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Everything posted by jack71

  1. why was it not peaceful. Please share this experience with us
  2. I woke up at 8am and decided to go for a walk/ run down beach road. At most of the bars, there was one old guy drinking a beer. I was a bit shocked to see this. Recently I went for a late breakfast 1130am with an old POM friend of mine whose aged in 70s. We walked into a bar/rest' and he saw the fridge with beers in it. He couldn't help himself. He ordered a full English breakfast but didnt drink the hot tea included. What time do you have your first one. Are you in control of your habit?
  3. If you got a fine there on your thai license would you have to pay that?
  4. whats the website for that? Or does one apply from the motherland country only? Or is there 1 place everyone applies?
  5. Im over here long term now and have no intention to ever live back in the mother country. My drivers/ bike license from the mother land will expire early next year. I have my Thai drivers and bike license which I renewed last year. I cannot remember if I had to show my DL from back home. I think I didn't. Is that correct? To renew thai DL one doesnt need to show the DL from Western country? Im sure I only showed my passport So in my circumstances should I just let my current DL expire? In worse case scenario, if I ever did have to move back home, I could just re apply for a new one. If I ever wanted to rent a car, in Europe for example, would they accept a thai DL? Or do they require International DL thanks
  6. what a waste of time. are you from a nanny state. Always abide by the rules?
  7. But they are all sh%t coins. You cannot compare them to bitcoin at all. Ridiculous comment.
  8. If you go to the old approval letter that was granting the 3 year visa doesn't it say something along the lines of the fact that the visa holder must be out of the country before the expiry date? If I were you I would send a copy of that letter/ info via email to the Oz consulate in bkk and ask them for an answer.
  9. I live in another province of Thailand and visit Bangkok once a month. In the next year or 2 I intend to apply for Thai citizenship and understand that I need to get an address in Central Bangkok in order to apply at the special branch office in Siam. I intend to move my yellow book to the new address. If I wanted a small studio condo in Asoke / Nana area how much would I be paying. What reputable websites should I look at? Do landlords allow yellow books being updated on their property? I read somewhere that some of them dont like this at all. thanks
  10. please provide pricing if you have time. thanks
  11. Ive been here 7 to 8 years. Im well above beginners level in general conversation but finding it tough to improve more. My wife doesnt have time and is a poor teacher anyway. I should practice more with my kid but forget most of the time. I had a good teacher a few years ago but I started to fancy her a bit and think she noticed; and due to fear of something happening as a married man I quit her services. She was a good teacher and I cant find anyone as good as her actually. I have a new teacher now and she's been helping me learn the thai alphabet. She is also quite pretty but Im trying to concentrate on the language. I have 1 lesson a week with her. In 3 to 4 months Ive nearly memorised the whole alphabet. I spend 30min a day at my kids school whilst waiting for pickup. I test myself 2 ways. I have a list of all letters and can remember how to say them all. Also I have the list written down eg Gor gai, etc, etc. I can write each letter down correctly. Question is should I move onto memorising and saying the thai consonants? And then learn to read? Or should I move onto solely learning conversational thai. I want to apply for thai citizenship in a year or two. Need to improve that. Should I try an online tutor? Does that work? All I can say is that learning a language like this is great for memory training. Im exercising the brain everyday in this regard. If I can do it anyone can. Any suggestions are appreciated.
  12. We have an existing system installed 4 yrs ago. Some of the cameras are having issues and malfunction a bit. I tried to get the old company to come and take a look but they never turn up. I ended up sending them a message saying I will use another company. I wanted to know are they able to control the cameras on the cloud using their admin credentials on my cctv system? If I want to change companies should we be asking them for admin passwords etc? I wanted to upgrade the cameras. Last time he was out he said he checked our recorder device can use with 5mp infared camera but not support full color bc the new firmware of camera has changed. If we want much better quality cameras can I assume that we have to upgrade the box device. Do they have to change ALL the wiring? thanks
  13. I've been registered at this same address in the yellow book tabian bahn for several years I think Ive never had to show a copy of it when applying for my yearly renewal of marriage visa and work permit. I cant remember to be honest. I think I tried giving them a copy but they didnt want it. Am I correct in assuming that if I want to change the address (of my yellow book) to a friends bangkok address to thus satisfy the requirement for applying for Citizenship in bangkok..... it should not be a problem? My wifes blue book tabian bahn would be at our home address but my yellow book would be a bangkok address. Any issues for me? thanks
  14. If by metal you mean corrogated iron then you will 100% have to remove the ugly old tiles. Can we assume theres wooden rafters/ beams under the current tiled room supporting it? If so then the new corrogated iron roof will be screwed into that. But first you should lay the insulation sheeting down and then put the iron on top. Must use the insulation. Years ago I didnt do it and had mouldy ceilings a few yrs later. Fixed it by laying the thick insulation in the ceiling above the gypsum.
  15. well said sir
  16. Ive been going to Sukhumvit soi 11 for many years and noticed the vibe has changed there now. Its quite a happening place there now- to say the least. I counted at least 10 of the small trucks (that open up on the side) selling weed to customers. Many of the sellers lighting up themselves. Of course there are many retail shops open as well now. Nearby in that soi where Nana plaza is there was some sort of altercation opposite in the car park area. I watched 6 policeman walking to that area to sort something out. 3 others stayed on the street. Really close by there were tourists smoking joints. The police dont care at all. Close to soi 11 there was a row of girlie bars in the street. On the end was a weed bar with chairs and tables. Tourists smoking joints. Amsterdam, by comparison, has to be fairly boring now compared to whats on offer in Bangkok. Is this all good for Thailand?? Personally I think not.
  17. I was recently diagnosed with narrow angle on both eyes. Dr said the risk of doing nothing is 'angle closure glaucoma' 5 to 8% risk. Dr said I could do laser which makes a hole to bypass fluid and widen the angle. Near 30k baht Or I could do Lense replacement surgery. Low risks of complication. Only severe infection can cause issues but rare. This surgery would widen the angle and improve vision. What do you think I should do? If you have done either please report below. thanks
  18. Yeah, do that if you dont mind the overweight ugly ladies who have the bad attitude.
  19. You might feel different in the final moments.
  20. Lisa on the beach (just up from the Hilton) has a really good band. Hot tuna on walking street always has a good band. thats all I ever go to
  21. Glad to hear that you got through it. The virus is so hit and miss. Completely different impacts for different people. Sounds like you are high risk and perhaps should be taking extra precautions. It didnt effect me much at all and thus Im not wearing masks anywhere now. If I experienced what you went through I would still be wearing a mask everywhere.
  22. Prior to making daft comments please do your research. Its still a pandemic. https://www.lung.org/blog/epidemic-pandemic-endemic-covid
  23. We just found out 2 of our staff have covid. Actually they are married. They work in different departments in our business. So what is the moral obligation now. Obviously they will have time off. But do we have to call our customers that might have been in contact? All staff and customers wear masks when visiting our business. Do we just keep our business open and 'on with the show'? i.e. keep things running with staff that dont have the plague? Or do we close down for a week? I think its all played down now and obviously the virus not a dangerous virulent. Im over this.... thanks post edit: Just found out that they both went to the small government clinic in their village. The officer/ nurse told them if their symptoms are minimal then they can return to work wearing a mask.
  24. I cannot believe that Thailand has gone from zero tolerance to virtually anything goes re Marijuana. I was walking around various areas of Sukhumvit and smelled pot many times. I walked past one weed shop and there was a tourist smoking a joint inside the shop in full view of everyone else. Anyone could see this from the road to inside the shop. I also watched a couple of guys smoking a joint on the street. I noticed a small utility truck with a sign advertising the sale of the green stuff. A guy was smoking near it. Basically Thailands amazing health minister Anutin has passed a law with NO guidance, no advice or processes describing what people are allowed to do. He says he intended it only for medical purposes but now it has resulted in this new narco state. I think its all a bit of a joke that a future PM can do this so easily. The way its going I think we will see smoking cafes similar to Amsterdam next year in Bangkok. Why not... the laws are so loose here. We will see a huge increase in pot head tourists coming here for holidays. Thoughts....
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