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Posts posted by Seligne2

  1. There is every reason to believe that BKK can be the locus of conventions, international organisations, NGOs, symposia and  the like.


    But the reason is not one the government acknowledges.


    BKK is attractive because it offers relatively cheap sex with partners of every gender and specialty, booze, drugs, massage, etc.


    Already the Internet gives groups the ability to convene electronically, but convention-goers want to get away from home at someone else's expense and party.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Enoon said:



    Not much chance of that:


    This major corruption scandal took place from 1991-2005.


    It looks like the deal with THAI was cut very early in this period:


    "Captain Yothin Phamornmontri, THAI’s former executive vice president operations, said the national airline started using Rolls-Royce engines when it purchased Boeing 777-200s, a new model at that time. This aircraft model was designed to be suitable with only two brands of engines made by the US’s GE and Rolls-Royce." 

    "The first Boeing 777 with Trent 800 engines flew in May 1995, and entered service with Thai Airways International on 31 March 1996."


    That means that for most of the period (until 2001) the government in Thailand was being run by the "approved" people.


    Approved by the "good" people.


    The ones that the Army likes to protect, because they are so very "good".



    This is what Section 44 is for.

  3. 3 hours ago, IMA_FARANG said:

    I doubt one Griffin jet fighter repersents a signifigant porportion of the Thai Air forces fighting potential.

    I am sorry for the young man who died, but i do know several USAF fighter pilots and their training and medical history is quite harsh and they undergo repeated testing.

    To include regular centrifuge tests to check the ability to tolerate high G turns.

    It is a serious thing, and can change with age and flight hours and high G stress.

    There was one USAf pilot who stopped flying that i knew when on a routine high G centrafuge test he passed out.

    The doctors said they would clear him for futher flights, but he vouluntarily left flying status.

    He was just married for a year whrn he passed out and his wife was pregnant with his son.

    At that point he decided to take a non flying job, as his child was more important to him than flying.

    Last time I heard from him he had a 5 year old son.

    He loved flying, but he had his priorities also.

    Flying high speed fighters is a young man's or women"s game, and it takes it's physical toll on you.





    RTAF had 12 Gripen jets. Now has 11. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/national/30304127

  4. 3 hours ago, HerbalEd said:

    If you're only "vaguely aware that smart phone are more than just phones" how do you know "there is nothing you can do an an iPhone that cannot be done on a phone costing a quarter the price."??? 


    BTW, your last statement is incorrect. Don't talk so definitively about a subject about which you yourself admit you are "vaguely aware."

    Why don't you look up the meaning of "sarcasm" on your iPhone.

  5. 5 hours ago, does said:

    It would appear that the commenters are not familiar with the principle of the Sufficiency Economy. At least their crude and superficial comments makes it easy to come to this conclusion.


    If you don't know what it is, why bother to comment. If you know what it is, discuss it on the merits or lack thereof. Is that too much to ask?

    Would you kindly explain it in 100 or fewer words?

  6. 2 hours ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

    If you make a statement "heaviest rain in 30 years", like in the article, it includes rain in all seasons doesn't it? You can look up rainfall data and you will see that rain is common in the southern areas this time of year, Nakhon Si Thammarat get 6 inches rain on average during January.  This year the rain is more severe and have moved up more north than normal, but about 3 years ago Chumphon also had floods in the "dry season". People just tend to forget what happened a few years back. As for climate change - the climate is for ever changing and thus by implication we are always experiencing climate changes. As for what is causing that change is another matter. But don't confuse weather changes with climate change.

    Climate is the aggregation of weather patterns over a significant period.  Climates have changed in the past, but the contemporary alteration of the composition of the atmosphere is without precedent in terms of its extent and the rapidity of the change. We are unsure what the changes in atmospheric composition will bring, but the odds are that they won't be beneficial.

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