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Posts posted by ToYoungToRetire

  1. I'd be more concerned about avoiding overstay and not falling in love with a bargirl while he's here.

    I am to young to retire, but I'm not so young that I will far for bar girl :D. I came to thailand and talked to many expats before hitting the streets, I knew the game before the bar girls had a chance. That being said I do love the night life, but I also love the Buddhist People/Religion.

    When I became interested in Thailand it was after my studies of the buddhist religion and my desire to meet Buddhist people. After spending a few years looking at places to go I found the nightlife scene in Patong desirable, I didnt even know about Chang Mai or Pattaya until was already in Thailand.

    It is also a very moderate climate where I am from, thailand especially main land is extremely hot for me. Patong was extremely hot for me, Bangkok and Pattaya were another 10C hotter...

    Anyhow thanks for all of the advice.

    I think I have three options.

    1. Find a lawyer in thialand and legally start IT business in Thailand.

    2. Marry a Thai woman, at the present time I have no thai woman to marry or real desire to be married. (I have never been married)

    3. Not live in thialand, but visit for 6 months (3 month at visit) a year and keep working in America.

  2. Idiot's question here: interesting question but I don't understand any of the answers!

    I seem to have decent Internet speed as I can watch TV on my computer without downloading apart from in peak times when I do download sometimes. . I don't see why I should need a USB stick for this. . Is it straight forward for me to take a cable from my (5years old) computer to the nice big screen in the sitting room and get rid of BL£$dy True visions?

    Sorry if this is a bit badly formed as a question.

    many of the more Modern TV's have a VGA or DVI connector. These do not require a special card to use, but you will not get audio through the TV.

  3. If you buy a new HDMI video you also might want to make sure it can carry audio.

    I have a high end video (a year old) that has the HDMI output that allows me to listen to the audio through my entertainment system.

    Gforce 660 TI is overkill for your application but if you dont want to spend a lot of time researching a card that will do what you want this card will.

  4. I just got back from 30 days in Patong and the only thing on my mind has been getting back to there. I am a US citizen that is no where near retirement but I have a job that allows me to work anywhere I have internet access. I would like to return to Thailand with the option of staying 6 months to indefinitely and work from Thailand.

    I spoke to expats in Thailand and they mentioned the 30 day border hop to renew the visa. From posts I've read on this board it sounds like they're cracking down people doing that. I'd like to stay as legitimately as possible and not have to bend any rules. Because I'm a naive American I just assumed they would let me into Thailand so the last trip I entered 'Visa on Arrival' so I dont know anything about obtaining a Visa. Would a real Visa allow me to stay longer?

    Some data...

    1. I am very interested in learning Thai and have considered the ED Visa but other than it exists I know nothing about it. (does this school qualify? http://www.phuket-languageschool.com/ )

    2. I plan on making 1 week trips to Cambodia and Myanmar at some point (do I need to obtain Visa's for these short trips?).

    Anyone have experience with finding a phone that works in the USA and Thailand? I met someone in Patong who told me that TMobile phones can use USA and Thai SIMs but he was from Austria so I hoping to find someone from the USA that has done it.

    I also read a post on here about people who just stayed in Thailand past their visa date. Is it really only a 20,000 bht fine? What are the risks with doing that?

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