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Posts posted by johng

  1. There could be ants or other critters nesting in a power socket  or the other fuses/circuit breakers causing a slight short to earth and tripping the  "ground fault" breaker.

    or something is still wet from the rain maybe up in the roof space where tangles of wires live ?

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Waves seem underpowered to me, I'm always accelerating round them at traffic lights

    I suspect that's more to do with the rider than the Wave being "underpowered"  you on the auto scooter will

    have (in most cases) an acceleration advantage over a geared bike of the same engine size but loose out in the mid to top speed.


    1 hour ago, scubascuba3 said:

    on any bike you have to be careful of loose sand, slippery drains etc

    Absolutely 100% agreed.

    • Haha 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, Swimfan said:

    Come back at the end of the northern winter and we will revisit. Its well documented that most of the current end of summer infection are mostly in young people hence the lower death rate. 

    There is a "normal"  rise in deaths during the winter. 

    It will be "interesting" to see how  much the WuFlu virus

    increases the numbers this year and also how they (those reporting the debacle)  separate deaths from WuFlu VS death from the seasonal Flu that claims many thousands every year. 

    • Like 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:

    A 1st grader assignment > Spot the difference in the graphs between the initial covid-19 pandemic and the dreadful Second Genocide Wave.

    More testing results in finding more infections  but "strangely" the death rate  is flat lined ? perhaps  the people who where most susceptible to the virus (old and/or with other life threatening diseases) have already died,  leaving the remaining population who do indeed catch the virus  but suffer only mild to middling symptoms the hospitals  now know how to much more effectively care for patients but

    of course some poor souls will catch it and still die even if they are young fit and healthy.

    • Like 1
  5. 28 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    I'm always concerned about going A over T if the front wheel grips too well when I am braking.

    Done that once on  a  racing bicycle going down a hill ????

    I've never done a stoppie and a motorbike  but have felt the rear wheel go very light under hard braking.


    Here how to do a "Stoppie"  ( )



  6. 17 minutes ago, bermondburi said:

    Ohh dear some one won't like reading that...but hey they do get a  "number one"



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