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Posts posted by mick01827

  1. Resigned my arse.......he's been pushed because the powers above are worried about more problems with the 'black community', slightest thing and black people think it's ok to riot, if a white person gets roughed up while being arrested by police do you see a group of whites burning buildings or rioting......NO! Get a grip and stop playing the race card every time!

  2. 'Oh your treating us badly because we're black' blah blah blah, what an absolute load of crap! People think because they're kids, they can't do any damage, many children, black white whatever carry guns knives and are prepared to use them, stop using the race card, get your head out of your arse and look at the world around you, these kids were repeatedly told to disperse but they wouldn't listen and hung around.

    The policeman did the right thing and considering his life could of been in danger, I think he was valid in drawing his gun.

  3. group of youngsters had looked at them in an aggressive way.

    Add that to the seven deadly sins.

    Way of the world these days unfortunately, too many people are 'wanna be gangsters' and most are more than prepared to stick a knife in you just for looking at them, sad really.

  4. Could be a bit of a debate about this. Basically, if you're keeping up with what passes for a flow of traffic here, you should be allowed as much of the lane as anyone else (car, bicycle, motorcy), but if you're going significantly slower than the flow, you should keep left/out of the way. It's speed rather than just position that's key.

    Position is very important actually, when your trained in England to ride a motorbike, they tell you to ride off centre to the left because the middle of the road is where most of the oil, grease etc comes from cars over periods of time making dangerous to ride directly in the middle of the road. I think you'll find the majority of people who are riding in the middle of the road are untrained.

    It used to be taught this way in the states as well, but visibility wise, staying to the center (not necessarily DEAD center, but close) and further back is now considered preferable to riding on either side of the lane. This way, people can see you in all three mirrors instead of just the one side that you're riding on.

    Yes, there is sometimes an oil slick in the center of the lane, especially after a light rain. However, if you stay just to the left of that line, you are in a better position to make a quick escape than if you're staying far left.

    Didn't I say off centre to the left?!!

  5. A good dog will not bite a human no matter what the human does. Dogs are pack animals and automatically see humans, even juvenile humans, as their leaders. That is true of most dogs.

    A rogue dog which would bite a human except when trapped and panicked has to go down. Once it learns it can bite a human it could kill or badly maim any child. Don't send it to a village. The dog's way of expressing displeasure is to bite children and that won't change. Do you want to wait until it bites a child in the face and disfigures the child for life?

    Put it down.

    Wrong........that's the problem, the dog thinks he's the pack leader, when he shows any sign of aggression he must be put into a submissive position ie lying down, dogs are like children they know what they learn, the majority of the time it's the humans behaviour that has to change in order to change the dogs behaviour

  6. Could be a bit of a debate about this. Basically, if you're keeping up with what passes for a flow of traffic here, you should be allowed as much of the lane as anyone else (car, bicycle, motorcy), but if you're going significantly slower than the flow, you should keep left/out of the way. It's speed rather than just position that's key.

    Position is very important actually, when your trained in England to ride a motorbike, they tell you to ride off centre to the left because the middle of the road is where most of the oil, grease etc comes from cars over periods of time making dangerous to ride directly in the middle of the road. I think you'll find the majority of people who are riding in the middle of the road are untrained.

  7. I don't know which country you are from but I would contest that British drivers are by default " Better " drivers than the Thai's. I used to drive around 1000 /1100 Miles a week in the UK. It was very stressful and I hated it but it was part of my job. I'm now back in the UK and things haven't changed any since then. Give me Thailand any day. You mention Thai's can't parallel park but the vast majority of British drivers can't either and their attitude on the road goes from the majority driving at 25 MPH or under as they are fearful of getting a speeding ticket to the arrogant bullies that think they own the road and have one hand attached to the horn at all times and if you ever venture onto a motorcycle here you do so at your peril.

    I took my nephews R1 for a spin the other weekend and it was scary. In the UK drivers just don't see or expect motorcycles to be on the road. Again give me Thailand any day for a nice ride on a Bike.

    I can't wait to get back to the Thai driving again. It can't come quick enough for me wink.png

    Really???...... I drove for 30 years in the UK and I have not had the same experiences than you have.

    I dunno where you live, but I have lived and drove all over the UK and considering road deaths in the UK is at about 3-5% of the road deaths in Thailand with similar population, that would shoot massive holes right through your perception of which place is the best or worst.

    No way do people in the UK drive with their hand constantly on the horn.

    I completely agree, I'm a lorry driver and even though there are a lot of idiots on UK roads the driving standard blows Thailand out of the water, unfortunately thais are terrible drivers because they don't have the proper training.

    I wonder if uksomchai is a rep by any chance?

  8. Of course I do not blame the victim, but seriously, why do teenage tourists think getting drunk in a 3rd world country and wandering around like it's Disney World. Most Thai people have little and nothing to lose, they are not governed by the same controls found in the Nanny states. Tourist need to relaize that coming here and getting drunk and stoned and taking chances is not a good idea. I hope the catch the rapist and throw away the key, but of course, they will likely get 3 yrs, and then only if they are over 18.

    You just did blame the victim.

    Why do holiday makers think they can wear a bikini in when on holiday.

    Why did the man have his money in his pocket when he was drinking.

    Why did the girl smile and chat with the taxi driver.

    It is your attitude that continues to give excuses to violent behaviour.

    She is on holiday. She went out for drinks. She walked back to her hotel. She chatted to some friendly motorcycle guys. As you chat with friendly girls.

    Maybe they offered her a ride back to the hotel.

    She did nothing wrong.

    This government needs to step up punishment of offences against foreigners.especially crimes of rape and violence. Nobody cares about a bag snatch or a scam here and there for a few hundred baht. The violence against foreigners in this country is the worst in the entire world.

    I'm not sure if your more niaive than the victim of the rape. Of course it's not her fault but we live in a society where you have to think about your safety all the time, this isn't a Thailand problem it's a human problem that happens all over the world. It's not a good idea to go out and get drunk and then walk home on your own, wherever you are in the world.....that's not me being cautious it's a fact.

  9. Why would someone be carrying 60,000 baht of gold, and at night? And in Pattaya?

    Was he wearing it? Rather foolish.

    Or did he have it concealed? If so,. it sounds like he was setup. 4 attackers, sure sounds like someone set him up.

    I am missing something? Why does it sound like he's been set up? Go anywhere in the world and you will find gangs who are out looking for easy pickings, you've been watching too many movies.

  10. I trained for 2 hours 6 days a week at a muay thai gym, outdoors starting at 5pm, I also joined the local gym which was inside and trained mostly in the mornings, I did all this because I enjoyed doing it and I had no problems, think your over analysing things and possibly your body is slowing down and you you shouldn't be training so intensely, maybe it's time to listen to your body. (I'm 44 btw)

  11. Good news at last. Now if the rest of the other 989 operators left, can join him in an eternal reunion, this will indeed be a joyous day.

    What an absolute pr@#k you are, you know nothing about this man who took his own life, I'll be hoping you have a fatal car accident over the weekend and I'll be laughing at the loved ones you've left behind who are distraught.

  12. "Either way would be interesting to know why the monk's car would be veering into the path of other vehicles.."

    Hummm, let me take a really wild guess here. Perhaps due to a DRUNK MONK?

    I doubt if he was drunk but he might of had a different habit.
    2 very disrespful posts, your like a pair of old women chatting over the fence making shit up because you've got nothing else to do with your boring lives, just remember a man has lost his life!
    He killed himself you idiot.

    Please excuse me for being an idiot, I obviously misread the article because I couldn't see anything that said it was suicide, I thought it might of been possible that he had a heart attack, fell asleep at the wheel or some other reason, I didn't know he killed himself.

  13. "Either way would be interesting to know why the monk's car would be veering into the path of other vehicles.."

    Hummm, let me take a really wild guess here. Perhaps due to a DRUNK MONK?

    I doubt if he was drunk but he might of had a different habit.

    2 very disrespful posts, your like a pair of old women chatting over the fence making shit up because you've got nothing else to do with your boring lives, just remember a man has lost his life!

  14. Driving drunk or not I've had 4 serious accidents here in Pattaya on my scooter. The last one I was going back to hotel (after dinner and a few beers) down a one way street and a drunk thai going wrong way on the same street hit me head on. I suffered a minor concussion and my wife lost vision in one eye and banged up her elbow pretty badly. Regardless I paid the drunk thai guy 2000 baht and got back on the bike and we went to the hospital the next day. In hindsight I could of walked over to soi 9 police box (we were on soi 10) but in the back of my mind the farang is always wrong here.

    Maybe if you hadn't had 'A FEW BEERS' after dinner you would of been more alert and aware of your surroundings.

    Think there's a lesson to be learnt....DONT DRINK AND DRIVE

    Got sidetracked there. My point is between the potholes you can't see when it rains and the unpredictable-ability of Thais don't ride the scooters here. I still ride them to get to the gym once a day but after all these accidents I'm 41 with two herniated discs and terrible sciatica down my right leg. I was a successful lawyer at home now after 5 concussions my memory isn't great and your personality permanently changes after too many head injuries.

    Be careful all on these scooters. I love driving them but be aware of the consequences driving them, especially drunk.

  15. Sometimes i have a few drinks anddrive home ,in the UK i would get a ban ,here nothing ,i will say i never drive if 'drunk" but i do drive at a modest speed on the inside lane if i have drunk anything ,i cannot understand how you can drink heavilly and then race around like a lunatic ,which by the state of the car this guy was doing.

    Oh dear. I give you full marks for honesty but zero marks for logic and a big fail for social responsibility.

    Why do you think you might get banned in the uk got driving after a few drinks?

    I hope you get caught, tested and banned (or deported) before you kill someone here.

    Don't need another foreigner to add to an already big local problem.

    Calm down...

    He said he had a few drinks....

    I had one beer last summer before my dinner, and afterwards I drove my son to a friend's house.

    Forgot to turn on the lights, got stopped, and asked if I had been drinkng. I said yes, one beer before my meal one hour ago.

    He said he would ask for a breathaliser, since I had a teen with me

    The result was about .01, or just about no alcool in my blood.

    I thought then he should not have used the breathaliser, as it indicated that even if I drive responsibly, I could haver had at least one more beer...

    I agree with doggie, your comment is ridiculous.

    I hope this never happens but if your son was killed by someone who'd 'JUST HAD A FEW DRINKS' and your world had been shattered, would I be ok to say to you 'calm down the driver only had a few drinks'! PATHETIC!!

    It's a fact that one drink impairs your reactions and everybody has a different tolerance level.

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