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Posts posted by toybits

  1. This will cause a lot of resentment from those who did not do anything wrong but cannot get access to seed money like these people. They will say, with a lot of resentment behind their breath "Oh! How fortunate they are! Here we are, clean as a whistle and we can't get money like they did. Perhaps, we should also become drug addicts, go through rehab and avail of that seed money ourselves?" Why do I say this? Because we had a project very similar to this (albeit a different type of problem).

  2. Just returned from Amnat Charoen and Ubol. Really cold and windy.. The type of wind you normally would expect of a Typhoon... Just relentless wind - almost like wading in a fast flowing river or creek. Sure it's not Everest Cold but for locals, this is cold.

    Back in Chiang Rai, it is also cold. 9 deg. celcius today and overcast with some light showers. Took my motorbike to return home in light rain last night. Regret not having my gloves because my fingers were really getting ice cold.

  3. thailand gets more like the USA every day

    sad, tragic and unnecessary

    Wow, took 47 posts to finally get to USA bashing. Must be some kind of record. I am from USA, and risk of getting shot for no reason much higher here.

    I totally agree. THis is a much more dangerous place than the US. At leas in the U.S. a lot of crime like this is in the shitty parts of town and you can avoid those areas. Unfortunately in Thailand, all parts of town are shitty. Even mixed in the nice places in the sois of high-end Thong Lor, you have people living in huts with corrugated roofs. I've been here for 12 years and I've never seen a "nice area" without blight anywhere in this country. I live in a high-end mooban, but as soon as I step outside to the sois on the left and right we have trash.

    What's your point - only the poor and impoverished are violent criminals who use gun crime to rob, assault and murder?

    What would you do, create lovely expat zones for all those above a certain wealth with only servants allowed in from the lowly poor Asians?

    Terrible they allow such riff-raf to live near your expensive exclusive Mooban.

    Do some research, or get one of your lackeys to do it, and you'll see how much gun crime is carried out my wealthy, elite, well connected hiso types.

    Or are you one of those reprehensible people that judges a person on wealth?

    No! The Rich have Ferraris and Mercedez Benz cars to mow down poor motorists - including cops BTW... And get away with it.

  4. Thailand is a tropical country and receives lots of rainfall. Rainwater should be harvested and stored in cisterns during the rainy months and used during the dry season for drinking and cooking. Washing and other domestic uses of water can use a less clean source of water such as surface water from ponds, creeks, rivers or lakes. Shallow wells can also be used for washing and flushing toilets.

    Digging wells as suggested in the OP will cause serious problems in the future. Those who suggested it don't care because it will be the future administrators problems to deal with. Very short-sighted, this plan is....

  5. When you study animal behaviour and observe the effect of crowding on a population - you might see similarities. RIP to those who lost their lives. We must do something to reduce human population. NO, I am not suggesting that we exterminate each other.

    Population of Tokyo over 35 million

    Population of Bangkok say 8 million

    Murder rate in Bangkok 4 in 100,000

    Murder rate in Tokyo less than 1.

    That equates to about 8 times less with a density 4 times more.

    Better get a new theory . . . or think a bit more clearly

    Maggusoil, please read Peteregion's reply. You might find it quite interesting. Oh, and Tokyo has a fantastic train system which Bangkok could only dream of. Japanese are also much more cultured and disciplined. And their CCTVs ACTIUALLY WORK!!!

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