.

    I agree. Nothing wrong with the idea itself just the implementation. Same with the rice subsidy. At least the PTP was trying to improve things. Both schemes had merit but as we all know it is very difficult regulate such things. Neither scheme was designed just as a vehicle for corruption there are plenty of those already so no need for more. Instead they were an attempt to improve the lot of the disadvantaged and recently disenfranchised. Pre Taksin no government ever gave a thought for this section of society so well done to him for at least making them politically relevant.

    The fact that both schemes have been cancelled does indeed support PREM-R's position. Why cancel them when the boss could just order that they be cleanly implemented?

    "Same with the rice subsidy. At least the PTP was trying to improve things. Both schemes had merit" cheesy.gif

    Oh please! Somo, as Mckenroe once said to the referee, "You cannot be serious!" .... PTP improving things is an assimilation to new quantum physics where 1 + 1 = -3 (-3 being the 2 plus all the money gone laugh.png )

    • Like 2
  14. "He also stated that addressing the problem between humans and elephants is very difficult"

    Errm.. how to put it....?

    Do elephants have problems without human interference?

    The <deleted>ing problem is a human problem.

    It is an elephant problem to stampede through crop land which they have traversed for thousands of years, is it?

    "The Department has to find the best solution for all concerned, especially as wild animals cannot claim their legal rights."

    You're having a <deleted>ing laugh aren't you?

    Yer again, human selfishness adds negatively to nature's attempt at balance.

    Perish these <deleted>ers involved. They deserve to be trampled on. They haven't a clue, as usual.

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