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Everything posted by joecoolfrog

  1. So let me get this straight ; The ' government ' that staged a coup because they disapproved of the peoples choice , railroaded through a constitution that effectively robbed the people of their choice of leadership, is now going to take advice from the same people. Ok !
  2. Well for a start , criticising one does not exclude criticism of the other. The situation in Myanmar is indeed tragic but one has to be realistic. In terms of geopolitical impact , Ukraine is the gravest current problem the world faces .
  3. Well she certainly appears to have a far greater grasp of reality than you do.
  4. To be accurate , it was one of the excuses given for the coup , the real reasons cannot be discussed.
  5. Hardly ,democratic governments are not one dimensional. Your point is moot anyway , Thailand does not enjoy democratic governance.
  6. You dont understand the condemnation of Putin's aggression or the distaste at the self serving cowardice the Thai ' government' ? I suggest you study the philosophy that underpins Occam's razor, enlightenment may set you free !
  7. Lenin , Stalin , Radista or Von Mises , ' Useful idiots ' or ' Simpletons ' ? Take your pick , either way the message is clear and apropras to several on this thread.
  8. I recall that Lenin's expression was ' useful idiots ' to describe those that swallowed his propaganda.
  9. There is no need for western propaganda , most of us have functioning eyes , ears and brains !
  10. I agree with what you say but this new ' war ' is just tosh to deflect from the real issues. A few bottom feeders will be rounded up and paraded to the media , nothing of note will be achieved. The corruption will continue to flourish because there is not the least intention of stopping it.
  11. " The army stay away from politics " I simply dont understand the point of a statement thats so blatantly false. Its a great shame that Thailand lacks investigative reporters and a quizical media.
  12. Indeed ! Sneaked pictures of scantily clad young women I can live with , slaughtered children , not .
  13. I notice a lot of predudice in the responses to this thread , do you think Fox news , or other faux media companies, are ethically sound and do not print lies and distortions on a daily basis ? Gutter press are just that , singling out one organisation is simply hypocritical confirmation bias. As for this particular incident , there were graphic pictures all over the net long before these particular journalists arrived. Locals took and published those images , why were they not hounded and prosecuted ?
  14. Even by your standards , that response is remarkably glib and simplistic.
  15. The real problem is that a large chunk of any money allocated ,will be diverted for the gratification of those supporting Mercedes Benz and Mia Nois !
  16. Nowhere near 15% , considerably less than 1% in my estimation. You are correct though that a full scale nuclear war would end human life on the planet. Thailand may last a bit longer then Europe but thats about it , makes this thread moot really.
  17. Not all would be lost though , TAT would launch a new slogan and predict a record number of tourists.
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