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Si Thea01

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Posts posted by Si Thea01

  1. 9 hours ago, jaywalker said:

    The Pattaya BIB must be shaking in their boots. They'll have to arrest themselves, which not only means work , but that they'll have to haul themselves in to jail.


    Na, they just ask themselves to report and like most other things this will be forgotten or overlooked in a few days and life will return to normal.  And before they can effect an arrest they will have to know where they are and you know how difficult it is for them to locate criminals here or anywhere else for that matter, so I cannot see how they would know where they were in order to arrest themselves. :wai:

  2. Hardly news.  If it was then I could start a newspaper with so many reports of similar driving from persons in charge of trucks, buses, pickups, motorcycles, even buffaloes, between Loei and Udon Thani.  And the near misses are closer than this one.  Just put it down to experience and thank god that you weren't hit.   It pays, when driving in any country, to learn how to be evasive when in charge of any vehicle.  Keep a look out at least 200 metres in front, continually check all rear view mirrors and watch to the sides as well.  It will help your survival rate heaps.  Reporting them, nothing will happen so why cause yourself grief.:wai:

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  3. 30 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    The western world doesn't care about her adultery, it's called 'no fault divorce'.

    Your reading her emails will be considered 'unreasonable behaviour' and are grounds for divorce in themselves.


    If you have children under 16 years old, she'll get the house and 100% custody ...... nothing you can do.


    Not quite correct.  In Canada, apparently, there are two avenues. The first, as you stated, "No Fault", the second is "For Fault" where adultery and/or cruelty form the grounds.  Rather than going into the lot, I will attach the link to the Canadian laws, and I strongly suggest that the OP take time out and read it, then if he wants to do what he wants to do, there is even a spot when he can click onto in order to hire a lawyer.


    Evidently, for No fault divorce, a 1 year separation is required and the cost, apparently is a lost less  than the cost of For Fault, so it would be practical and less of a financial strain to take the former, forget the latter, as it, in the end, it will have no bearing on what the court decides insofar as custody or property settlement. :wai:




  4. 13 hours ago, JRUSA said:

    Rained at my condo this afternoon..

    I am around 60 k's west of BKK, rain nearly every night, a little on and off during the days.  Also some extraordinary lightening and thunder shows during the night. The latter is so loud that it shakes the house and starts the dog off, which he does not normally do.  We have been lucky on so far as black outs, only getting them spasmodically, in the early hours of the morning and they last about an hour at the most. :wai:

  5. 6 hours ago, restart67 said:


    I know that Canada and Australia are very much alike in many things, other than the freezing cold (55) as they are still, in some way, attached to mother England.  However, I have no idea as to the laws, sorry.  I would suggest for you to do your own research but given the similarities and that both our countries derived and enacted a lot of the laws based upon the English Common Law, then they could have more similarities than I am aware of.


    Just check yourself and look for a good lawyer, if divorce is your intention. If you have no illegal intent, your wife knows you have access and has not withdrawn it or prohibited you from that access, than, IMO, you are OK but please check just to safeguard yourself, as not all situations are the same and different aspects may apply.:wai:


  6. It would help if one knew what country you were in, in order for someone to provide advise.  In, NSW, Australia, as long as you have access to her account, and it was agreed upon, you have not committed any offense, providing you are not using the content for illegal purposes.


    Also, her consent, perceived or otherwise, which you will have to prove, will negate any breach of privacy.  The object of the exercise is to discredit her testimony and prove that any allegations against you are false, and that she, is in fact, the one who has caused the marriage breakdown.  Unfortunately, in most cases in NSW, it is the woman who they take to be the aggrieved,  not the man.


    Under the family law court jurisdiction, your lawyer can gain access to the emails if they are substantive in content, are relevant and will assist in proving you case.  However, if you are somewhere else, then as someone suggested, Google that country's laws and then get yourself a bloody good lawyer.


    Will cost you but at least it will give you peace of mind knowing where you stand, especially if children and financials are involved.  There, if a divorce is granted, the proceeds are normally 60/40, the higher to the woman and they normally gain  custody of the children. :wai:

  7. 17 hours ago, peperobi said:

    That is the absolute best solution, especially in case you like to attract more tourists and investors!!! Good!

    Rubbish.  Oh, forgive the pun.  So are you going to invest in the new gas plant? (methane) :wai:

  8. Just wait until the decomposing rubbish starts to emit methane gas.  What a mob of unintelligent twits, glad I don't live there.  :bah:  But wait, maybe I am being too harsh, they could be starting a methane gas plant to help in solving the local energy crisis.  Gosh, could I be that wrong?      :sorry:     Doubt it. :wai:

  9. 16 hours ago, jimster said:

    Such a big deal because of marijuana, what a joke. It should just be legalized already - a substance that is safer than alcohol and tobacco yet the latter two are legal (though already restricted in terms of how/where they can be sold and consumed) but it's weed that's illegal? Makes no sense at all (I know some of the reasons why, which I won't get into here), but I digress.


    Anyway, in these types of situations, it's best to reach an agreement with the arresting officer quickly before it escalates. That usually involves quite a bit of money, which backpackers usually don't have. That's obviously too late for this kid though.


    I think if wants to do some weed again on his travels in the future, he might want to look at Cambodia (the islands), Laos (4 thousand islands, previously also Vang Vieng but probably not anymore), Nepal or India, where law enforcement is more lax and there's more of a weed culture than in Thailand where the authorities are cleaning the place up and is moving upmarket so quickly it's becoming increasingly difficult to imagine Thailand as having once been a backpacker haven where these sorts of things were a rite of passage.

    The unfortunate part for this person is that he did not engage his brain before taking an illegal substance.  No matter what your opinion is of whether is should be legal of not, it ain't at the moment and may not be.  And yes, people do make mistakes, some just bigger ones than others and could pay dearly for it.


    Here he is, in enough ditty at the moment and you want to provide advice that if he wants to break the law again, then he should do it here or there.  Fair dinkum, some people really leave a lot to be desired and are obviously in the same brain camp, or lack of them, as this young bloke, who unfortunately, has decided Thailand is the place where he has his little puffs.  Doesn't really matter how much he had, it is illegal and if he can't stay of the stuff, then don't go on holidays.  Just look at the mess he is in.


    As some have said, get himself a lawyer one who can speak and understand English because there is a difference, as obviously he doesn't speak Thai, and hopefully the lawyer can deal with the BIB without the matter going to court and the young bloke having his stay delayed any more than is necessary.:wai:

  10. Wow.  Three pages of positives.  It makes it worthwhile when one can see that people really do appreciate what some branches of the BIB are capable of. Many have been critical in the past, and justifiably so but and is pleasing to see that some, who were that way inclined, have adjusted their thinking and now accept that some coppers are trying and are accepting that racial profiling is a very special tool in the police arsenal.  Keep up the good work BIB. I, for one, understand the difficulties and know that not all are corrupt. :wai:

  11. 12 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Actually a certain meteorological phenomenon is more accurately applied to the whiners protesting about the players' demonstrations. Your poor little feelings are hurt? And you think it's not nice of the big bad football players to be offending you? Grow up and a pair while you're at it. One of the great things about the USA is that you have the right to say and do things that hurt other people's feelings.

    As an outsider I watch and read with interest most of what is played out on here.  Free speech, which fits into most democracies, can sometimes be a bane and may well illustrate why there is such a divide in the USA, given how it causes so much disdain there and even on here.  And the only reason I raised this as you raised the, is it, the first amendment of the USA Constitution.  One thing I didn't read is that it gives someone the right to do things and say things that hurt feelings of others.  I may be wrong, maybe you could point this specific aspect out if I am.  Thanks. :wai:

  12. 4 hours ago, diddygq said:

    Every verdict here in Thailand is decided before the trial starts.  

    Not quite true.  Have you ever had any dealings with the legal system here, I have and  I can assure that in my case, the verdict had not been reached as you alleged.  I had to call witnesses, give evidence myself, the defendant called his witnesses.  Guess what, I won and the defendant was Thai.  The same was afforded to Yingluck but evidently she lost.


    Now, I was not privy to any of the evidence or the rebuttals that Yingluck was entitled to present and I doubt if anyone else on here was either, so all the hype is based on pure supposition, maybe hearsay or what has been read in newspapers or presented by other various media outlets


    I am not aware if her disappearance was condoned or arranged by the current government or who was actually involved but she has disappeared, which, by all accounts, does not stand well for her.  I do hope however, nothing untoward has befallen her. :wai:

  13. 1 hour ago, Ace of Pop said:

    Neither have i, but you dont  have to change the plates.An agent will give you all the info anyway, not the  "Wifes Brother said" info that too many post here as :partytime2:

    What agent?  Why would I need one?  I can speak Thai, don't need an interpreter, just need to find someone in the DLT, who knows what they are talking about.:wai:

  14. 3 hours ago, johng said:

    You have 2 choices 

    1 go change the name in Bangkok ( they might require a residence certificate  with address in BKK could be difficult to get)

    2 go to your local main DLT and tell them you want to "move" the car to Nakhon Pathom province  come back at a later date and collect new number plates and then change names at the local DLT


    I've got no idea what idea what Ace of Pop is waffling on about :biggrin:

    Thanks for the advice but the car is mine and the blue book is solely in my name.  It is only the address I want changed.  I don't want to change the plates just for the sake of on an address.  I will front up again and ask a few more questions, maybe speak to a different person.  You know, different branches, different rules, maybe different person, different outcome.  It's just the bloody inconvenience.


    I've already been to the main branch, it was there that I was told to go to BKK.  I have all the necessary documents so I have no idea why but I will contact the original dealer in Loei to find out how they accomplished registering it in BKK, when I did not have an address there.   Thanks again. :wai:

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