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Pattaya Lous

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Posts posted by Pattaya Lous

  1. The lawyer and court fees are going to cost us 50,000 B all in. Translation of the emails, contract etc has cost us 6,000 B

    We are in pursuit of 300,000 B +, so hopefully it is worth the risk

    He has a kid here by an ex thai wife, plus he has a large house to sell that he is trying to sell for 15 million Baht plus, so he has the assets to repay us, plus he has reason to stay in thailand

    i dont think i could look at myself in the mirror, or look my wife in the face, if i were to just walk away

    He has offered us 50,000 B already in writing, so has accepted he is at fault. We just need him to increase the amount, but unfortunately i dont think he has it at the minute, as he has used all our funds up to renovate his big house, so he can sell it

    Last time I used a lawyer he showed me cases he had been working on for 5-6 years that still hadn't got to court. Not a route I would go down, as it will likely cost you more than you think and even if you win at the end, it still doesn't mean he will pay. Better if you can come to some private deal which he has a chance of sticking to, maybe something in regard to the sale of his own house. Maybe getting a contract drawn up by a lawyer linked to the sale of his own property (with a time limit on it) with some kind of monthly/yearly interest on the "loan" you have made to him. I would explain that he can either sign that or go to court (even if I had no intention of following through on it) and see if you can agree terms for the contract. Maybe even take the 50k he is offering as part of the contract, as it seems that might be all he has right now.

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  2. Bad experiences? Mix with the wrong crowd?

    I am Thai and I am woman and I bring home as much money as my husband.

    ...and nope...I don't work in factory.

    In a bar then?

    What is wrong with you?

    I cant believe someone gave you a like for that reply

    Tiang is absolutely right, "Bad experiences, mix with the wrong crowd". My wife also work and makes pretty good money, and no she does not work in a bar. and yes she is a terrific girl.

    Plenty of good Thai girls out there, many of you are just looking in the wrong places.

    Fooling Yourself facepalm.gifrolleyes.gif

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  3. Hi, I sent you a message re a very nice table available at a low price, did you see the message?

    Hi there, yes I have received your message a I have looked at the table and met the owner it is high on my favourites list.

    I have had some great advice from members and there are dozens of pool tables all over the country for sale ranging in price from 10,000 to 150,000 Bt, the secret is knowing where to look.

    I am looking and considering my options I will let you know when I have found "the one" thanks for you help.

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  4. Apart from a few lucky people, builders the world over are the same, although still better than lawyers & accountants ! Be it Thailand or anywhere else you need to sit on top of them, a while ago I had a kitchen extension. Left wifie in charge & the wall was built at 60 degrees, even cut the floor tiles to fit ! Had to tell them to knock it down or they didn't get paid, then they did it properly.

    Also, I find that Thai female builders are more reliable than men, could probably also beat me in an arm wrestle too

    Sorry to interupt; but you forgot estate agents

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  5. Why do people keep paying large sums of money up front, I can't understand it there are so many stories and forum posts to warn you away from doing this.

    Pay in stage payments - it's simple when they turn up on time and have done a job to your satisfaction pay them, they will then have respect for you and do a good job. If they think you are a ding dong falung with to much money you get no respect.

    Sorry but no sympathy on this one facepalm.gifbeatdeadhorse.gifBeat a dead horse only using this one because there isn't one for bashing my head up against a brick wall

    Why do people not listen or learn?

  6. As ex-pats should we help convicted criminals (not just naughty people) "convicted criminals" maybe people committing serious crimes settle in Thailand and live amongst us?

    Should this be a decision solely for the Thai Authorities?

    I have spoken to many people over the last few days on this subject and I am getting very mixed replies.

    I was a victim of crime and injustice back in the UK which came very close to ruining my retirement plans, but I am here now and enjoying every minute of living in Thailand; maybe I'm afraid of losing that if undesirables are allowed to come here and spoil it.

  7. Regarding Thai tradition and the sin sod is this ONLY for virgin brides or is that mostly ignored? If it is ignored then is it also only for women on their first wedding? Just trying to plan.

    sorry mate best advice - go home before you are sent home with your tail between your legs because that is what she will do to you, you have no idea

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  8. Whilst you are all arguing amongst yourselves and inadvertently helping somebody with a criminal record (fact) but for what offence you do not know, please take care when giving advice on how to manipulate the system and obtain a retirement visa, ask any immigration officer do you need to declare criminal convictions (on topic not scaremongering) what do you think his answer will be?

    The application in England specifically asks do you have any criminal convictions not what year it says do you have any criminal convictions (still on topic here).

    What I am saying is let the authorities decide that is why they are there in position to keep out undesirables out (fact with emotion).

    Look from a different angle: If it was a pop star from the Glam Rock Era of the early 70s or a TV presenter from the late 60s and you knew they had criminal convictions would you still be helping them to obtain a retirement visa with the chance that they could be moving in next door to you and your family (now speaking with emotion again).

    I do have strong feelings on this subject and I would not want a person with criminal convictions living anywhere near me.

    For your info crossing the road in the wrong place would not give you a criminal record or a criminal conviction so that comment was totally irrelevant.

    Let the authorities decide.

  9. You should declare, if you don't and a retirement visa is granted and it is later discovered that your criminal record was for Violence, Sex Offences or Drugs then if you are lucky you will be deported but you will loose everything that you have invested in Thailand the authorities will take it all away and there is little that you will be able to do.

    Don't listen to people who say "they never check" Thai officials are not stupid people.

    You may upset somebody or a jealous person who knows you and he or she will then inform the authorities and you will loose everything. Do you want to be waiting for that knock on the door.

    But if you are a hardened criminal and you don't care less then maybe you are not welcome here anyway.

    Thousands of expats have a good life here in Thailand and many of us are enjoying our retirement years after surviving a long and hard working life. Why do we need criminals amongst us?

  10. Do not pay cash for the house. Insist on a mortgage. If she does not qualify apparently you can own the mortgage but not the property. You can even give her cash each month to make the payments. If you have trouble in the future do not make the payments and she would be forced to sell the house to pay for the mortgage. It is insurance that she does not steal your property.

    I know of an Australian fellow who bought 2 properties for his wife and she gave them to her 2 daughters. She wanted him to buy another property. She would no doubt give it to her son.

    What is the liability on me as the owner of the mortgage? Surely it is my legal responsibility and failing to make payments would put me in bad credit.

    Why don't you just tell everybody where you met her. Is she an ex whore or what. You've been asked umpteen times but never answer. Good grief it's 12 pages now and you've said sod all. You're being conned mate , you know it and so does everybody else.

    Can we see a picture of her?

    If she is the love of your life as you say you should be proud to show how well you have done and not care what anybody else thinks.

    Maybe some of us longer term residents will have met her before we like to stay in touch with our escapades.

    Think about this friendly advice: If at any time she has worked as a whore or bar girl she has probably done this before. Are you prepared for the time when you are out with her anywhere in Thailand BKK, Pat's or your home country and you meet an old customer of hers - how well will you handle it mate.

  11. Initially for her mother and son to live in but it would be ours to use at a later date.

    Please don't be so stupid with your money unless you have millions and you can afford to loose it all because you will loose it all.

    If she is asking for this she wants you for your money. I've been here 10 years and I have seen this many, many, many, many times history repeats itself time and time again in Thailand, how can you see yourself living/sleeping in the house with the entire family all in one room, because that is how you live in a Thai house.

    Why are you getting involved with a woman with a kid? You will be so far down the pecking order you will most likely starve to death.

    There are thousands of single unencumbered beautiful women in Thailand why have one with a kid that will never respect you or what you stand for, and remember that there is a father lurking in the background somewhere; he will want his share and you will get the story "T. lak it's easier to pay him off; I want to be with you".

    If you are set on owning a house there are ways to legally own houses and land in Thailand where you will have control, just suggest it to her see what she says (but be ready for a shock). Get some advice away from this or any forum.

    There are some very knowledgeable people living in Thailand who have many years of experience, but there are also a lot of wannabe experts (stay clear).

    My advice would be don't buy a condo unless you are use to living in a small noisy concrete box, in my home country we call them flats and you don't have any control whatsoever over the land that it is built on.

    If you don't want to listen then please read the hundreds horror stories about stupid men that come to Thailand fall in love with a prostitute buy her a house then all the family move in and he is left with nothing and has to go back to his home country with his Co _ _ between his legs and an empty wallet never to be seen again.

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  12. Borrowed this quote from ppmacready in another post (sorry if it's against the rules).

    Just thought it was very apt for this post and trying to open the eyes of some that choose not to see what is going on around them. Don't like to read about jumpers from tall buildings when reality kicks in and their dreams are shattered by respectable young ladies.

    ".People often ask me do I speak Thai?

    I take 1,000 baht out of my pocket , wave it in the air and reply, ''Fluently''!

    Everyone is for sale in Thailand.

    From bar girls to politicians.

    Its endemic."

    My view: to enjoy living here and to have a long and very happy life we must face up to reality and live/love it for what it is.

  13. Right, but as I stated, I'm not bringing prostitutes to my room. These are girls I'm dating-gigs. Usually meet for dinner or movie first, or at least a coffee before coming back to the condo. Don't think any of them would go for it If I recommend meeting them for an hour or two at a short time room, and might get a slushy drink poured over my head for even asking haha


    "at least a coffee"


    Coffee, tea or me? You old romantic.

    May I ask, do you pay them? if yes then they are prostitutes

    In ten years never met a girl in Pattaya that has not accepted cash after a date as you put it, and I have dated girls that have day jobs in a banks, supermarkets, vet's, a nurse from the hospital and hotel staff.

    No, they're not prostitutes.

    I don't give them any money except for the taxi.

    They have real jobs and graduated from university.

    Sounds liked you have cracked it mate hat's off to you, the only man in Thailand that shags around for the price of a taxi fare brilliant.

    The security guards are out of order to frown at you and these respectable young women.

    Decades of bad reputation from the west against beautiful Thai ladies has come to an end, we now have women here that don't want money to shag western people.

    I'll try that one tonight "come with me for coffee and I will give you a taxi fare home".

    Where do you meet these women? I do hope you are not going to say Internet dating!

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