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Posts posted by mick01827

  1. Good news.

    Unfortunately, 40 taxis in BKK is a needle in the haystack.

    Hope the others will follow their example.

    Forever the optimist!

    Well done to nakorn chai air, good luck with your new venture and thank you for doing something about the thieves that are driving taxis at the moment, hopefully they will all be put out of business.

  2. Good for them, they made there point and the airport caved

    The 5th 6th .... and so on cannot be insured in case of accident

    I agree with drivers for once

    Surely they've got the wrong insurance? If you've got a vehicle that can carry 6people you get the appropriate insurance otherwise you might as well buy a new saloon car.

    It grieves me to say it because I dislike most of these taxi drivers but if they've got a vehicle that's got the ability to carry more than 4 people the fare should reflect that because I would of thought there's more running costs, bigger engine, more insurance etc

  3. Us westerners just like moaning, it seems if we're not moaning we're not happy, I'm not saying everyone but the majority for sure, having said that when you holiday in Thailand for 2/3/4 weeks you only see what's on the surface and it definitely lives upto the name of LOS, when you live here full time you get to see the other side of life, that it's just like anywhere in the world but with a little bit more tolerance.

  4. I spend 6 months in ubon which is cheap but if you live correctly pattaya can be cheaper. I don't have a crazy life style, I got to the gym, swimming, relax a lot, I go out at the weekend to watch the football and sometimes pop out in the week for a couple of beers, I give myself a budget of 5/6000 baht per week. My room is approx 5000 per month which I go halves with the gf, health insurance I pay before I leave uk. If you want to go boozing and chasing women every night there's no way you'd survive on my budget but depends what sort of life you want.

    • Like 1
  5. Ive noticed that an increasing number of young people are killing thesmelves in Thailand.

    The western world has never been so affluent. Wages and salaries are very high ( except usa) and opportunities abound.

    No young generation in world history has had it so good as this current one. .... born after 1985

    Most Australian people born in the early eighties wouldnt know what a recession is.

    Why are westerners killing themselves?

    Money doesn't bring happiness and a lot of people in the west do not know how to manage money which is why there is so much debt and with that debt comes pressures and problems, I'm not saying this is why the chap killed himself just putting a point across, monks areas a classic example, a true monk owns minimal poccessions but is truly fulfilled with his life.

    • Like 1
  6. All you posters love jumping on the Thai taxi bashing bandwagon.

    They weren't even in a taxi, they voluntarily got out of a mini van, haha now you all look like fools!!

    The majority of taxi drivers in Bangkok are only too willing to rip people off, they think it's their right because we're in their country. I asked my hotel to call a taxi to go to the airport only yesterday, as she didn't have a number she suggested I took one from outside, I was staying in soi nana, to which I told her that the taxis in soi 4 never used a meter so she went outside and flagged a taxi down telling the driver I wanted to go to suvarnabhumi and I wanted to go by meter, she came into the reception and said he would take me and use the meter. After getting in the taxi he started driving down the road so I asked him about the meter, no no he said.....500 baht, excuse me I replied, after a few words I told him to stop the taxi because he'd said he was going by the meter, ok he replied 400 baht, I have no customer I have no customer he said. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, so I said DO YOU THINK IT'S MY FAULT THAT YOU HAVE NO CUSTOMER? THE REASON IS iS BECAUSE YOU RIP PEOPLE OFF YOU LIEING BEEP, WHY DONT YOU GET A JOB IN A FACTORY OR WAREHOUSE IF YOUR NOT HAPPY DRIVING TAXIS, he refused to stop the taxi so I reluctantly agreed to 400 baht. This is just another reason why people are not travelling to Thailand!

  7. Yesterday I took a taxi from suvarnabhumi to bang kapi, after taking me to the wrong hotel we arrived at the correct hotel, the meter read 217baht plus the compulsory 50 baht tip, totalled 267baht so I gave him 300, I stood there after a while and asked for my change to which he replied 'service charge', yes it's only 33 baht but I'd already given him the compulsory 50 baht, it's the principle that he thought it was his right just to take it, I actually phoned the complaints line but they just put the phone down. Its little things like this that gives Thailand the bad name.

  8. I am certainly not pre-judging the outcome of any forensic examination, but this thoroughly reprehensible process by which the RTP forces to pose alongside alleged evidence PRIOR to any charges being laid or court proceedings taking place is nothing short of an attempt to pervert justice.

    Shameful behaviour but not untypical of a lawless, third-world country..................

    Are you serious, do you think the rifles/bomb making equipment dropped out of the sky!!!!!! These Muslim scum want to take over the world, they've tried to do it twice before without success. I presume you don't think it's shameful to cut people's heads off, throw gay people from building's, stone women to death......open your eyes to what's going on!

    • Like 2
  9. I cant believe your even considering it after only a two months of being together.

    I lived in Isaan for a few years too, and I think unless your getting married, FORGET IT.

    oh no , no intentions after a couple months. just wanted to find out if there is any truth in what she says about pig farming as i allready suspected from the start that she doesnt know what shes talking about or else her mama would be doing it allready !!!

    or she is trying to play me like a deck of cards whistling.gif

    Surely your answering your own questions if your questioning her reliability.

    With reference to pattaya/jomtien you might want to do some research and look at putting your money into condos, there's a lot going on there at the moment and in the next 5/10 years things are going to happen

  10. Put her in jail and throw away the key. How dares she selling alcohol to non-Buddhist tourists.

    Sorry, but if you visit a country, you adhere to the countries laws; it has nothing to do with the visitors religion. Try drinking in some of the Middle East countries; they won't ask you what religion you are.

    Completely agree, I find it sad how people can't go one night without wanting to drink even just out of respect for thai people and thai culture, if you need to drink everyday its time to have a long hard look at your life.

  11. Thought I'd let you know about a beautiful hotel I stayed at in hua hin, very quiet about 10 minutes from the main town, it's called sawan boutique resort, I've never seen a wedding there but they did cater for a lot of parties while we were there, worth a look, if you ask to speak to joy she's the owner.

  12. Aikido if the teacher is good. Great martial art especially for female as it uses other persons energy against them

    Taekwando if you ONLY want her to be flexible and fit. Amazing flexibility, jumps, roundhouse kicks in the air, pretty useless in real life when it comes to self defense

    I'm not sure what tae kwon do school you trained at but your statement is way off the mark, tae kwon do is very proactive when it comes to street fighting, your taught how to punch properly and most of the time one punch will be enough to finish things but more importantly your taught to try and avoid violent situations, self discipline.

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