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Posts posted by Muppetbkk

  1. During a 4 year stint in Nigeria during the early '90's (with regular leave thank heaven!) Fray Bentos tinned pies were a permanent item on my wifes "buy as many as you can when you see them" list.

    Here however I do not miss them at all - Lady Pie is very good, and only a month or so ago I discovered pies made by Bunters Foods which were definitely the best I have found in Thailand.

    Sadly the owner of Bunters Foods - Howard Hilton - passed away a few weeks ago and I am not sure if his wife is keeping the business running.



    Yes, Howards' wife is keeping it going and you can order as usual...or visit their place to pick up an order.

    Have to agree, the best pies in Thailand. Howard was a good mate of mine and its really sad that he's not around anymore, however his name will live on wit the excellent food he made.

    Keep supporting Bunters!!


  2. Crotalus,

    Totally agree with you, if i had been there i would have tried to get the security guards to catch and release rather than kill it. I was concerned for our two dogs as many dogs do get bitten by snakes here. I realise that it would not bite without provocation, and i deduct that it had been in the house for a while managing to stay out of anyone's way. When i moved to this are 2 years ago i had an amazing experience, i was driving home and i though a tree had fallen across the road, when i got closer i noticed that it was a python...not just any python, but one to rival the biggest i've ever seen in pictures or TV...It was coming from some grass on one side of the road stretching across one carriageway and nearly one meter from the edge of the other...when i returned to measure the road the next day the visible portion was 4.5m and the tail was still in the grass and with no tapering visible...it was as thick my thigh!! it doubled back rather quickly when i stopped the car! amazing experience, i went back many times with my camera but failed see it again...

  3. Hi, I live Bang Yai...Sorry about the King Cobra mistake, we are now pretty sure it was a manacled cobra (Naja kaouthia) from comparing markings on the back of its neck with what my GF and the security guards saw.

    They are fairly common around here apparently.. Just hope its the last one we have living under the sofa. :)

  4. What a strange response! huh.gif Why is that a Farang attitude? huh.gif

    Buddhists value the lives of animals. Most Thais are Buddhists? Therefore Thais value the lives of animals. Not just Farang. Have you seen 7 Years in Tibet? They were rescuing worms in that.....

    Is that "7 Years in Tibet?" a Thai movie?  Or at least a buddhist movie?

    Would the people in that movie made a difference between chicken, tiger cubs and worms?

    I never reailised there were so many fuc*wits living here in Thailand til i read this thread...

  5. Thanks for all the advice, we went through all the boxes and I am 99% sure that there was just the one. More to the point I think it has been in the house for a long time as when I went to move the sofa there was a dried snakeskin underneath, about the same size as the one caught . It's scale Pattern diid look very much like a cobra and my gf said that it's head flattened out like a cobra when first discovered. I have a large dog and for the last couple of months he has been making whining noises at the sofa, I shiver at the amount of times I stuck my hand underneath to check one of his toys wasn't stuck there! Now I realize he was just letting us know about the snake! Well, I am now safe in my new house and I will be sure to check under the furniture more often!!!

  6. Hi, thanks for that...I was mis informed by my gf...the snake was actually 20 cm long ... It's head was big and flat when rearing up..at this point she left it to the security guards..they said it was actually a king cobra not a Siamese cobra but I don't know for sure as they dropped it down the drain in the street.. I live on the outskirts of Bangkok. What age would a 20cm cobra be? Any ideas? Cheers

  7. Hi,

    We had a baby cobra in the house this morning, about 2 inches long. The security guards came and killed it. The dog sniffed it out behind the waste paper bin, and my gf called security. The problem i now have is that i am supposed to be moving house this week and am afraid that there could be more of them in boxes i have stored in the house...any idea what i should do who i should call etc?

    Many thanks

  8. Hi,

    Does anyone have an idea how much i should be paying per squar m to have the small 8 sided paving stones put in the garden, no cement...just to be laid on sand.


  9. Hi, So how did the second company work out? recommended?

    I have a Thai painter starting tomorrow, labour only 800bht a day for 1 guy, i have been recomended him by a long time UK Ptty friend of mine, he assured me he is a clean worker, & doesn't get paint everywhere. My mate used him & he was very pleased, & he is very fussy. Painter supplies the brushes & dust sheets.

    Not the cheapest i guess, but if he does a good, clean tidy job that's more important for me?

    Time will tell i guess?

    Ask me again this time next week?!!!

    I had another quote from a Ptty farang owned painting company, they quoted me 1200bht a day for 1 guy, labour only.

    So how did it work out then ?

    He did a good job in the end, but took him 3 days to do a pretty small room, so slow was taking the piss, i let him do that room & told him to go.

    He was quoting silly prices for the other rooms, not playing games?

    I paid him 3 days money for that 1 room 2400 bht labour only, it was really a day & half work at the very most. My Thai g/f made it very clear to him after day 1 if he drags his feet here be out, he was warned?

    Got another Thai company starting tomorrow, quoted me 13,000 bht labour only to paint 5 rooms, they reckon about a weeks work for 2 or 3 guys. I've been recomended him by a farang mate as well.

    Boss speaks reasonable English & appears a nice enough guy.

    I made it very clear i want paint on the walls & celing, not on the floor or furnture.

    If they mess up they will do 1 room & be gone as well!!

  10. We had a terrible tick infestation at home... We finally got it under control by finding a company called Nano White.. They sprayed the house and garden with a non toxic chemical and within 7 days No Ticks ! It cost 5000 baht and is a year contract that says if you have ticks again at anytime during that month they will reapply or give refund.. The guy who sprayed for us said he never has to visit a house more than once every six months.. If anyone is interested I can post the telephone number later ... Cheers

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