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Pattaya Lous

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Posts posted by Pattaya Lous

  1. wacko.png

    No Licence! No Valid Insurance - very simple

    If he drives the vehicle has an accident and kills somebody on your conscience be it and you will be paying the bills.

    Think? how would you feel if a member of your family was killed or severely injured by an uninsured driver?

    or could this be another way of the Thai family getting a bit more money out of you?

  2. Sorry friend I would like to comment on this subject but no offence your post is far to long and drawn out got about half way through reading it and had to stop saai.gif

    TVF is an excellent forum for general questions help and advice about living and spending time in Thailand, getting to understand the culture and learning from others experiences.

  3. I have actually considered building some type of acoustic wall on the back side of our property. Costly? Probably. 15 - 20 meters high? Will need some engineering advice, not just the regular guys that slap a bunch of bricks together. Would it keep out the noise? Not sure.

    You are an Tw

  4. OP:

    Just imagine that your boss says to you:

    "Come and work with us full time, 24-7, work for free, because the company loves you, we will take care of you, you will enjoy it like we already payed you to enjoy it and smile at the customers".

    You either take their offer, or, risk "agency work" with drunk perverted clients, or go and live on a farm with 200g of rice to eat each day.

    So you choose option No. 1.

    After a few years you get the chance to take 1/2 of the casino business and do one.

    You see what I'm saying ?

    Like I say I don't have a lot of money I'm just a regular 24 year old guy living normally in a rented flat. She knows I don't have money so wouldn't she just choose someone else? I don't know, I don't know how their minds work! I think the advantages that I have are that she is new to the bar scene and not hardcore and that I am a young lad so she is more likely to be going on appearance than if I was in my late 40s 50s no offence to people around that age. Think her money mum treat her badly and didn't want her when she was young, maybe she just wants to be loved? Who knows eh?

    I'm lost for words cheesy.gifcrazy.gifwacko.png

  5. OP, you say you are working in Thailand in the eyes of immigration this is against the rules they don't know if the work you are doing is associated with your home country or work associated with Thailand.

    Why do people come on this forum asking questions on how to bend the law of Thailand and expect others who do everything fair and correctly at their own expense and invest money into Thailand to obey the rules and laws.

    The rules and laws are in place for good reason and I for one am glad they are.

    Obey the rules and the laws of the country that you wish to live and you will have no problems VERY SIMPLE.

  6. Only three pictures from the many that have replied to this post - say no more proves my point for sure xlaugh.png.pagespeed.ic.SDkxrRteka.png

    Pattaya Lous,

    Do you seriously think we are all married to ugly women? Personally, I have too much respect for my wife to post random photos of her on the internet. Did you ever stop to think that maybe a lot of the guys that are in happy relationships feel the same way? That would be like showing off photos of my motorbike, car, or house. She is a HUMAN BEING, not a piece of property!

    Your comment only proves that......

    1. That you look at women like objects, not as human beings, and 2. You have an immature view of what's truly important in a good relationship.

    Looks may fade but inner beauty does not. Lucky for me, I am married to a woman who has both, but regardless, I would take the latter over the former any day!

    +1 - good post.......

    I did so as the OP or (host) to disprove his stinking thinking.......some people have nothing more to contribute to a happy post other than a negative sullen attitude - they simply (giving too much credit in this case) have nothing more to offer......sadly.....

    One of the reasons we all have chosen to relocate to Thailand is that we do not have to accept second best on the women front.

    riceyummm: has dropped out of this debate because I think he knows where I am cumming from.

    watso63: says his lady is "always buying him stuff" my point is it's with his money! so what is she really buying him?

    My challenge would be to ask your fantastic lady and her family?

    I have a sick relative in my home country who needs expensive medical treatment will you contribute 1000baht to help me pay for the hospital fee's?

    How many Thai families will say yes?

    Stop or cut the money you are paying these women and their families and see how many stick around.

    Thailand is all about money.

    If you have money to spare you can have a great life here probably better than anywhere else in the world.

    If you do not have money to spare "GO HOME" you will be better off.

  7. Only three pictures from the many that have replied to this post - say no more proves my point for sure xlaugh.png.pagespeed.ic.SDkxrRteka.png

    Pattaya Lous,

    Do you seriously think we are all married to ugly women? Personally, I have too much respect for my wife to post random photos of her on the internet. Did you ever stop to think that maybe a lot of the guys that are in happy relationships feel the same way? That would be like showing off photos of my motorbike, car, or house. She is a HUMAN BEING, not a piece of property!

    Your comment only proves that......

    1. That you look at women like objects, not as human beings, and 2. You have an immature view of what's truly important in a good relationship.

    Looks may fade but inner beauty does not. Lucky for me, I am married to a woman who has both, but regardless, I would take the latter over the former any day!

    Sorry to say but YES!

  8. Just interested anybody have any photographs of these fantastic Thai women that we could have a look at?

    This may clarify a few things, thanks

    Yeah - knock yourself and your negative connotations out.....

    Anyone that puts Pattaya and Lous (forgot the e?) in his moniker pretty much explains himself.....

    I think he forgot the i and then the e.

    Only three pictures from the many that have replied to this post - say no more proves my point for sure laugh.png

  9. I have just turned on my computer as I do every morning while drinking my coffee before I go to the gym and i cannot believe this topic is still going on.

    Samui has always been one of the big party destinations of Thailand and always will be, I am glad as it keeps most of the crazy drunken youngsters away from the mainland.

    You must of known when you moved there - so why on earth did you move there????

    The authorities of Thailand will never change things because it is much easier to control it on a small island.

    A few asinine comments in there Lous. Please let me give my observations

    The topic is still going on because people (like yourself) keep commenting.

    Samui is more than just Chaweng. Samui is 228.7 sq kms. The 'party destinations' are a small percentage of that. This may surprise you but a lot of people visit Samui for beautiful tropical beaches, and peace and quiet. A friendly tropical island in paradise, perfect for families!

    From your comment I see that you are OK about noise pollution on Samui as it is 'not in your back yard'.

    Did it not occur to you that maybe the Ark Bar did not play loud offensive music past midnight when a lot of us did move here?

    I moved here over 14 years ago. I live in a very quiet rural part of the island. (Nearest 7/11 is 3 kms away!!!). Black Moon Parties have been a part of the islands here for some years. So, if I take your logic, when a BMP started up two years ago just 1 km from my house - I should move?

    14 years ago, the only beach where I saw sunloungers, tables, chairs etc, was Chaweng. The others were all pristene. Now there is furniture on most of the popular beaches. Things move on.

    Sadly, not all moving on is congruent to the island that we first fell in love with.

    This thread is about a business that openly flaunts the law and does so in a progressive and intrusive manner. It was not always thus.

    I remember about 10 or 12 years ago sitting on the beach at the Ark Bar enjoying a cold Singha, talking to friends and there was background music. Quite pleasant and relaxing. thumbsup.gif That is not the case today. sad.png

    So please remember that whilst it might be quiet where you live today, but it may not be that way tomorrow. facepalm.gif

    You will defend Samui because you are probably stuck there and you want the island returned to the place it once was.

    Samui now has a reputation the world over as a party island you only have to read any tourist magazine to see that.

    Full moon parties are one of the biggest attractions of the island and these are obviously held on the beach at night so I can't see the music stopping.

    In all the time I have lived in Thailand I have only visited Samui once and I did not enjoy my time there the only place in Thailand I have not enjoyed. The reasons being loud music everywhere I went, over building everywhere and young drunken people.

    I don't think anything will be done about the noise coming from the Ark Bar because noisy places like that bring big money to the island and to the authorities there.

    You may say my comments are stupid but they are built on fact and my experience of Samui.

  10. I have just turned on my computer as I do every morning while drinking my coffee before I go to the gym and i cannot believe this topic is still going on.

    Samui has always been one of the big party destinations of Thailand and always will be, I am glad as it keeps most of the crazy drunken youngsters away from the mainland.

    You must of known when you moved there - so why on earth did you move there????

    The authorities of Thailand will never change things because it is much easier to control it on a small island.

  11. Renting is dead money as you know, and you are making somebody else rich.

    Forget Condo's - they are small concrete boxes, noisy and there is nothing you can do about it, expensive maintenance charges, hiked up cost of water and electric, bad shoddy build quality covered up by shiny new tiles and the market is flooded with hundreds of unsold new builds, soon you will be able to buy new cheaper than used.

    My advice and I have been buying and selling for ten years: Invest in a house, quiet, peaceful and private and you can carry out alterations to make it your own.

    5m B will buy you a nice 2 bedroom house in a walled garden with a small pool if you want it on both the darkside and the lightside (basically both sides of Sukhumvit road) - it's a buyers market at the moment if you have the cash make a few offers then you can gauge for yourself what you can get for your money.

    There will be loads of reply's from the condo boys saying you can't own the land in your name etc. etc. - don't listen to them make an appointment with a good Thai legal advisor, they can speak good English and they will explain the safe legal options to property ownership in Thailand and the ways of taking your money out of Thailand if you need to, the key is getting a written letter/record/receipt from your bank when your money comes into Thailand and a clear view of where the money has come from and what it is to be used for, you can then send it back quite easily if you need to, done it several times myself.

    I am on my third house and when you sell a house you will always get your money back.

    Investments: put 800k B in the bank for your retirement visa it takes away all the hassles in applying for and maintaining your visa in the future - no problems or huge paperwork at all just a quick visit to immigration every 90days they even supply you with a pre printed statement for you next visit and if nothing has changed just sign it and hand it, one hour maximum every time I go.

    Kasikorn Bank: go into a branch and discuss investments products that suite you, they have investment plans that are not on their website, I have used three and six month government investment bonds they are TAX free and have been paying 3 to 6% over the past two and half years - golden rule anywhere in the world don't invest more than you can walk away from.

    So its a buyers market,and you will always get your money back, think somehow that does not add up.

    Go on explain"good Thai legal advisor" and the "legal safe options" in yer own words.

    Morelike he will lose the lot in no time at all

    Just seen your investment advice too (last paragraph) 3% to 6% over 2 and a half years. The £ if the use is that ,(Aussie dollar even better),did strengthen around 17% last few months against the baht, softened off a bit last week or so,but UK ,US etc will be pushing up interest rates in next few months ,so baht will be on the way down,no use 2% or 3% with a country that bounces around just avoiding a recession

    Asking prices at the moment are very much inflated so accepting an offer you will get back you original investment; agreed not much profit if any but you will get your money back I have done it.

    Many people in Pattaya are wannabe experts but actually they have never done anything themselves and their learning is done in the bar.

    To much for me to explain and off topic, and not a good idea to recommend in open forum.

    If careful and listens to people who know the OP will not loose anything.

    Over the last ten years I have made money on my investments in Thailand when the interest rates in UK have been around 1%.

    Apart from the purchase price of my house and as I still have the house I still have the money. I have not spent any of my capital to live here.

    Don't wait for rates to rise in the UK in the next few months it wont happen speak to me again in a few months when you have finished eating your words.

    Believe me,

    You would be the very last one I would speak to....no I would not even speak to you

    That's fine by me don't think I will be short of people to talk to, but good to have met you anyway.

    I may send you a private mail in a few months when the UK rates do not go up, and i'l let you know how my investments are getting on.

  12. Reading this topic brings to mind Statler and Waldorf the Muppet characters


    "This is Thailand"

    Hmmm Pattaya TV readers must be more cerebral than I am. I have no idea what this post means (and I never watched the Muppets - it was after my childhood). coffee1.gif


    On topic actually:

    Statler and Waldorf are two grumpy old men always complaining about things that they have no control over and will never be able to change. They also continue to moan and grown and criticize others achievements and people that are doing well.

    • Like 1
  13. Renting is dead money as you know, and you are making somebody else rich.

    Forget Condo's - they are small concrete boxes, noisy and there is nothing you can do about it, expensive maintenance charges, hiked up cost of water and electric, bad shoddy build quality covered up by shiny new tiles and the market is flooded with hundreds of unsold new builds, soon you will be able to buy new cheaper than used.

    My advice and I have been buying and selling for ten years: Invest in a house, quiet, peaceful and private and you can carry out alterations to make it your own.

    5m B will buy you a nice 2 bedroom house in a walled garden with a small pool if you want it on both the darkside and the lightside (basically both sides of Sukhumvit road) - it's a buyers market at the moment if you have the cash make a few offers then you can gauge for yourself what you can get for your money.

    There will be loads of reply's from the condo boys saying you can't own the land in your name etc. etc. - don't listen to them make an appointment with a good Thai legal advisor, they can speak good English and they will explain the safe legal options to property ownership in Thailand and the ways of taking your money out of Thailand if you need to, the key is getting a written letter/record/receipt from your bank when your money comes into Thailand and a clear view of where the money has come from and what it is to be used for, you can then send it back quite easily if you need to, done it several times myself.

    I am on my third house and when you sell a house you will always get your money back.

    Investments: put 800k B in the bank for your retirement visa it takes away all the hassles in applying for and maintaining your visa in the future - no problems or huge paperwork at all just a quick visit to immigration every 90days they even supply you with a pre printed statement for you next visit and if nothing has changed just sign it and hand it, one hour maximum every time I go.

    Kasikorn Bank: go into a branch and discuss investments products that suite you, they have investment plans that are not on their website, I have used three and six month government investment bonds they are TAX free and have been paying 3 to 6% over the past two and half years - golden rule anywhere in the world don't invest more than you can walk away from.

    So its a buyers market,and you will always get your money back, think somehow that does not add up.

    Go on explain"good Thai legal advisor" and the "legal safe options" in yer own words.

    Morelike he will lose the lot in no time at all

    Just seen your investment advice too (last paragraph) 3% to 6% over 2 and a half years. The £ if the use is that ,(Aussie dollar even better),did strengthen around 17% last few months against the baht, softened off a bit last week or so,but UK ,US etc will be pushing up interest rates in next few months ,so baht will be on the way down,no use 2% or 3% with a country that bounces around just avoiding a recession

    Asking prices at the moment are very much inflated so accepting an offer you will get back you original investment; agreed not much profit if any but you will get your money back I have done it.

    Many people in Pattaya are wannabe experts but actually they have never done anything themselves and their learning is done in the bar.

    To much for me to explain and off topic, and not a good idea to recommend in open forum.

    If careful and listens to people who know the OP will not loose anything.

    Over the last ten years I have made money on my investments in Thailand when the interest rates in UK have been around 1%.

    Apart from the purchase price of my house and as I still have the house I still have the money. I have not spent any of my capital to live here.

    Don't wait for rates to rise in the UK in the next few months it wont happen speak to me again in a few months when you have finished eating your words.

  14. Renting is dead money as you know, and you are making somebody else rich.

    Forget Condo's - they are small concrete boxes, noisy and there is nothing you can do about it, expensive maintenance charges, hiked up cost of water and electric, bad shoddy build quality covered up by shiny new tiles and the market is flooded with hundreds of unsold new builds, soon you will be able to buy new cheaper than used.

    My advice and I have been buying and selling for ten years: Invest in a house, quiet, peaceful and private and you can carry out alterations to make it your own.

    5m B will buy you a nice 2 bedroom house in a walled garden with a small pool if you want it on both the darkside and the lightside (basically both sides of Sukhumvit road) - it's a buyers market at the moment if you have the cash make a few offers then you can gauge for yourself what you can get for your money.

    There will be loads of reply's from the condo boys saying you can't own the land in your name etc. etc. - don't listen to them make an appointment with a good Thai legal advisor, they can speak good English and they will explain the safe legal options to property ownership in Thailand and the ways of taking your money out of Thailand if you need to, the key is getting a written letter/record/receipt from your bank when your money comes into Thailand and a clear view of where the money has come from and what it is to be used for, you can then send it back quite easily if you need to, done it several times myself.

    I am on my third house and when you sell a house you will always get your money back.

    Investments: put 800k B in the bank for your retirement visa it takes away all the hassles in applying for and maintaining your visa in the future - no problems or huge paperwork at all just a quick visit to immigration every 90days they even supply you with a pre printed statement for you next visit and if nothing has changed just sign it and hand it, one hour maximum every time I go.

    Kasikorn Bank: go into a branch and discuss investments products that suite you, they have investment plans that are not on their website, I have used three and six month government investment bonds they are TAX free and have been paying 3 to 6% over the past two and half years - golden rule anywhere in the world don't invest more than you can walk away from.

  15. Big money is that all that is important in Thailand money forget everything else no morals or scruples only greed and money counts in Thailand.

    Yep, I'm afraid so

    and anybody who thinks differently is fooling themselves

    been living here ten years all over Thailand and it has been my experience everywhere

    if you have spare cash Thailand is a great fun and interesting place to live and spend your retirement years

    No spare money forget it stay where you are

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