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Everything posted by joecoolfrog

  1. As are you ! The important point is that assailant appears to be a thug and deserves a custodial sentence.
  2. Having watched the video I can confirm with some certainty that the customers were middle eastern. No idea what their religion might be, cant see that it's relevant anyway.
  3. Chinese social media is heavily censored , nothing is allowed to go viral unless Beijing wishes it. Perhaps a veiled threat to Thailand that they are not adequately towing the line ?
  4. The guy is either a shill or seriously deluded , his arguments are laughable , best to ignore him.
  5. "Methinks the lady proteth too much " Ex smoker syndrome comes to mind.
  6. Most unlikely that he is going solo , probably a factional powerplay , he will have allies.
  7. In the same spirit as confession halves a sentence , ridiculous excuses should double the penalty.
  8. Except the accused in this instance is neither farang or fat !
  9. Simply trying to disguise the fact that he is Thai , no idea why.
  10. So please be kind enough to explain exactly what you meant by stating that members here were living in the past. Was it not in reference to Pattaya, in your view ,no longer being a hub of vice? I think it was , as you well know , so my post was entirely relevant.
  11. Ok So to confirm your point I googled "World class family friendly resort " , Pattaya didn't appear to feature very much at all . However by inputting " Sex capital of the world "......
  12. You seem to have your right and left mixed up , best buy some new training shoes.
  13. You base this statement on the trusted word of the RTP or the rigorous accuracy of journalism in Thailand ?
  14. Yes that's my point really. Do second and third generation chinese immigrants speak the official mother tongue , or continue with the language of their forefathers. When I'm strolling through Chinatown is it Mandarin I'm hearing or a regional dialect ?
  15. The jet ski guys seem to have mellowed , back in the day they would have beaten him half to death.
  16. Rhetorical question ; Why are health experts and bone fide journalists not calling him out on this illogical nonsense ?
  17. Thai Tourism wont end any more than TAT's wilder prophesies will come true .
  18. Are any Chinese languages taught in high school , and if so , do the results compare favourably with English language study. I imagine those original chinese immigrants would have been Cantonese or Hokien speakers , would their descendants now learn English or Mandarin ?
  19. If I hated some place that badly , I would have left already.
  20. The article quotes one persons opinion , using an extremely narrow perspective , to make its point. The obvious question is why does the Aussie guy still choose to live in Vietnam ?
  21. I'm sure that those who are locked up , for protesting his policies , will be hugely impressed.
  22. He ignores it because he and his cronies are doing just fine , nothing else is important in their world.
  23. Do you seriously think a single baht of this tax will be used to subsidise tourists who are otherwise uninsured ? The Thais make a huge fuss about unpaid hospital charges though in reality the overall amounts are peanuts. Compare the numbers with the amounts the UK NHS routinely write off , no comparison whatsoever yet we dont use it as an excuse to fleece tourists. As for 300 baht only being a ' small amount ' , why bother to collect it then , do you imagine it purely symbolic lol ?
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