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Everything posted by joecoolfrog

  1. I think you can safely assume that it will cover next to nothing , perhaps not even that much in fact.
  2. The delay was initially caused by covid lockdowns and then waiting for permission from the Thai authorities.
  3. I dont seem to be able to find the reason why the helmet was apparently damaged , did nobody ask ? Thailand , you want to be a big boy , play with the other big boys , be accepted by the other boys. Well you better be prepared to play by big boy rules , your juvenile evasions and excuses make you an international laughing stock ! I've noticed nobody mentions ' Thainess ' anymore , lying corrupt dictatorial incompetence is the order of the day and everybody knows it.
  4. For sure there are plenty of scams in Thailand , but this isnt one of them. As you say , do the research , know the prices , if you consider a rip off is in play then just walk away. I actually did this floating market almost 20 years ago , paid what I expected to pay , wasn't an excessive sum.
  5. Ryan There is a good reason ' they ' believe that , historical precedent. It may be a pain to you personally but there is no denying that illegal economic migrants cause huge problems in the west.
  6. It's very simple , the vast majority of Thailands finest are preoccupied with grafting. Pretty much each and every law is utilised as an income stream. There is little sense in expecting any logic whatsoever.
  7. That's Thai culture for you , nobody dare call out the pathetic lies for fear of causing lack of ' face '. It is funny to some extent and causes me personally no grief , but it does the nation no favours , another cog in the big corruption wheel.
  8. What on earth did you expect when you moved there , its Pattaya not Eastbourne. Seriously , if peace and quiet is important to you , why move to that area ? Even before the development there were bars all around and its slap bang in the middle of 2 major thoroughfares , never gonna be peacefull.n
  9. Are you seriously suggesting that any local , who wishes to drink until 4 am , doesn't know of an establishment that would accomodate him.?
  10. I assume you have forgotten the almighty vaccination blunders .
  11. I agree with you that speculation is pointless , an in depth enquiry is required. These things are usually fudged though , even in more democratic leaning societies , so I dont suppose any Thai naval mandarins need lose any sleep.
  12. Hairy Pie was a complete mess several years before the end , as indeed was Taffy.
  13. Adequate compensation is only a part of the solution , what is really needed is a slew of manslaughter charges aimed at those responsible for these incidents. That means the heads of departments not some 500 baht a day fall guy. Will never happen though of course , corruption and lack of responsibility too heavily embedded into the national psyche.
  14. He has arranged a nice little earner for his Buriram buddies , his responsibility ended there .
  15. Take a look at any corruption index , Thailand may not be the bottom country but it is getting worse.
  16. Actually it a pertinent response to your continual racism and hypocrisy.
  17. You are a tool with zero sense of humour , chill out !
  18. The major beneficiaries have already settled in , they wont be giving up any of their pie.
  19. If the wearing of masks were mandatory , you would have a point , however my understanding is that mask wearing is optional. If you see thousands of Lemmings leaping off a cliff , do you feel embarassed by those who decide not to ?
  20. If you read the article it says that their cases are ongoing. We can only hope the ' get out of jail free' card doesn't come into play.
  21. So how much is your profit currently ?
  22. That's exactly the position of the negative types that you railed against. So yes you are a hypocrite.
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