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Posts posted by johng

  1. 1 minute ago, RichardColeman said:

    Be fair , the UK employs a million or so european fruit pickers every year due to the bone idleness of a million benefit claimants !

    I would have done that job (at least tried to)..was at the "employment" office for months  they never offered me a job like that...no jobs at the post office, NHS or even as a bin man..all taken by "immigrants" who will work for minimum wage, maximum hours no questions asked put up with bad conditions and (mostly) share living quarters with friends and send  90% of their earnings home to their countries (Poland)


  2. 1 hour ago, Deli said:

    why not looking for a jpb in contruction. Work too hsrd snd too hot was the answer

    Well she is right  it's bloody hard work  in hot humid conditions, blazing sun for a pittance of pay per day

    try heaving bag after bag of 50 kilogram sand,cement and rubble to and from a truck for a few hours

    then mix it by hand !  or running up and down 3 flights of stairs with a few boxes of ceramic tiles.


    Of course there are some less physically exhausting construction jobs but they require training and skill.

  3. 42 minutes ago, micmichd said:

    You have certainly good ideas. But Thailand is not yet so rich, but it's certainly improving towards 21st century ecological standards. Here in Pattaya it certainly is, and in downtown Bangkok it's improving, too. 

    Thailand is a rich country  the problem is most of those riches are kept by a very few people not shared around.

    21st century ecological standards  in Pattaya ?   when there isn't even a functioning waste water treatment plant ?

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