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Posts posted by toybits

  1. Just talked to some men doing road survey work at the Irrigation road behind the TOT office along the superhighway at San Sai (near the National Housing Authority - Karn Keha housing project.). They said that it was going to be for the 18 km west ring road that comes out near Ban Du - actually, the intersection going to the New Airport.

  2. To uphold the sanctity of the vote - the government must prevent outside forces from usurping power illegally. It must guarantee that people are allowed to vote freely and without intimidation. It must be color blind. The constitution cannot have clauses that subvert the will of the people. If the CDC can make that happen, then they can give themselves a pat in the back.

  3. WHAT?? Reward these criminals for breaking the law? Preposterious! Ludicrous!! (Ridiculous has already been used in a previous post). Someone should investigate if those government officials who endorsed the compensation have vested interests in these illegal fishing fleets. But they might want to publish those findings annonymously lest they risk being treated like that Reuter's journalist.

  4. "European Parliament expresses its concern at “deteriorating human rights situation in Thailand following the illegal coup of May 2014” and urges the Thai authorities to lift repressive restrictions on the rights to liberty, and the peaceful exercise of other human rights. It calls on the Thai authorities to overturn convictions and sentences, to withdraw charges and to release individuals and media people who have been sentenced or charged for peacefully exercising their rights to freedom of expression or assembly."

    Well... This really says it all. Nuff said... It's beginning to look like someone has just painted himself into a corner. Opps! Did it again...

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