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Posts posted by UbonRatch

  1. you gotta have one hell of an ego to pull that one

    Or lack of one!

    "If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
    But make allowance for their doubting too;
    If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
    Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
    Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
    And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise."
    (Kipling, IF, 1895)
    For who to dumb Forgetfulness a prey,
    This pleasing anxious being e'er resigned,
    Left the warm precincts of the cheerful day,
    Nor cast one longing lingering look behind?

    For thee, who mindful of the unhonoured dead

    Dost in these lines their artless tale relate;
    If chance, by lonely Contemplation led,
    Some kindred spirit shall inquire thy fate.
    (Gray, Elergy in a Country Churchyard, 1750)
    Little more be said. ;)
    • Like 1
  2. I don't understand why these Farmers are poor, Didn't Thaksin take from the rich and gave it all to the poor? isn't that why he is so popular in the north and northeast?

    Somebody asked me, "You've learned to trust people, but doesn't that hurt you?"

    I said, "And you, not trusting? Doesn't that hurt, more"?

    Their response was, "How do you go through all that, and not get twisted?"

    My answer?

    "To seek an understanding of all of the questions, but not the answers."

    © UbonRatch, 2014.

  3. so this idiot shot into a bush without seeing what he was shooting at, come on, that is just a bit too hard to believe. Even and adiot would want to see what he was shooting at so he didnt miss it and as he was walking behind his "friend" surely he would have wanteds to make sure it was a pig he was shooting at. Sounds more like an excuse to kill someone, either that or they are inbred and totally stupid

    I was going to remark I hope she's worth it, or the dosh is: one or t'other. I then thought better of it. whistling.gifgiggle.gif

  4. It seems the Suan Dusit polls are some sort of student project?


    Aye. So the news we are being fed is based upon a single student's creative open-ended or closed-ended interview techniques, incorporating either quantitive or qualitative data, which they are just learning how to analyse. I wonder if they even know the difference between p = <0.5 or >0.5 yet? giggle.gif

    The BS makes sense now. bah.gif

    • Like 1
  5. It really is no surprise the education system/curriculums are in such a mess, when you have crack-pots like these running the show.

    History and Religious Studies should be stand alone subjects, not mixed into Social Studies and Citizen Duties (Wut?)....

    Although Religion has always been considered a 'doss' subject, and a relaxing 50 minutes, it still conveys morals and 'duties' to be undertaken as just ways of living.

    New books in September, after just making the decision. Wow! A lot of thought and psychological development processes will be put into those books then! Not!

    Poor show!!

  6. Personally I'd say it's a load of shiite .

    "Prayuth's key task is, therefore, quite ironic." On what grounds? No it's not. Irony is not even involved. His task is deliberate, pragmatic, and involves finding resolutions to garbage strewn across the country by the ousted government.

    'Irony'... Ha! Did a reporter just discover the meaning, and try to incorporate it into a story to appear clever? whistling.gif

    Irony is a difficult concept for foreigners. Most Americans think it is a country in Africa.

    Irony is thinking Grand pa is a saviour when he's really just protecting a decades long tradition of all riches for the rich of that got interrupted for a few years by a certain politician with some socialist policies.

    The Nation(alist) Yoon spewing yarns as editorial content is pathetic. But so's the subject.


    &lt;deleted&gt; kin ell John-Boy.. did Mary-Ellen not teach you what irony means too?

    You offered a simile, yet crowned it with a paradox. I must congratulate you on your confusion. clap2.gif

  7. I think the general direction will include , in the reforms, the military will not be able to interfere in politics and stage a coup, however the reforms will also include measures that will prevent what happened leading up to the coup ,from taking place again also. coffee1.gif

    I think a coup is by nature illegal as was what happened leading up to the present one!

    I think what the ousted government did, by nature, was illegal too: as what happened with their fluk up in every hand they put their fire into, up until the last momentary present ones.

    Your point being? Do you prefer the previous government, or the current momentum and licit goodness generated by the positive coup?

  8. The site I occasionally use is still accessible, which is surprising as it's one of the UK's biggest, but I have the VPN option in case things change and I have the urge to reinvest the thousands I won for 5-1 Holland v Spain (I wish!) smile.png

    Ladbrokes aint gonna humour you, cos you are Thai scum on their betting odds IP address, VPN or no VPN.. 50/50.. giggle.gif

  9. same same as (soft) drugs? make it legal, collect tax on it, distribute to whatever you want (poor, farmers, ...)

    if thai people cannot gamble because of buddism, then why all the ripp-offs, stabbings, shootings, murders, rapes, child abductions, prostitutions, corruption ???

    Thanks for the deep, philosophical bounty of offering. ;)

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